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※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2016-07-28 12:13:05
看板 Gossiping
作者 chikiki (chikiki)
標題 [新聞] 教宗想對波蘭信眾說…歡迎難民才能上天堂
時間 Wed Jul 27 10:13:04 2016




(AP)Support for migrants is so central to Pope Francis' vision for the church
that he has made welcoming them a potential test for those seeking entry to
Heaven on Judgment Day.


The pontiff's advocacy for refugee rights faces a diplomatic test Wednesday
when he begins a five-day visit to Poland, where a populist government has
slammed the door on most asylum-seekers.


Francis is scheduled to meet Polish President Andrzej Duda in Krakow's
millennium-old castle atop Wawel Hill where, in the neighboring cathedral,
Polish national heroes for centuries have been laid to rest. He then will
hold a question-and-answer session with Poland's bishops behind closed doors.


Ahead of the pope's arrival, Polish Interior Minister Mariusz Blaszczak
defended the ruling Law and Justice party's opposition to immigration by
citing the Bastille Day truck massacre of 84 people in Nice, France.
Blaszczak argued that such violence was an inevitable consequence of


The pope suggests that reluctance or refusal to shelter newcomers in need
conflicts with the parable of the Good Samaritan, who offered aid to a
robbed, wounded stranger.


Addressing the faithful earlier this month in St. Peter's Square, Francis
said that ultimately "we will be judged on the basis of works of mercy."


"The Lord will be able to say to us: 'Do you remember? That migrant, who so
many wanted to kick out, was me.'"


Seeking to inspire by example, Francis in April brought 12 Syrians back with
him to Rome after visiting a migrant camp on the Greek island of Lesbos,
where tens of thousands were stranded after perilous crossings from nearby
Turkey in often overcrowded boats.


A Polish commentator, Adam Szostkiewicz, said he expected the pope to raise
Poland's opposition to aiding refugees during this week's visit because "this
is the central theme of his pontificate in Europe. This is a European

(美聯社)聲援難民是天主教教宗方濟各對教會願景的重點,他將歡迎難民列為最後審判日時想進天堂的人的一道潛在考驗。 ...





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ImBBCALL: 馬上掰掰上天堂1F 07/27 10:13
a1091100075: 所以德國跟法國已經有不少人先上天堂了啊 沒錯2F 07/27 10:13
linfon00: ......,為什麼天堂不把難民接走呢3F 07/27 10:13
OmegaWind: 全部送去梵諦岡4F 07/27 10:14
cheetahspeed: 早點上天堂沒錯啊5F 07/27 10:14
kuninaka: 被殺可以上天堂6F 07/27 10:14
xbit: 對阿看看那些恐攻受難者..真的上天堂了 好棒棒7F 07/27 10:14
fku5566: 阿拉花瓜完就上天堂啦8F 07/27 10:14
mithralin: 難民殺了你幫你上天堂是吧9F 07/27 10:14
usebbs: 收留難民"死後"才能上天堂~那"生前"一堆問題根本在地獄吧10F 07/27 10:14
neo5277: 也沒錯啦 某方面來說.....(菸11F 07/27 10:14
fallheart: Boom!12F 07/27 10:14
xcvfrd: 沒錯啊 接受 被恐攻 上天堂 邏輯正確13F 07/27 10:14
Insania: 教宗都說話了 還不趕快裝一裝送去梵蒂岡14F 07/27 10:14
fku5566: 這教宗在南美混太久,跟當地的左派游擊隊學了一堆鳥想法15F 07/27 10:14
ECZEMA: 可那些難民不信上帝 難民的經典教他們要殺盡信上帝的人16F 07/27 10:15
monarchist: 狗屁不通的昏庸教宗17F 07/27 10:15
laogiby: 梵蒂岡先來啦 不要嘴炮18F 07/27 10:15
pininfarina: 伊斯蘭這麼好難民怎麼不去阿拉伯杜拜這些中東國家19F 07/27 10:15
steel: 其實教宗是想說接收信天主教的難民才能上天堂啦20F 07/27 10:15
laogiby: 宗教垃圾都一個樣 別人家的小孩死不完21F 07/27 10:15
linfon00: 梵蒂岡為什麼不接收呢?22F 07/27 10:16
linfon00: 梵蒂岡錢這麼多.....應該沒問題吧
gameking5036: 乾 難民又不信你的上帝,上洨天堂24F 07/27 10:16
xbit: 梵蒂岡有信阿拉的人才是問題吧.25F 07/27 10:17
hdjj: 上帝有告訴你們,要怎麼對待異教徒嗎?26F 07/27 10:17
wotupset: 接收難民還能加速上天堂喔^^27F 07/27 10:18
Dcwei: 別人家的小孩死不完28F 07/27 10:18
hellwize: 嗯 不愧是教宗29F 07/27 10:18
frank02101: 他沒說錯阿 早死早超生的概念30F 07/27 10:19
tsgd: 那就去塞爆梵諦岡吧31F 07/27 10:19
psy792: 放屁 是馬上上天堂32F 07/27 10:20
mailbox: 難民肛你的前面  你的後面也要給他肛嗎?33F 07/27 10:20
w4560000: 真的變天堂了34F 07/27 10:20
qscgg: 被炸死當然上天堂35F 07/27 10:22
KangSuat: 變伊斯蘭教教宗了??? 有內鬼!!!36F 07/27 10:22

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