作者 Skyblueway (Sky)
標題 [情報] Stroy希望他能8月中回歸
時間 Thu Jul  6 06:39:20 2023

Red Sox shortstop Trevor Story, who is returning from offseason elbow surgery,
 is throwing out to 165 feet and expects to be activated to play shortstop somet
ime in August.


There was some consideration to Story returning earlier, possibly in July, as a
DH. His injury requires a longer buildup for throwing than hitting. But the plan
 right now is for him to return sometime next month as a shortstop.


“It’s coming soon,” Story told MassLive on Wednesday. “I think the DH thin
g, it just doesn’t look like it works right now. It’s not off the table but I
think for the way our roster is constructed, it would be kind of tough to make t
hat happen.


“Realistically, I see myself playing in the big leagues in August,” Story said
. “To shoot around mid-August would be great.


Red Sox’s Trevor Story on timeline, why returning earlier as DH is unlikely - masslive.com
Red Sox's Trevor Story discusses his timeline, why returning earlier as a DH is unlikely. ...


張育成有一個月的時間證明自己 加油

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: Skyblueway 2023-07-06 06:39:20
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1afV4Qc9 (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1688596762.A.989.html
littlelaibia: 名字先打對1F 07/06 06:42
※ 編輯: Skyblueway ( 臺灣), 07/06/2023 06:45:14
gidapops: 他又不是只能守SS 來紅襪最早也不是當SS2F 07/06 06:51
jeff1013: 他完全康復的話當然是讓他守SS啊==3F 07/06 06:54
ccyi995: 那時候是XB卡在那啊老哥4F 07/06 06:57
vaughn: 8月中再延遲一下,就相約明年了5F 07/06 07:23
polanco: 會比較擔心開完刀以後的傳球吧6F 07/06 07:25
l5i9hbba: 張就好好把握吧 本來他回來就是得讓他站游擊啊7F 07/06 07:25
vaughn: 張很幸運,現在已經被轉定位為正游擊,就算在紅襪沒位置了,別隊也會有工作的8F 07/06 07:35
YeeeeeTW: 張沒SS也有2B可以競爭吧 Kike跟Arroyo的成績沒有不可取10F 07/06 08:11
jasongo: kike是正CF,守內野影響打擊很大12F 07/06 08:34
EasyIsBeauty: DH意義不大吧13F 07/06 09:49
jeff830621: 育成推去二壘跟故事守中線 可以吧14F 07/06 10:15

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