看板 Steam
作者 ETTom (外星姆湯)
標題 [組包] HumbleBundle 2024 12月
時間 Wed Dec  4 02:52:16 2024

HumbleBundle 2024 12月

Humble Choice | Humble Bundle
Get December 2024 Humble Choice and more when you subscribe for just $11.99 per month! ...



1.Bomb Rush Cyberfunk
Save 50% on Bomb Rush Cyberfunk on Steam
Bomb Rush Cyberfunk is 1 second per second of advanced funkstyle. Battle rival crews and dispatch militarized police to conquer the five boroughs of N ...

壓倒性好評 (10,550) 98% 史低 NT.299

2.Old World(舊世界)
Save 75% on Old World on Steam
Old World is a revolutionary new historical strategy game where you lead your dynasty over generations of rule against rival kings and queens. Wage ma ...

極度好評 (3,286) 81% 史低 NT.249

3.Atlas Fallen: Reign of Sand
Save 50% on Atlas Fallen: Reign Of Sand on Steam
In solo or co-op, experience Reign of Sand, the ultimate version of Atlas Fallen. Ride the sands of a timeless land and defeat legendary monsters in s ...

大多好評 (1,816) 71% 史低 NT.301

4.Crime Boss: Rockay City - First Month Edition
Save 50% on Crime Boss: Rockay City on Steam
Welcome to the 90’s Rockay City! Heist, loot and shoot your way to the top of the criminal underworld! Build your criminal empire in the singleplayer  ...

大多好評 (4,508) 72% 本體史低 NT.164

5.The Invincible(無敵號)
Save 35% on The Invincible on Steam
Rethink human’s dominion in The Invincible: a story-driven adventure set in a hard sci-fi world by Stanisław Lem. Discover planet Regis III as scienti ...

極度好評 (4,325) 88% 史低 NT.517

6.Moonstone Island
Save 35% on Moonstone Island on Steam
Moonstone Island is a creature-collecting life-sim set in an open world with 100 islands to explore. Make friends, brew potions, collect Spirits, and  ...

極度好評 (2,846) 85% 史低 NT.213

Save 60% on Inkulinati on Steam
Inkulinati is a turn-based strategy game straight from medieval manuscripts, where a rabbit’s bum can be deadlier than a dog's sword. Become a master  ...

極度好評 (497) 88% 史低 NT.199

Save 50% on Venba on Steam
Venba is a short narrative cooking game, where you play as an Indian mom who immigrates to Canada with her family in the 1980s. Cook various dishes an ...

極度好評 (1,412) 93% 史低 NT.134

9.Monster Prom 3: Monster Roadtrip
Save 50% on Monster Prom 3: Monster Roadtrip on Steam
Embark on a road trip like no other in this co-op narrative survival adventure. Visit fun locations, meet wacky characters, and manage your resources  ...

