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※ 本文為 yeary2k 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-11-13 05:17:25
看板 Gossiping
作者 erosyang (ErosYang)
標題 [問卦] 有沒有 Katy Perry 的八卦?
時間 Wed Nov 13 01:03:41 2013


看看 MV



MV 中的奶很大 不 是超大 腰很細


她常常做出一些很 man 的動作跟神情

請問她是 T 嗎?


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◆ From:
a1467171:知不知道 都把不到1F 11/13 01:04
alg5820:水果姊2F 11/13 01:04
kodwsg:腰很細??????3F 11/13 01:05
homerunball:乳量跟大腿肉一樣驚人4F 11/13 01:05
Ives20130:奶大又正5F 11/13 01:05
coon182:聽說她唱現場不行6F 11/13 01:06
Guerrieri:演個戀夏500日就跩上天了7F 11/13 01:06
kodwsg:那是ZOOEY吧.....8F 11/13 01:08
Cum5566:演個YES MAN就跩上天了9F 11/13 01:08
michael0725:演個New Girl就跩上天啦10F 11/13 01:08
Katy Perry and Zooey Deschanel Game - YouTube
I saw how much these singers looked like and I just had to make a video aabout it. PS No audio infringement intended this audio belong to Ke$ha I just edited it

SAEBA16:她現場唱Firework破好幾次音了12F 11/13 01:10
Loser:跟zooey只能用胸部來分辨13F 11/13 01:14
vinousred:客串美國影集時 錯號HONEY~~14F 11/13 01:15
pida:男友=John Mayer15F 11/13 01:16
kayainoue84:離婚了16F 11/13 01:20
imgay5566:上次看他跟卡利怪妞合照... 整個超大隻17F 11/13 01:30
oas1008:男友帥19F 11/13 01:42
alog:http://youtu.be/CevxZvSJLk8 perry讚20F 11/13 01:43
Katy Perry - Roar (Official) - YouTube
Download "Roar" and pre-order 'Prism' out 10.22.13 on iTunes:  Official music video for Katy Perry's "Roar" brought to you in Jungles...

nysj:唱現場真的不ok。之前iTunes festival有影片21F 11/13 01:44
seedk869:乃大臉正 極品22F 11/13 01:47
Deep:我的女神23F 11/13 01:53
formosa28:美國鄧福如24F 11/13 01:57
kiwitron:技巧性賣奶25F 11/13 02:01
SeaBear:LIVE很爛26F 11/13 02:24
ott:http://disp.cc/b/18-2vxH (Katy Perry - Firework (Victoria'27F 11/13 02:34
Katy Perry - Firework (Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2010) - ott板 - Disp BBS
   Lyrics:(official)  Do you ever feel like a plastic bag, drifting through the wind 你曾經感覺像任風擺佈的塑膠袋 Wanting to start again? 想要重新出發? Do you ever feel, f ...
winnietslock:I wanna see your皮卡~卡~卡~卡~皮卡~卡28F 11/13 03:18

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