作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [情報] Chaim Bloom很在意吉田、故事哥這兩筆簽
時間 Sat Sep 16 16:32:28 2023

Why Chaim Bloom was fired and what it means for Red Sox, Alex Cora | Cotillo - masslive.com
A day after Chaim Bloom was let go as the Red Sox's president of baseball operations, a look at why it happened and the impact it could have on the re ...


multiple sources with knowledge of Bloom’s thinking have noted that he had priv
ately obsessed over his two major free agent expenditures — Story and Yoshida
— in each of the last two seasons, constantly wondering if he had made the righ
t moves. It’s clear that those expenditures of $140 million and $90 million, re
spectively, made Bloom uncomfortable


Chaim Bloom私下很在意他的兩筆大型FA簽約




※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2023-09-16 16:32:28
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1b1MWUr- (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1694853150.A.D7E.html
sorrywow: 他覺得盤1F 09/16 16:33
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 09/16/2023 16:34:30
hdotistyle: 盤2F 09/16 16:34
Moukoko: 哈哈3F 09/16 16:35
yankees733: 看看幾年後會不會變成雙盤4F 09/16 16:35
polanco: 那還給吉田給得這麼爽快?5F 09/16 16:36
charlie01: 是怎樣衝動消費然後自我懷疑嗎?XD6F 09/16 16:36
BLACKLIONS: 後悔莫及7F 09/16 16:36
otaku32286: 目前看來真的盤 不過如果之後幾年能打出來那就能解套8F 09/16 16:37
KEDEN: 那時候看吉田越看越緣投9F 09/16 16:46
Chanlin01: 看到故事哥現在打這樣突然後悔10F 09/16 16:46
jshuang: 所以可以開始說90M 太貴了嗎 是不是75就簽的到了?11F 09/16 16:47
WasJohnWall: 當初就知道一個只買棒子另一個有下山疑慮了12F 09/16 16:53
Corydoras: 笑死 今年都快結束惹13F 09/16 16:57
sesd: 他 沒想到吉田正尚體能那麼糟 才100場上下就有點沒力了
後面都是狂輪休保持數據 最近休息也沒用了14F 09/16 16:58
www90173: 故事哥今年好爛16F 09/16 16:59
sesd: 前面一度還是接近大聯盟打擊王 沒力烙賽起來也很快17F 09/16 17:00
Dimitre: 啊不就是你簽的 感覺怪怪的當初簽之前就該想久一點18F 09/16 17:02
AhCheng: 那反過來說,為什麼不想簽? 還是用那種光芒思維,反正不花錢就沒球員來就是了
然後在討論這兩筆時,整個操作也盤的很爛阿 所以才會出現兩極化的球迷19F 09/16 17:02
Minihil: 吉田當時是不用花到這麼多好像也簽的到23F 09/16 18:09
GenjiEd: 自己簽的24F 09/16 18:45
kano2525: 吉田那筆合約,大家都疑惑到底是怎麼開的,包括吉田自己25F 09/16 19:13
sqweweww: 吉田打到後面感覺又不值了26F 09/16 19:26

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