作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [情報]  費城/皇家/酒鬼老闆負責審查綠帽搬家案
時間 Sat Jul  8 21:11:54 2023

A’s MLB relocation committee to include team’s ex-cities | Las Vegas Review-Journal
The CEOs of the Philadelphia Phillies and Kansas City Royals will serve on MLB’s relocation committee looking at the Oakland Athletics’ possible move  ...


Owners of teams in two of the Oakland Athletics’ former cities will play a part
 in deciding if the franchise should move to Las Vegas.

Philadelphia Phillies CEO John Middleton and Kansas City Royals CEO John Sherman
 will serve on Major League Baseball’s relocation committee, a person familiar
of the situation told the Las Vegas Review-Journal.

The two join Milwaukee Brewers chairman Mark Attanasio, who last month was appoi
nted by baseball commissioner Rob Manfred to chair the relocation committee. Tha
t group will evaluate the team’s application, define the new operating territor
y and television territory, then make a recommendation to Manfred and the eight-
man executive council.

Las Vegas would become the fourth home for a franchise that began in Philadelphi
a from 1901-54, moved to Kansas City for 13 seasons and arrived in Oakland for 1

酒鬼老闆Mark Attanasio上個月被任命為綠帽搬遷案審查委員會的頭頭


費城人老闆John Middleton

皇家老闆John Sherman


1901-1954 費城運動家
1955-1967 堪薩斯運動家
1968-迄今 奧克蘭運動家
2025-     拉斯維加斯運動家

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2023-07-08 21:11:54
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1agM2SjN (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1688821916.A.B57.html
zxc906383:轉錄至看板 MLB                                        07/08 21:12
saiulbb: 應該不會拒絕吧 感覺幾乎成定局了1F 07/08 21:18
cobras638: 遷案審查委員會最多幾人?2F 07/08 22:00
wakaura: 搬家還要別隊同意? 管太寬3F 07/08 22:59
manny875468: 要啊 之前想搬遷San Jose,巨人就在哭爸了4F 07/09 00:07
a0921830077: 拉斯維加斯也需要一個MLB球隊了 感覺國際客可以占一定比例5F 07/09 00:54

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