看板 作者 louis8053 (初音咪哭)標題 Fw: [它宒] 李阿萬的Ezreal語錄時間 Mon Oct 15 01:34:04 2012
看板 LoL作者 silveriii (多說無益)標題 [閒聊] 李阿萬的Ezreal語錄時間 Mon Jan 2 11:58:07 2012
剛剛晃一下reddit看到的 ... 太好笑了所以貼上來
TheOddOne's Compiled Ezreal Quotes
"TeddyRO's trying to prove something by playing Ezreal. All he's proving is
that Ezreal is a shitty champion."
"Haha look at Ezreal, he's like a 5 year old with a little toy gun! Look at
me I'm Ezreal! PEWPEWPEWPEW"
"When you pick ezreal you just pretty much stabbed your team. You just took a
dump on their face. When you pick Ezreal it's not a team player move"
"Ezreal's such a **** champion! He does 0 damage and can't even do anything
in teamfights. All his Qs get blocked by ghouls and TANKS, he's not even
viable. What are you going to do, shoot these zombies to death?"
"So we have Ezreal poking them down. And by poking I mean 10 damage."
"I'm getting will of the ancients to help out Ezreal. Now he'll do 20 damage
instead of 10 damage"
"Could have picked a real champ like Corki but noooo picked Ezreal."
"Great. Ezreal just died to Malaria. The jungler didn't even come gank.
Ezreal just died to disease walking in grass. Ezreal's so weak that he dies
to things that doesn't even exist in this game."
太棒了,伊澤瑞爾因為路過草叢得了瘧疾掛了.. 對方將狗沒來gank,伊澤瑞爾就死了。
"See that's why they didn't release the Pulsefire Ezreal, they were afraid
people would actually play him and realize how bad he is...then never play
him again"
變多而發現他有多弱 ... 然後就不再玩他了。
"Ezreal's damage is so low it doesn't even register as an assist. It only
registers when he dies"
"Ezreal does so little damage he's like a ****ing minion. Purple caster
minion Ezreal"
"He has to use his ult to clear creep waves, that's how weak Ezreal is...but
look! His ult can't even clear the wave!"
伊澤瑞爾要用大絕才能清兵,看他有多弱... 但他一次大絕還不能清光小兵!
"Ehome is understanding the power of Ezreal. There is no ****ing power."
Ehome了解伊澤瑞爾的威力了... 他根本沒有威力。
"The nottingham skin looks like Ezreal went to Old Navy and bought a jacket.
That's all this skin is. And its a bad jacket for 520 RP."
Nottinham skin 圖
這個造型看起來像是伊澤瑞爾去Old Navy買了件新外套,而這件爛外套價值520RP。
"There's war and disease...and there's Ezreal. You don't want any of them."
戰爭、疾病... 與伊澤瑞爾,你一種也不想要。
"What? Ezreal got first blood? How is this possible? Who's his support? Oh
it's Sona, that explains a lot. Somehow Ezreal managed to get the last hit
"Oh my god Ezreal killed something? Who killed it for him?"
"Oh god it's American Ezreal. We lose. It would have been okay if it was
Canadian Ezreal, that's why we still let Chaox play Ezreal, but American
Ezreal is just the worst thing I've ever seen. Ever."
"Can't pick Ezreal and expect to win, it is the moral of today's story. They
are the scourge of the earth"
"See even the other team thinks Ezreal is useless!"
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※ 轉錄者: louis8053 (, 時間: 10/15/2012 01:34:04
→ leeberty:因為上面有人在找才轉出來的吧,板上的被洗掉了3F 10/15 01:35
※ 編輯: louis8053 來自: (10/15 01:35)
推 hivgay:很好笑阿 XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD9F 10/15 01:38
推 ltdf:阿萬真的超酸XDDD10F 10/15 01:38
推 a127:不過那時候的EZ跟現在的EZ也不一樣XD11F 10/15 01:38
→ peefly:一月的文章...那時EZ Q還沒buff吧13F 10/15 01:38
→ CHISN:這是buff前的ez吧14F 10/15 01:38
推 shirman:算是打臉嗎...EZ的大起大落跟EVE有得比15F 10/15 01:38
→ ltdf:應該說 葛雷夫跟庫奇還沒NERF17F 10/15 01:39
推 x20165:你需要古靈精怪槍18F 10/15 01:39
推 sowulo:以前大男聯盟 人手好戰阿塔瑪 伊澤切不死前排21F 10/15 01:40
→ black215:那時候的EZ碰到一堆AD臉都被打歪了...
