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※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2016-03-10 16:37:25
看板 Gossiping
作者 Pony5566 (Luna Akbar)
標題 [新聞] 埃及打算禁止女性在公共場合穿戴罩袍面紗
時間 Thu Mar 10 16:18:47 2016

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Egypt drafts bill to ban burqa and Islamic veils in public places

※ 社論特稿都不能貼! 違者退文,貼廣告也會被退文喔!
The Egyptian parliament is drafting a law banning women from wearing the
niqab veil. The ban will apply to wearing the clothing in public places and
government institutions, it has been reported.

The full-face veil is worn by some followers of Islam and typically covers
all of the wearer’s face other than their eyes. The clothing is common in
Egypt which is a predominantly Muslim country.

MP Amna Nosseir, professor of comparative jurisprudence at Al-Azhar
University, who has backed the ban, said that wearing the veil is not a
requirement of Islam and in fact has non-Islamic origins. She has argued that
it is a Jewish tradition which appeared in the Arabian Peninsula prior to
Islam and that a variety of Quran passages contradict its use. Instead, she
has advocated that the Quran calls for modest clothing and covered hair, but
does not require facial covering.

A number of restrictions have been placed on wearing the niqab in Egypt in
recent years. In February, Cairo University banned nurses and doctors from
wearing it in medical schools and in teaching hospitals, arguing the ban
would: “protect patients’ rights and interests.”

In September of last year, the university also banned academic staff from
wearing the niqab in classrooms in response to complaints from students that
it was too difficult for niqab wearers to communicate effectively with

簡單來說呢 埃及議會正在起草一項禁止婦女在公共場合及政府機關穿戴罩袍和面紗的

支持這項法案的女議員 在Al-Azhar 大學擔任比較法教授的Amna Nosseir表示 要求女性
穿戴面紗並不是伊斯蘭的傳統 而是猶太教的 且不少可蘭經內的片段和穿戴面紗的要求

相衝突 她表示可蘭經中只有要求穿著適當的服裝並且遮住頭髮 並沒有要求須要遮住面容

在這之前 埃及已經有不少的地方禁止女性穿戴罩袍

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Egypt drafts bill to ban burqa and Islamic veils in public places | Africa | News | The Independent
The Egyptian parliament is drafting a law banning women from wearing the niqab veil. The ban will apply to wearing the clothing in public places and government institutions, it has been reported.
 The full-face veil is worn by some followers of Islam and typically covers all of the wearer’ ...


※ 一個人一天只能張貼一則新聞,被刪或自刪也算額度內超貼者水桶,請注意
這次埃及和法國前幾年通過的法案很像 禁的只有burqa 和niqab這種會把整個臉包住的
只有包頭髮 臉還能露出來的像hijab chador等等就沒有禁止

腦殘伊斯蘭左粉表示: 埃及議會打壓伊斯蘭教 叭叭  埃及人不尊重伊斯蘭傳統

kimgordon:我台灣政權 都不放台灣憲法跟國名 改用舊中國憲法跟國號09/05 15:46
kimgordon:這兩個配起來非常棒 最好再推行大中國認同
 justjihyun:那就是外來政權了吧..                                 09/05 15:48
kimgordon:不是外來政權 這個台灣政權 治理起來跟中國政權90%很像09/05 15:49
pusufu:那就是中國政權阿幹09/05 15:50

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1MuIthtI (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1457597931.A.DD2.html
※ 編輯: Pony5566 (, 03/10/2016 16:19:35
rain92315: 野外露出1F 03/10 16:19
※ 編輯: Pony5566 (, 03/10/2016 16:20:06
watashiD: 我覺得還是穿好了...伊斯蘭教看到臉就強暴人2F 03/10 16:20
Howard61313: 伊斯蘭粉如果不知道埃及是伊斯蘭教國家,那也太北七3F 03/10 16:20
qaaq0008: 推簽名檔4F 03/10 16:20
yuneck: handjob5F 03/10 16:20
Andy5566: 很好 搞不懂非沙漠地區的人民是在戴三小面紗6F 03/10 16:20
am712: 沙烏地:......7F 03/10 16:21
tvb444: 埃及是沙漠地區啊8F 03/10 16:22
roc074: good9F 03/10 16:22
KangSuat: 以前的女法老有戴面紗嗎?10F 03/10 16:22
web946719: 進步11F 03/10 16:24
justadog: 希望以後不會有"守法"的女性被爸爸哥哥燒死12F 03/10 16:25
andy02: 沙漠地區還是要帶吧y13F 03/10 16:27
infantry3900: 沙烏地是瓦哈比,不是伊斯蘭14F 03/10 16:27
am712: 法老? 法老前後被打爆很多次 埃及原住民很多是正教15F 03/10 16:28
Howard61313: 日本是瓦沙比16F 03/10 16:28
am712: 瓦哈比是很極端沒錯 但也是遜尼的一支 人家還有兩大聖地17F 03/10 16:29

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