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※ 本文為 XBUCKXMR 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-07-20 19:05:11
看板 Gossiping
作者 timshan (軒)
標題 [新聞] 今天的遊行上法新社
時間 Sat Jul 20 17:45:38 2013



Taiwan protesters demand justice for dead corporal

TAIPEI — Thousands of protesters rallied in Taipei to demand justice for a
corporal who died after allegedly being abused in the military, in a case
that sparked anger across Taiwan.

Demonstrators, holding placards reading "Murder" and "We want the truth",
gathered outside the defence ministry two weeks after Hung Chung-chiu died of
heatstroke apparently caused by being forced to exercise excessively.

Several sang songs mocking the military while others made a show of drinking
bottled water -- a reference to the fact Hung's superiors reportedly refused
to give him water despite his repeated requests.

"So many people come here today to demand truth," Hung's uncle, Hu Shih-ho,

"I hope President Ma Ying-jeou and defence minister Kao Hua-chu will open
their eyes to see this and listen to us."

Taiwan's defence ministry has apologised for Hung's death and military
prosecutors are investigating the cause of his death.

"I apologise to you all," vice defence minister Andrew Yang told the crowd
before bowing briefly to them.

"Please give the defence ministry a chance to correct previous mistakes and
clarify the truth."

Organisers said more than 10,000 had turned out while police estimates were
not immediately available.

Local media reported that Hung was at odds with his superiors for making
complaints against them and that he had been placed in solitary confinement
for taking a smartphone onto the army base.

He died just three days before he was due to be discharged following
completion of his compulsory year-long military service.

Four military officials have been detained by authorities on abuse charges,
while punitive measures have been placed on 26 other staff members.

The island's watchdog responsible for monitoring other parts of government
The Control Yuan has announced an in-depth probe into alleged bullying in the




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◆ From:
fantasy043:幫推1F 07/20 17:47
cellue:We want the truth!!2F 07/20 17:47
screwer5566:推!3F 07/20 17:47
MartinLK:PUSH4F 07/20 17:48
Faustine9:五樓英文爛看不懂 硬要裝懂5F 07/20 17:48
hokksapp:看不懂6F 07/20 17:48
hiojvd:推 Faustine9:五樓英文爛看不懂 硬要裝懂           求翻譯7F 07/20 17:48
cellue:突然覺得台灣要一個案件的真相  異常困難..8F 07/20 17:48
pandagod:5F 算你識相9F 07/20 17:48
theyi:推 Faustine9:五樓英文爛看不懂 硬要裝懂10F 07/20 17:48
GazerLahn:五樓,你自己知道就好幹嘛大聲說出來 ...11F 07/20 17:48
billliu14:推 Faustine9:五樓英文爛看不懂 硬要裝懂12F 07/20 17:49
syl0602:推!!13F 07/20 17:49
showdoggy:五樓 不用自介喔14F 07/20 17:49
erotic:The island's watchdog ... 台灣只是一座小島 @@15F 07/20 17:49
WilliamXZ:哦哦原來是這樣16F 07/20 17:50
kshtainan:17F 07/20 17:50
kuankubank:要被國際認證了 不只執政無能 連命案都無法查出真相18F 07/20 17:50
lpbrother:沒翻譯要被刪19F 07/20 17:51
hermanwing:何不報導月球上有無細菌?20F 07/20 17:51
wak:hermanwing上過新聞耶  好厲害 啾咪21F 07/20 17:53
hoks:英文爛的我這篇突然全看懂呢22F 07/20 17:53
Hans14:寫到副部長還寫上他自己的英文名Andrew23F 07/20 17:54
Dillon0801:五樓當總司令 軍中無黑幕24F 07/20 17:54
chyu945:感覺記者有在現場25F 07/20 17:54
biup2:26F 07/20 17:54
jilkoo:推27F 07/20 17:54
lpbrother:OK的拉,因為是在台北啊,所以法新社記者在現場沒問題28F 07/20 17:55
luckyman188:fox abc 都轉放送法新的新聞的 世界知名了29F 07/20 17:55
yago:師爺,翻譯翻譯!30F 07/20 17:55
NCUkeyman:今天確實有國外 外報記者在現場拍攝31F 07/20 17:55
ownnina:五樓乖32F 07/20 17:55
notgoodcow:嗯 這西班牙文寫得真好33F 07/20 17:56
bala73:5樓拍拍34F 07/20 17:56
industrialld:5F道出了在座各位的心聲35F 07/20 17:56
evilvens:36F 07/20 17:56
knowing:5F真老實37F 07/20 17:57
fantasibear:法國社38F 07/20 17:57
jordonmi:看不懂39F 07/20 17:57
milulittle:smart phone 跟 island...40F 07/20 18:00
oiu368:推41F 07/20 18:07
w57832:求翻譯42F 07/20 18:11
jilkoo:Pish43F 07/20 18:13
dodolu:嗯嗯 報導的滿客觀的44F 07/20 18:16
goshfju:太長了 end45F 07/20 18:17
sharonmon:推五樓46F 07/20 18:18
coldman519:這篇哪裡長...比指考閱測短蠻多的47F 07/20 18:22
ggmou:推48F 07/20 18:22
onionsteven:可是一堆字我看不懂(遮臉)49F 07/20 18:23
happyary:5F好誠實50F 07/20 18:24
mymaydayya:讚51F 07/20 18:30
asusbenq:看完推 學了五年的日文沒有白廢52F 07/20 18:40
person0618:推53F 07/20 18:46
PR58:54F 07/20 18:54
skinnyfit:推55F 07/20 18:56
moneypack3:推五樓誠實56F 07/20 18:59
bblin:推57F 07/20 19:01

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