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※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-05-12 18:38:26
看板 Gossiping
作者 fffffff4 (使用者在線上)
標題 [新聞] 川普吃兩球冰淇淋,賓客只吃到一球
時間 Fri May 12 15:07:45 2017


Trump Gets Two Scoops of Ice Cream, Everyone else Gets One


President Donald Trump is living every child's dream: More ice cream.

According to an extensive interview with TIME Magazine, Trump's White House st
aff has settled into Trump's routine and know his desires, sometimes before he

For example: Trump takes two scoops of ice cream with his chocolate creampie,
TIME reported, while everyone else around the table gets just one.


In the interview published Thursday, Trump also expanded on his view of Russia
n hacking during the 2016 election, refuted reports that he is unhappy with hi
s current national security adviser and took a level of blame for his combativ
e administration.

But, more than anything, Trump gave TIME a window into some of the oddities th
at make his White House unlike any in modern history, including the traits tha
t make Trump tick.

Here are some illuminating takeaways from the interview:

Business at any cost

Trump casts himself throughout the interview as America's businessman, someone
 who is bringing his private-sector savvy to the White House to spur growth an
d create jobs. That focus extends to faulty digital launching systems on aircr
aft carriers -- "Time and material means you're going to get your ass kicked"
-- to arms deals with unlikely African leaders.

TIME reported that Trump brought up how he is trying to mint an arms deal with
 an African leader who has decades-old human rights concerns, all in the name
of spurring American business. Trump declined to name the country.

'It could be my fault'

Trump rarely takes blame, and throughout the 2016 campaign he said he rarely,
if ever, apologizes.

But during his interview with TIME, Trump took responsibility -- sort of -- fo
r the combative tone of his administration.

"It could be my fault," he said. "I don't want to necessarily blame, but there
's a great meanness out there that I'm surprised at."

(CNN) President Donald Trump is living every child's dream: More ice cream.

According to an extensive interview with TIME Magazine, Trump's White House st
aff has settled into Trump's routine and know his desires, sometimes before he

For example: Trump takes two scoops of ice cream with his chocolate cream pie,
 TIME reported, while everyone else around the table gets just one.

In the interview published Thursday, Trump also expanded on his view of Russia
n hacking during the 2016 election, refuted reports that he is unhappy with hi
s current national security adviser and took a level of blame for his combativ
e administration.

But, more than anything, Trump gave TIME a window into some of the oddities th
at make his White House unlike any in modern history, including the traits tha
t make Trump tick.

Here are some illuminating takeaways from the interview:

Business at any cost

Trump casts himself throughout the interview as America's businessman, someone
 who is bringing his private-sector savvy to the White House to spur growth an
d create jobs. That focus extends to faulty digital launching systems on aircr
aft carriers -- "Time and material means you're going to get your ass kicked"
-- to arms deals with unlikely African leaders.

TIME reported that Trump brought up how he is trying to mint an arms deal with
 an African leader who has decades-old human rights concerns, all in the name
of spurring American business. Trump declined to name the country.

'It could be my fault'

Trump rarely takes blame, and throughout the 2016 campaign he said he rarely,
if ever, apologizes.

But during his interview with TIME, Trump took responsibility -- sort of -- fo
r the combative tone of his administration.

"It could be my fault," he said. "I don't want to necessarily blame, but there
's a great meanness out there that I'm surprised at."

It's not an admission, but it's a close as Trump usually gets.

"I fully think apologizing is a great thing, but you have to be wrong," Trump
told Jimmy Fallon in September 2015. "I will absolutely apologize sometime in
the distant future if I'm ever wrong."

A level of introspection

Trump, carrying on the tenor of his vicious 2016 campaign, has made Washington
 a more acrimonious place. Democrats, appalled by his victory, have grown more
 fearful, more vocal and more disgusted. Trump has kept his foot on the gas, t
oo, with near constant combative tweets.

But doing the TIME interview, as their dinner was wrapping up, Trump appeared
to have a moment of introspection.

"It never made sense to me, the level of animosity," Trump said. "All you want
 to do is, like, let's have a great military. Let's have low taxes. Let's have
 good health care. Let's have good education."

Trump, notably, at times during the 2016 campaign demeaned his primary and gen
eral election opponents' spouses and attacked a Gold Star family. More recentl
y, he cast the entire media as the "enemy of the state."

'Choke like dogs'

Can Trump lament acrimony in Washington? Yes. But he also can elevate with sev
en-word sentence.

Watching clips of former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and f
ormer acting Attorney General Sally Yates' recent Senate testimony, Trump comp
ared to the longtime government officials to dogs.

"Watch them start to choke like dogs," Trump said after Sen. Chuck Grassley, a
n Iowa Republican, asked whether official asked for names of Trump or his asso
ciates be revealed in an intelligence report. "Watch what happens. They are de
sperate for breath."

