作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [情報] 條子2023、2024要支付給薛蛇的薪水
時間 Mon Jul 31 16:20:14 2023

Rosenthal: Only in Steve Cohen’s world does sending Rangers $36 million save money - The Athletic
Let's put the Mets’ payment of approximately $36 million to the Rangers in the Max Scherzer trade in perspective. ...


Scherzer is owed nearly $15 million for the rest of the season. The Rangers, acc
ording to sources briefed on the deal’s financial breakdown, are covering about
 $6 million of that amount. Next season, Scherzer is owed $43.33 million, and th
e Rangers will pay roughly $16.5 million of that.


2023 $6M       $37M
2024 $16.5M    $26.8M

Using those approximate numbers, the Mets will save about $9 million in salary a
nd $8 million in luxury tax this season as they pay a 90 percent penalty for eve
ry dollar they spend over the highest threshold. Next season, with the roughly $
16.5 million savings in Scherzer’s salary and the highest penalty rate rising t
o 110 percent, they would avoid more than $18 million in tax.




The David Robertson deal also saved the Mets money, about $3.5 million in salary
 and $3.2 million in tax, while netting two additional high-ceiling prospects fr
om the Marlins. Even for billionaires, every dollar counts, right? And it seems
a reasonable bet Cohen will be reinvesting every one of those dollars and millio
ns more into the 2024 roster.

賣掉David Robertson也省了$3.5M+$3.5M*0.9=$6.65M


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2023-07-31 16:20:14
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1ansx0Ov (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1690791616.A.639.html
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 07/31/2023 16:20:40
zxc906383:轉錄至看板 MLB                                        07/31 16:20
lowl99: 薛蛇如果能投出來條子就賺翻,梅子只能期望Acuna弟能打出1F 07/31 16:22
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 07/31/2023 16:24:56
a558815: 好重的稅3F 07/31 16:31
yoysky: 條子22M用薛蛇一年三個月,很划算吧4F 07/31 16:33
wangderful04: 條子真的在賭今年5F 07/31 16:37
ericinttu: 發揮出戰力的話 算三贏嗎?6F 07/31 16:40
kissmy0926: 條子拼季後賽的投手qq7F 07/31 16:42
TAZUSA: 德州產油大國,被蛇爽到8F 07/31 16:48
diabolica: 利多9F 07/31 17:27
snowflake04: 條子哪有只有賭今年,最重要幾隻根本就沒送出去10F 07/31 19:38
yt010004: 看一下條子農場一堆頂級新秀 天使那破爛農場要比啥
大谷要打季後賽前 可以多看看條子未來性  條子滿滿農場足以競爭到大谷老了 天使都難在美聯西區稱霸呢11F 07/31 21:03

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