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※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-01-02 18:42:55
看板 Gossiping
作者 Grotesque41J (就愛41J)
標題 [新聞] 青少女自殺炸彈客在奈及利亞自爆
時間 Mon Jan  2 13:24:57 2017

Teenage female suicide bomber killed in Maiduguri blast
January 1, 2017Abdulkareem Haruna

A teenage girl was killed on Saturday night in Maiduguri following an
explosion from an improvised explosive device she was wearing on her body, an
official and witnesses said.

The explosion occurred around the popular Customs area of Maiduguri which

used to be busy during the day.

Sources who saw the shattered remains of the suspected Boko Haram suicide
bomber said the girl could be about 15 years old.

The explosion occurred at about 9 p.m. on Saturday at the time traffic was
easing in the area.

“She was the only one that died in the explosion”, said Abba Sheriff, a
witness who lives around Customs area.

The Borno police public relations officer, Victor Isuku, confirmed the
incident but could not provide more details.
◎官方人員Victor Isuku證實這件事,但不能提供各多細節

“Information reaching me now is that there was an explosion at custom area”
, he said.

“Preliminary details available is that only the suicide bomber affected.
However, standby for details soonest”.

Customs area of Maiduguri lies along the Maiduguri-Gamboru road where the
Muna Garage park that has been severally attacked by suicide bombers, is
◎該區域有一個Muna Garage公園曾經也被自殺炸彈客攻擊過

Teenage female suicide bomber killed in Maiduguri blast - Premium Times Nigeria
"She was the only one that died in the explosion," a witness said. ...


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1OQUGh9Q (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1483334699.A.25A.html
qwple3041: 真廢1F 01/02 13:25
Zenonia: 五樓肥宅走路自爆2F 01/02 13:25
kennysury2: 三寶飯3F 01/02 13:25
MikeConley: 一定是被五樓告白想不開 幫QQ4F 01/02 13:25
lmf770410: 死一位...?5F 01/02 13:25
arrenwu: Vi出來發言了喔? 怎麼不是凱特琳6F 01/02 13:25
fuhu66: 一個女生要一堆處女幹嘛7F 01/02 13:26
linceass: 只炸死自己 算是有良知了8F 01/02 13:26
GreatHong: 伊斯蘭國家9F 01/02 13:26
maxboy06: 阿拉在天堂準備好72個包莖處男等著她10F 01/02 13:26
Bastain: 奈及利亞在非洲吧  跟敘利亞無關11F 01/02 13:27
翻錯了抱歉 眼睛看著奈及利亞打出敘利亞...
heavensun: 可利亞在東亞12F 01/02 13:28
※ 編輯: Grotesque41J (, 01/02/2017 13:30:27
snocia: 奈及利亞不是伊斯蘭國家。它北部多穆斯林,南部多基督徒13F 01/02 13:35
Ilat: 新北不意外14F 01/02 13:35
EPGo: 推翻譯新聞~15F 01/02 13:45

※ 看板: terievv 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 230 
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