※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2016-05-22 03:47:26
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] Minecraft要出"中國"版啦
時間 Sun May 22 01:02:58 2016
>From Mojang
Posted on May 20, 2016 by Owen Hill
Today we’re proud to announce an exclusive agreement to license Minecraft
for Pocket and PC to a NetEase, Inc. affiliate in mainland China. The plan is
to develop a version of Minecraft tailored for the Chinese market. It
probably won’t affect most of you, seeing as you’re probably not based in
But still, this is significant news and significant news requires significant
quotes, so here are two. One from our CEO, and one from NetEase’s.
“We’ll always embrace opportunities to bring Minecraft to new players
around the world, widening our community, and giving us a new perspective on
our game,” said Jonas Martensson, CEO of Mojang, creators of Minecraft. “
NetEase understand our long-term vision for Minecraft and support Mojang’s
ideals, so we’re delighted to have them on board. We look forward to
welcoming China’s builders and adventurers to the world of Minecraft.”
並帶給遊戲新的觀點。" Jonas Martensson (Mojang CEO)如是說。"網易了解我們
“We are excited to bring Minecraft to Chinese audiences, and expect our
large online community to embrace this preeminent game,” said William Ding,
CEO and founder of NetEase, Inc. “With our deep understanding of the Chinese
market and our ability to successfully launch world-renowned online and
mobile games, we offer a strong platform for the introduction of Minecraft to
China’s vast user base. We believe this cooperation could leverage the
strengths of both Mojang and NetEase, as well as provide the world’s largest
audience with a superior user experience.”
這卓越的遊戲。" William Ding (網易CEO及建立者)說。"依據我們深入了解中國市場及推出世界知名的線上遊戲及手機遊戲的能力,我們將提供強大的平台以將Minecraft
See you soon, China-based Minecrafters! Welcome!
下次見囉,強國的Minecrafters~ 歡迎~~!
Owen - @bopogamel
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