作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [情報] 內華達教師工會打算阻止綠帽球場補助案
時間 Fri Jun 30 23:39:49 2023

Nevada teachers' union launches action to halt public funding for A's stadium

If Nevada’s teachers have their way, the Oakland Athletics might not get any pu
blic funding for their proposed new stadium in Las Vegas.

The Nevada State Education Assn. (NSEA) is launching a political action committe
e to explore how to stop the stadium funding by any means possible, including li
tigation and/or a ballot measure.

“We are considering every path to prevent public funds from being used to subsi
dize a billionaire’s stadium,” NSEA spokesman Alexander Marks said Thursday.

The Nevada legislature this month approved — and Gov. Joe Lombardo signed into
law — a bill that would provide $380 million toward the $1.5-billion stadium th
e A’s and owner John Fisher plan to build in Las Vegas. Major League Baseball o
wners are expected to approve the proposed relocation — the first in the league
 since 2005 — and the A’s hope to open the new stadium in 2028.

Nevada teachers' union launches action to halt public funding for A's stadium
A bill that would provide $380 million toward a $1.5-billion stadium for the A's was approved this month. The Nevada State Education Assn. wants to st ...




並組成了一個名為Schools Over Stadiums的政治行動委員會

日前內華達州長Joe Lombardo簽署通過補助380M給綠帽


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2023-06-30 23:39:49
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1adlT71b (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1688139591.A.065.html
zxc906383:轉錄至看板 MLB                                        06/30 23:40
ACEric2173: 綠帽沒人要1F 06/30 23:50
Fitzwilliam: 他們是要阻止蓋球場,還是反對政府補助蓋球場(要蓋球場就用老闆自己的錢)?2F 06/30 23:50
zxc906383: 他們覺得要蓋老闆自己出4F 06/30 23:51
BobbyJeann: 發言人說的是抗議花公帑給有錢人蓋球場的意思吧 要蓋自己出5F 06/30 23:53
hybridpi: school over stadium7F 06/30 23:55
LukeSkywaker: 排擠到他們的預算?8F 06/30 23:55
slimfat0202: Vegas白天很熱,晚上七八點之後可能好一點。等教師協會找到阻止方式再說,議會跟市長都簽了啊。光桃園球場租金該租多少鼓勵球隊進駐就都吵不停,何況是天價球場。9F 07/01 00:36
peterw: 也猜預算被影響13F 07/01 01:16
cobras638: 阻止的了嗎?14F 07/01 03:36
Fitzwilliam: 告到法院或許至少能拖延進度15F 07/01 03:42

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