"Ah, he's choking. Ah, look," Trump said after Clapper declined to provide nam

"So they surveilled me," he added. "You guys don't write that -- wiretapped in
 quotes. They surveilled me."

CNN's Allie Malloy contributed to this report.

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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1P5Lz4Qq (Gossiping)
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※ 編輯: fffffff4 (, 05/12/2017 15:08:17
cookiey: 太長了1F 05/12 15:08
sonyabear: 他是總統欸2F 05/12 15:08
victoryman: 吃兩球 關CNN屁事3F 05/12 15:08
jplix: 幼稚4F 05/12 15:08
j147589: 歐美記者台灣化?5F 05/12 15:08
freemail: 一求不夠 ㄘ 別的喇  英九都知道6F 05/12 15:08
※ 編輯: fffffff4 (, 05/12/2017 15:09:11
Number41: 身為美國總統就是有這點好處。7F 05/12 15:08
ngalay: 川普: 一球吃不夠 我要吃兩球8F 05/12 15:09
kixer2005: 我們一起去講茶大堂  就是要討一個公平9F 05/12 15:09
wolver: 美國中天還在崩潰喔10F 05/12 15:09
※ 編輯: fffffff4 (, 05/12/2017 15:10:04
Leoreo: 上色正確11F 05/12 15:09
PR58: 這樣也一篇?12F 05/12 15:09
tyrande: creampie 我想到別的地方了 > //// <13F 05/12 15:10
ams9: CNN不意外14F 05/12 15:10
victoryman: 川普吃兩球(圖)15F 05/12 15:10
leoamyp4: 以他們的財力 要吃像足球場那麼大的冰淇淋都可以吧16F 05/12 15:10
DaGarn: 美國中天17F 05/12 15:10
※ 編輯: fffffff4 (, 05/12/2017 15:11:19
seraphic298: 接下來連冰淇淋口味都拿來做文章18F 05/12 15:11
rockyegg: CNN 丟人現眼19F 05/12 15:11
toto3527: 我覺得要公平 吃兩球只付一球的錢 太不厚道了20F 05/12 15:12
schumi7401: 下一篇 川普放屁給賓客聞21F 05/12 15:12
nakayamayyt: 巧克力中出22F 05/12 15:13
kleber: 米國陳家輝 吃兩顆冰淇淋23F 05/12 15:15
xwingxwing: 重點是他有沒有付兩球的錢24F 05/12 15:17
shinki5566: 只有川普能吃草莓+巧克力 其它人只能吃香草25F 05/12 15:17
SONYPS5: 川普拉兩球屎 賓客只吃到ㄧ球26F 05/12 15:17
pillliq: 沒想到CNN也有看讓子彈飛27F 05/12 15:19
YJM1106: 川普對金正日說:當美國總統的好處28F 05/12 15:24
AizawaYuuiti: Japanese DoggyStyle Creampie~29F 05/12 15:24
zeldo: 川普:爽啦!幹。30F 05/12 15:27
qq92314: ......所以咧?31F 05/12 15:27
wusam4667103: 這跟中央社的朱立倫吃早餐系列 看手錶系列一樣 台媒33F 05/12 15:31
wusam4667103: 領先世界
incandescent: 冰淇淋寫這麼長???35F 05/12 15:32
asd2260123: 美國中天36F 05/12 15:32
Yuwuen: 幹他媽美國總統任內死於心肌梗塞37F 05/12 15:33
liudwan: creampie38F 05/12 15:34
beryllos: 這篇標題害人笑歪XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD39F 05/12 15:34
XiaoFatZhai: 搞不好以後真的來一篇川普吃早餐40F 05/12 15:35
GABA: 西恩恩:川普吃兩球只給一球的錢41F 05/12 15:36
MrHeat: 吃兩球真的很雞掰啊42F 05/12 15:36
MrHeat: http://i.imgur.com/QGiVYuZ.jpg
vvrr: chocolate creampie ~~~44F 05/12 15:47
GameHeven: 大家把creampie拿去google翻譯一下........45F 05/12 15:47
Sony2470GM: 然後勒?46F 05/12 15:48
CO2: 中天化47F 05/12 15:51
fjuting: 你應該連前面的巧克力一起上色比較正確48F 05/12 15:53
Cedestiny: 吃一球冰淇淋,就給一球的錢49F 05/12 15:58
ym410798: creampie lul50F 05/12 15:59
mj2124: 喜歡甜點錯了嗎,想續杯應該也可以吧51F 05/12 16:00
qDaniel: ???靠吃兩球太扯了吧52F 05/12 16:02
stu25936: 上色XDDDDD53F 05/12 16:16
chloeslover: creampied54F 05/12 16:17
IAMGRICE: 對呀,這就是當美國總統的福利呀,大家不知道嗎?55F 05/12 16:34
cerberi: QQ56F 05/12 17:25
andyhung: 米國廢文57F 05/12 17:26

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