作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [情報] 綠帽明年會繼續待在奧克蘭
時間 Sat Jun 17 10:29:13 2023

MLB rumors: Athletics to play in Oakland during 2024 MLB season – NBC Sports Bay Area & California
The A's reportedly will play out their lease at the Oakland Coliseum. ...


As the Athletics inch closer to relocating to Las Vegas, many have wondered wher
e they will play during the 2024 MLB season if owners approve the move to Nevada

The answer is Oakland, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported Friday night.

Citing a person with knowledge of the situation, the Review-Journal reported tha
t there have been no talks about the possibility of the A's not playing at the C
oliseum next season.

The A's lease at the Coliseum expires at the end of 2024, so if their move to La
s Vegas receives at least 75 percent approval from MLB owners, the team will hav
e to find a place to play during the 2025, 2026 and 2027 seasons until their new
 ballpark is ready for the 2028 season.

The Review-Journal reported that there are several options for the A's, includin
g the Triple-A ballparks in Reno, Las Vegas or Sacramento, as well as other Bay
Area facilities, presumably referring to the Giants' Oracle Park.




3.巨人主場Oracle Park(這不可能用吧XD)



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2023-06-17 10:29:13
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1aZHfx79 (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1686968955.A.1C9.html
zxc906383:轉錄至看板 MLB                                        06/17 10:29
chan324: 還是要走阿1F 06/17 10:30
lmf770410: 喔!?2F 06/17 10:31
WindSpread: 蓋球場要時間3F 06/17 10:31
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 06/17/2023 10:33:04
fujioqq: 布萊德彼特出來面對喔4F 06/17 10:33
bxxl: 明年還有租約,提前走應該要賠錢吧5F 06/17 10:33
jiaxie: 疫情時期,藍鳥隊可以借鏡6F 06/17 10:33
TBdrays: 想看沙加緬度7F 06/17 11:05
AhCheng: 用3A球場就要把賽程都錯開了8F 06/17 11:12
george1015: 球隊繼續放爛9F 06/17 11:28
gto3ping: 明年簽曾俊岳吧10F 06/17 12:17
GenjiEd: 要滾快滾11F 06/17 12:41
kano2525: 共用甲骨文球場啊,我想看血流成河12F 06/17 12:41
Hohenzollern: 1980年代舊的洋基球場翻薪就是蹭大都會隊主場13F 06/17 12:44
mightymouse: 去沙加緬度也是借3A球場14F 06/17 12:47

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