會戰也沒其他AD猛..只有技能組特別帥= =23F 10/15 01:40
→ jeffreyshe:那時候遊戲偏向拖到後期 EZ切前排的缺點就被放大惹25F 10/15 01:41
→ shirman:當時親兒子還沒跟riot相認26F 10/15 01:41
推 Shalone:當時的大叔真的會把ez壓到死27F 10/15 01:42
推 artz6030:印象中那時候汎也還沒被nerf 飛機大叔依然強勢28F 10/15 01:42
推 wulouise:這文章都幾年年前的 meta完全不一樣29F 10/15 01:42
推 OnSEx007:如果說EZ現在是親兒子 那當時的葛雷夫根本是親爸爸30F 10/15 01:43
推 j198811:還沒BUFF前阿萬就討厭他了 現在是萬人迷我還是討厭他31F 10/15 01:44
→ zjps3407:葛雷剛出的時候EQR就噴一隻了 超爽32F 10/15 01:44
→ Shalone:當初大叔剛出,打rank出他閉著眼睛Q都能Q爆對方下路33F 10/15 01:44
推 winklly:graves那時候根本AD 法師 鍵盤滾滾 = win34F 10/15 01:46
推 brokenXD:graves剛出時還可以走上路...體質超好 被動OP35F 10/15 01:47
推 GIBBLUE2:我從那時候就在玩說XD 那時候用EZ一路爬分 那時候是Vayne聯盟 葛雷夫剛出超級OP OP到我每場BAN他36F 10/15 01:48
推 wtao:所以才要NANA增強他後期吧??39F 10/15 01:54
推 karakal:希望S3快nerf他阿 場場ez好煩40F 10/15 01:55
推 vanjoey:樓樓上nana是什麼?41F 10/15 02:00
推 spider2658:推 wtao :所以才要NANA增強他後期吧??43F 10/15 02:20
推 toaperion:阿萬超好笑!!!! XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD44F 10/15 02:20
→ s4511981:當初的垃圾現在變成了親兒子……世事難預料啊46F 10/15 02:21
推 GIBBLUE2:欸靠 突然發現原本的噓文還有我XDDD47F 10/15 02:21
推 logen:EZ超爛的話 TPA最後一場幹麻選他不選庫奇48F 10/15 02:27
→ chrisvzxs:現在再重新看阿萬那時的話超好笑的XDDD
雖然那時EZ沒那麼猛 但也沒到他說的那麼弱49F 10/15 02:31
推 sillymon:他說這些話得當時其他AD還沒有被改廢 生態也還沒大改51F 10/15 02:35
推 lovebridget:爽推 EZ就是廢 廢 廢
bebe最後用EZ也不能改變EZ廢渣的事實52F 10/15 02:43
推 artz6030:Lamia:我早說EZ很強的54F 10/15 03:03
推 papercutt:這是在EZ強勢前的發言吧 到底是誰幫EZ殺人的?55F 10/15 03:15
推 pinkg023:我想開玩笑的成份居多,幾乎每隊的adc都會玩ez58F 10/15 03:24
→ lovebridget:我只覺得EZ從2010年爛到現在 buff nerf懶得管59F 10/15 03:28
推 hillgod:他當初講這句話的時候很多ADR的角色還沒被改弱
但現在這個版本 卻造就了EZ的高出場率
那是一代時機一代英雄60F 10/15 03:53
推 e89515058:那時候ez真的很弱..完全比不上 大叔 飛機 vayne
還有希維爾 ez當時輸出差這些ad實在太多了..65F 10/15 06:59
推 dogwoof:EZ BUFF 其他英雄NERF 現在變的EZ滿強勢的69F 10/15 08:18
噓 oscarss07:這段期間內其他ADC被改弱幾次了
這篇可以算手動置底古文嗎71F 10/15 08:48
推 Eagle47:\李阿萬/\李阿萬/\李阿萬/73F 10/15 08:51
推 kaiDX:看推文感覺好像跟我不同世界 原來是九個月前的推文74F 10/15 09:26
推 jeffm:這個好像至少半年前了 我記得是實況講的 有跟到
那時候還不流行位移技的英雄, 也幾乎沒有速推戰術.後來打法改變得更侵略 更需要早期輸出76F 10/15 09:47
推 howar31:看當初EZ被唸成什麼樣子 現在一堆人搶著用80F 10/15 11:02