壓倒性好評 (2,548) 98% 史低 NT.113





※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: ETTom 2024-12-04 02:52:16
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1dJrDdX8 (Steam)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1733251943.A.848.html
CIDgreen: Cyberfunk、無敵號、神筆談兵  有中,感覺不錯1F 12/04 02:57
suleyman: old world想收很久了,不錯。可惜只有本體。2F 12/04 02:59
blackman180: 有點差3F 12/04 03:07
reallurker: 超值4F 12/04 03:21
RaiGend0519: 第一款我怎麼總覺得好像在初代XBOX上玩過...
光無敵號一款就能撐整個包其他都能當送的,1267有中5F 12/04 03:26
Raquzza0526: 小遊戲比封面強的一月8F 12/04 03:38
Atima: 剛買秋促年包 第一個月就來這個......9F 12/04 03:39
Raquzza0526: 自從改8款後,配菜的品質比以前好太多了,12款年代小遊戲都一堆垃圾10F 12/04 03:39
Merrill: 感覺不差 至少看了都會想玩看看 之前的連啟動序號都懶12F 12/04 03:53
st9061204: 神筆談兵上禮拜剛買,趕緊退= =13F 12/04 04:59
Playonenight: 反正年包賣都賣了 愛領不領we14F 12/04 05:44
osedax: 還好我買禮物== 等下個月再開15F 12/04 06:00
j1551082: Atlas fallen應該算封面吧,結果跟著surge的腳步進包了16F 12/04 06:01
alanjiang: 感覺很弱17F 12/04 07:25
Sunerk: 超爛 pass18F 12/04 07:26
justastupid: pass19F 12/04 07:32
kingofage111: Pass…好糞20F 12/04 07:48
jacky00025: 哭阿 想說這個月會是P5...21F 12/04 08:02
Angesi: 全部PASS22F 12/04 08:04
Alanetsai: 舊世界秋特剛買還可以退XD,不過其他遊戲沒啥興趣,價格上買月包好像沒比較划算,PASS23F 12/04 08:19
devilhades: 推Cyberfunk神作25F 12/04 08:20
MinamiKaze77: 請問一下年包買禮物有限制最晚要什麼時候啟用嗎?26F 12/04 08:24
ctes940008: 跳27F 12/04 08:35
cycutom: 開的第一個遊戲滾石城就「美帳鎖台區」...唉
....一堆遊戲都HB美帳鎖台區STEAM....= =
2、4、6這三個遊戲鎖...28F 12/04 08:47
cord: 99鎂的年包 沒限制什麼時後啟用 且啟用後隨時可以停掉下月31F 12/04 09:02
teddy: 還以為會來個厲害的騙年包 p@5532F 12/04 09:06
kingofage111: 每次有優惠活動隔月好像都很爛…33F 12/04 09:25
Keigo0415: Atlas Fallen看影片感覺還不錯,這遊戲有什麼問題嗎?34F 12/04 09:25
is1128: 還好,馬上可以跳過35F 12/04 10:27
KOKOLALAMA: 這包我覺得好爛36F 12/04 10:30
nvidiaxp: PASS37F 12/04 10:48
reFine: 看評價是不錯的獨立小品包,但三款鎖區是怎樣…鎖掉也不會補別的,還扣一樣的錢?38F 12/04 11:19
idlerpaper: 超爛 pass40F 12/04 11:20
xp987987: 所以有幾個鎖台區?41F 12/04 11:31
starkwasker: 不是,自己用美帳買然後靠背鎖台區?42F 12/04 11:54
Yefim618: 今年全都跳掉...43F 12/04 13:04
sldj: 問一下這期美區給的遊戲一樣有鎖區嗎44F 12/04 13:10
j1551082: 台灣不能領就算了,這是台灣不能領美區…就是鎖區政策吧有一次是硬不給台區還少一片…45F 12/04 13:25
lsgsl: 這包真的立刻跳掉毫無猶豫QQ47F 12/04 13:48
LonyIce: 跳區有這些風險本來就要自己承擔48F 12/04 13:51
Raquzza0526: 在美區買然後抱怨鎖台區,台灣鯛?
而且上一款萬代進月包的遊戲(灰冥界)沒鎖台灣49F 12/04 14:00
hatehenin: 所以台帳被鎖幾款遊戲啊?謝謝53F 12/04 14:36
cms6384: 11月的戰錘40000黑潮爽54F 12/04 15:01
Raquzza0526: 這個月3款55F 12/04 15:43
kingofage111: HB就很g8有些遊戲台灣區不給,然後補個垃圾56F 12/04 15:53
devilhades: 這包其實真的不錯啦,1跟6兩款就抵全部了
打錯,1跟557F 12/04 16:20
cycutom: 不單是月包的問題,還有些組包,只有美帳能買能啟動59F 12/04 16:39

作者 ETTom 的最新發文:
(ETTom.): [組包] HumbleBundle 2024 12月 - Games板