作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [情報] 光芒新球場將耗資13億鎂(光芒負擔7億鎂)
時間 Wed Sep 20 09:24:51 2023

Rays confident of closing deal for $1.3B downtown St. Petersburg stadium
If approved, the team will pay $700 million, and the city and county will split $600 million. The plan is to break ground next fall, with the fixed-ro ...


If approved, the team will pay $700 million, and the city and county will split
$600 million. The plan is to break ground next fall, with the fixed-roof domed s
tadium to open in 2028.




The stadium, part of massive $6.5 billion, 20-year redevelopment of the 86-acre
Historic Gas Plant District led by the global Hines Co., would seat around 30,00
0 under a pavilion-style fixed roof. It would have an artificial turf field, air
 conditioning, some windows and “operable walls to bring the outside in,” plus
 what the team says will be state-of-the-art amenities for fans and players.


The financing plan calls for the city and county to split an approximate $600 mi
llion public contribution, with the Rays covering the remaining $700 million, pl
us any cost overruns.


The overall redevelopment plan includes 14,000 parking spaces; 4,800 market rate
 residential units, plus 600 at affordable/work force prices and 600 for seniors
; 1.4 million square feet of office and medical space; 750 hotel rooms; 750,000
square feet of retail space; a concert venue with a capacity of 3,000-4,000; and
 a new home for the Woodson African American Museum of Florida.


One change from the original plan was to increase the number of affordable housi
ng units nearly 50%, from 859 to 1,200, which was a priority for Welch. There no
w will be 600 units on site — including 100 designated for seniors, allowing th
e potential for residents displaced from the site when Tropicana Field was built
 to move back — and 600 off-site at a location to be determined.

還有1200個affordable housing

Hines senior managing partner Michael Harrison said about 20% of the redevelopme
nt should be in place when the stadium opens, including ground level retail, foo
d and beverage outlets on the parcels east of Booker Creek, some of the market p
lace and affordable housing units, a full-service hotel with conference space an
d the first office building.


The biggest question is why the Rays would build a new stadium on essentially th
e same site when attendance has lagged for much of their first 26 seasons.

至於被問到為啥新球場還是蓋在St. Petersburg

Auld said the recent building boom and influx of new residents in downtown St. P
etersburg — with projections for more, including 6,000 units as part of their r
edevelopment project — changed the calculus.




※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2023-09-20 09:24:51
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1b2adbqY (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1695173093.A.D22.html
hdotistyle: 不做可以開合的巨蛋喔1F 09/20 09:27
carlchang092: 所以坦帕市區人過不來直接改成在球場周圍造鎮創造人流的概念嗎XDDD2F 09/20 09:31
Sechslee: 實話是周邊開發更好賺4F 09/20 09:34
e7660239: 開合的印象造價會更貴吧?5F 09/20 09:39
carlchang092: 開合多數都不便宜吧,屋頂結構跟球場結構中間卡著屋頂移動的軌道比較難設計,而且每次開合電費都超貴6F 09/20 09:48
bmwnyy870915: 看來是想把自己的點弄成新市區8F 09/20 09:49
DorkKnight: 交通不方便?直接搬來生活吧9F 09/20 09:50
catsondbs: 建球場還要造鎮
不怕失敗跟球場一起淪為鬼城啊日10F 09/20 09:55
Grandslammmm: 在夜店打球94潮12F 09/20 09:58
JHENGKUNLIN: 13億>12億13F 09/20 10:13
speai18891: 這蓋球場還是蓋城鎮啊 太狠了14F 09/20 10:48
ji394tb: 要上太空了15F 09/20 11:11
fishhy: 把人搬過來就沒有交通問題了!16F 09/20 11:24
ctw01: 直接造鎮17F 09/20 12:36
Musclefeng: 新竹真便宜18F 09/20 12:40
sean12345678: 反觀龍龍。以前賣油賺那麼多,新竹球場出多少?
原來13億是65億的一部份喔!我還以為13億包山包海呢19F 09/20 12:43

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