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作者 標題 [新聞] 墨西哥前總統向川普道歉
時間 Thu May 5 13:51:51 2016
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Ex-Mexican President Vicente Fox apologies to Trump for using F-word on ‘
wall proposal’
※ 社論特稿都不能貼! 違者退文,貼廣告也會被退文喔!
Former Mexican President Vicente Fox has apologized to Donald Trump, who he
scolded earlier this year for proposing the construction of a wall between
Mexico and the US, while comparing the now-presumed GOP presidential nominee
to Hitler.
“I apologize. Forgiveness is one of the greatest qualities that human beings
have, is the quality of a compassionate leader. You have to be humble. You
have to be compassionate. You have to love thy neighbor,” Fox told Breitbart
News in an exclusive interview in Santa Monica, California.
To show his sincerity, the former Mexican leader invited Trump to come to
Mexico and see the county for himself.
“I don’t think he should follow the strategy of attacking others, offending
others, to get to his purpose. There are other ways and means of doing it,”
Fox stressed, adding, “I invite him to come to Mexico and to see what
Mexico is all about.”
In February, Fox said Trump had offended Mexicans by proposing that a wall be
built along the US-Mexican border – and on Mexico’s dime to boot.
“I’m not going to pay for that f***ing wall,” Fox said in an interview
with CNN.
He then went as far as comparing the Republican presumptive nominee to Adolf
Hitler, saying that Trump would take the US “back to the old days of
conflict, war and everything.”
Donald Trump responded to Fox via Twitter, demanding an apology.
At the time, Fox told CNN that there would be none forthcoming, but he has
now clearly reconsidered, while leaving the door open for Trump to do the
“Love your nation. Love the world,” he said. “Yes, I’m humble enough as
leadership be, [a] compassionate leader. If I offended you, I’m sorry. But
what about the other way around?”
Fox has stressed that trade between the US and Mexico is important, stressing
that America primarily benefits from Mexican labor.
He has called on Trump to be more responsible in his rhetoric, and even
extended his hand to convince him to “think intelligently” about trade and
other issues.
簡單來說呢 今年二月的時候墨西哥前總統Fox對於川普的蓋牆政見表示"拎北才不會幫那
座去你媽的牆付錢嘞" 並且在之後還拿川普和希特勒做對比
之後川普在推特上要求他道歉 而他當時回覆表示"不可能"
不過就在昨天的專訪中 他向川普道歉了"對於之前那些攻擊性的言語 我向他道歉 做為
一個領導者要有同理心 希望他也能體認到這點"
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Ex-Mexican President Vicente Fox apologies to Trump for using F-word on ‘wall proposal’ — RT America
Former Mexican President Vicente Fox has apologized to Donald Trump, who he scolded earlier this year for proposing the construction of a wall between ...
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→ :我台灣政權 都不放台灣憲法跟國名 改用舊中國憲法跟國號09/05 15:46
→ :這兩個配起來非常棒 最好再推行大中國認同
推 justjihyun:那就是外來政權了吧.. 09/05 15:48→ :這兩個配起來非常棒 最好再推行大中國認同
→ :不是外來政權 這個台灣政權 治理起來跟中國政權90%很像09/05 15:49
→ :那就是中國政權阿幹09/05 15:50
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1462427523.A.916.html
推 : 狂 連美國都要中國化了1F 05/05 13:53
推 : 拳頭大就是屌2F 05/05 13:53
→ : 怎麼突然孬掉了-.-3F 05/05 13:53
→ : 怕萬一真的讓他選上就GG惹XD4F 05/05 13:53
推 : 再不跪舔就來不及了啊 川普到時候搞不好派CIA去對付他5F 05/05 13:53
→ : 會怕吼6F 05/05 13:54
推 : I apologize.7F 05/05 13:54
→ : 向下一任美利堅合眾國總統暨墨西哥守護者道歉8F 05/05 13:55
推 : 川皇出征9F 05/05 13:55
推 : 快選邊吧 都快開打了10F 05/05 13:56
推 : 說實話也要道歉 簡直莫名其妙11F 05/05 13:56
推 : 他道歉不就表示很有可能當選了12F 05/05 13:56
推 : 簽名檔看一次笑一次13F 05/05 13:57
推 : 太狂拉14F 05/05 13:57
推 : 得罪可能的美國總統沒好處啊, 川普當選機率比零高很多耶15F 05/05 13:57
→ : 川普當總統或是世界級的災難16F 05/05 13:59
推 : 狂17F 05/05 14:00
推 : 會怕就好~~~~~18F 05/05 14:01
→ : 看到他真的快上 就道歉惹19F 05/05 14:03
推 : 孬20F 05/05 14:05
推 : .............川普當選真的是個災難21F 05/05 14:06
推 : 我看做好第三次世界大戰要來的準備囉22F 05/05 14:07
推 : 會怕 XDDDDD23F 05/05 14:07
推 : Justin Timberlake: It's tooooo late to apologize~~~24F 05/05 14:08
推 : 狂25F 05/05 14:08
→ : 哭哭,我怎麼打成justin Timberlake? I apologize.26F 05/05 14:09
→ : ˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙27F 05/05 14:09
推 : Timbaland / Onerepublic28F 05/05 14:12
→ : 雷聲大雨點小吧29F 05/05 14:17
→ : 美國洪秀柱30F 05/05 14:24
推 : 尚書大人真機靈31F 05/05 14:30
推 : 那時候看起來像小丑 現在看起來像美國總統 XD32F 05/05 14:36
→ : "we're not paying for that fucking wal33F 05/05 14:37
→ : l"
→ : l"
推 : 狗腿阿XD35F 05/05 14:41
→ : 如果最後一段屬實,那他道歉的目的是婊川普沒同理心36F 05/05 14:53
推 : 再不道歉不知道這瘋子當選後會怎樣對付他37F 05/05 15:01
推 : 其實他是在酸川普沒有同理心啊 大家看不出來嗎38F 05/05 15:32
推 : is it too late now to say sorry?39F 05/05 16:13
推 : 軟了40F 05/05 17:06
→ : 軟屌俠41F 05/05 17:25
推 : 拳頭大就是好42F 05/05 17:37
※ 看板: terievv 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 128
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