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看板 uefacool
作者 uefangsmith(雲飛)
標題 [轉錄][轉寄][轉錄]經濟學人: 密碼落落長
時間 2010年03月25日 Thu. PM 11:53:56

※ 本文轉錄自 FW 看板

看板 FW
作者 uefang. (uefang.bbs@ptt2.cc)
標題 [轉寄][轉錄]經濟學人: 密碼落落長
時間 2010年03月25日 Thu. PM 11:49:02

看板 ejlife
作者 ejlife (another World)
標題 [轉錄]經濟學人: 密碼落落長
時間 Sun Jan 10 21:36:39 2010

※ [本文轉錄自 AAAAAAAA 看板]

作者 davidchaos (別鬧了大衛先生)
標題 經濟學人: 密碼落落長
時間 Sun Jan 10 21:17:29 2010

※ [本文轉錄自 freeman 看板]


Passwords aplenty

Dec 18th 2009 | LOS ANGELES
>From Economist.com

How to stay sane as well as safe while surfing the web

AT THIS time of the year, your correspondent crosses the Pacific to Japan for
a month or so. He repeats the trip during the summer. He considers it crucial
in order to keep abreast of all the ingenious technology which, once debugged
by the world’s most acquisitive consumers, will wind up in American and
European shops a year or two later.


Each time he packs his bags, though, he is embarrassed by having to include a
dog-eared set of notes that really ought to be locked up in a safe. This is
his list of logons and passwords for all the websites he uses for doing
business and staying in touch with the rest of the world. At the last count,
the inch-thick list accumulated over the past decade or so—your correspondent
’s sole copy—includes access details for no fewer than 174 online services
and computer networks.


He admits to flouting the advice of security experts: his failings include
using essentially the same logon and password for many similar sites, relying
on easily remembered words—and, heaven forbid, writing them down on scraps
of paper. So his new year’s resolution is to set up a proper software vault
for the various passwords and ditch the dog-eared list.


Your correspondent’s one consolation is that he is not alone in using easily
crackable words for most of his passwords. Indeed, the majority of online
users have an understandable aversion to strong, but hard-to-remember,
passwords. The most popular passwords in Britain are “123” followed by “
password”. At least people in America have learned to combine letters and
numbers. Their most popular ones are “password1” followed by “abc123”.


Unfortunately, the easier a password is to remember, the easier it is for
thieves to guess. Ironically, the opposite—the harder it is to remember, the
harder it is to crack—is often far from true. That is because, not being
able to remember long, jumbled sets of alphanumeric characters interspersed
with symbols, people resort to writing them down on Post-it notes left lying
around the office or home for all and sundry to see.


Apart from stealing passwords from Post-it notes and the like, intruders
basically use one of two hacks to gain access to other people’s computers or
networks. If time and money is no problem, they can use brute-force methods
that simply try every combination of letters, numbers and symbols until a
match is found. That takes a lot of patience and computing power, and tends
to be the sort of thing only intelligence agencies indulge in.


A more popular, though less effective, way is to use commercial software
tools such as “L0phtCrack” or “John the Ripper” that can be found on the
internet. These use dictionaries, lists of popular passwords and rainbow
tables (lookup tools that turn long numbers computed from alphanumeric
characters back into their original plain text) to recover passwords.

「John the Ripper」來破解。這兩種軟體使用字典、常用密碼表及彩虹資料結構表(註)


According to Bruce Schneier, an independent security expert, today’s
password crackers “can test tens—even hundreds—of millions of passwords
per second.” In short, the vast majority of passwords used in the real world
can be guessed in minutes. And do not think you are being smart by replacing
the letters “l” or “i” in a password with the number “1”; or the letter
“s” with the number “5” or the symbol “$”. Cracking programs check all
such alternatives, and more, as a matter of course.

自營的安全專家Bruce Schneier表示,現今的密碼破解軟體一秒就能跑「幾千萬甚至幾億

What should you do to protect yourself? Chose passwords that are strong
enough to make cracking them too time consuming for thie ves to bother.


The strength of a password depends on its length, complexity and randomness.
A good length is at least eight symbols. The complexity depends on the
character set. Using numbers alone limits the choice to just ten symbols. Add
upper- and lower-case letters and the complexity rises to 62. Use all the
symbols on a standard ASCII keyboard and you have 95 to choose from.


The third component, randomness, is measured by a concept borrowed from
thermodynamics—the notion of entropy (the tendency for things to become
disordered). In information theory, a tossed coin has an entropy of one “bit
” (binary digit). That is because it can come down randomly in one of two
equally possible binary states.


At the other extreme, when you set the encryption of a Wi-Fi link, you are
usually given the choice of 64-bit or even 128-bit security. Those
bit-numbers represent the entropy (or randomness) of the encryption used. A
password with 64 bits of entropy is as strong as a string of data comprising
64 randomly selected binary digits. Put another way, a 64-bit password would
require 2 raised to the power of 64 attempts to crack it by brute force—in
short, 18 billion billion attempts. A 64-bit password was finally cracked in
2002 using brute-force methods. It took a network of volunteers nearly five
years to do so.


The National Institute of Standards and Technology, the American government’
s standards-measuring laboratory in Gaithersburg, Maryland, recommends 80-bit
passwords for state secrets and the like. Such security can be achieved using
passwords with 12 symbols, drawn from the full set of 95 symbols on the
standard American keyboard. For ordinary purposes, that would seem overkill.
A 52-bit password based on eight symbols selected from the standard keyboard
is generally adequate.


How to select the eight? Best to let a computer program generate them
randomly for you. Unfortunately, the result will be something like 6sDt%k&3
that probably needs to be written down. One answer, only slightly less
rigorous, is to use a mnemonic constructed from the first letters (plus
contractions) of an easily remembered phrase like “Murder Considered as One
of the Fine Arts” (MCa1otFA) or “To be or not to be: that is the question”

頭字,像是「Murder Considered as One of the Fine Arts」(MCa1otFA) 或是 「To
be or not to be: that is the question」(2Bo-2b:?)。

Given a robust 52-bit password, you can then use a password manager to take
care of the dozens of easily guessable ones used to access various web
services. There are a number of perfectly adequate products for doing this.
In an early attempt to fulfil his new year’s pledge, your correspondent has
been experimenting with LastPass, a free password manager that works as an
add-on to the Firefox web browser for Windows, Linux or Macintosh. Versions
also exist for Internet Explorer on Windows and Safari on the Mac.

式LastPass,它可以在Windows, Linux及Machintosh的系統上作業。LastPass另外也有能

Once installed and given a strong password of its own, plus an e-mail
address, LastPass encrypts all the logons and passwords stored on your
computer. So, be warned: forget your master password and you could be in
trouble—especially if you have let the program delete (as it urges you to
let it do) all the vulnerable logons and passwords on your own computer.


Thereafter, to visit various web services, all you have to do is log into
LastPass and click the website you wish to check out. The tool then
automatically logs you on securely to the selected site. It will even
complete all the forms needed to buy goods online if you have stored your
home address, telephone number and credit-card details in the vault as well.


Your correspondent looks forward to using the service while travelling around
Japan over the next month or so. To be on the safe side, however, his
dog-eared list of passwords will still go with him.


※ 發信站: 批踢踢兔(ptt2.cc)
◆ From:
enchantive:轉錄至某隱形看板                                     01/10 21:27
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No love,
         no glory
                     No hero in her sky

※ 發信站: 批踢踢兔(ptt2.cc)
◆ From:
SirohAmada:轉錄至某隱形看板                                     01/11 00:56
SirohAmada:看了好累orz                        推1F 台灣 01/11 00:56
ejlife:記密碼好累="=                          推2F 台灣 01/11 17:17

※ 來源: DISP BBS (http://disp.twbbs.org)
※ 作者: uefangsmith  來自:  時間: 2010-03-25 23:53:56

※ 編輯: uefangsmith  來自:  時間: 2010-03-25 23:55:55
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