作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [情報] NHL卡羅來納颶風老闆:想在北卡創一支MLB
時間 Wed Oct  4 16:59:55 2023

MLB Expansion Suitors Grow, Even Without Formal Process
While there isn’t yet a definitive process for MLB expansion, that isn’t stopping potential candidate cities from becoming more vocal. ...


The Carolina Hurricanes’ Tom Dundon told the North Carolina Sports Network that
 he wants “to try to bring another major asset to North Carolina” on the heels
 of completing a new lease and redevelopment plan for the NHL team’s PNC Arena.

NHL卡羅來納颶風老闆Tom Dundon,近期告訴North Carolina Sports Network說


“I know I’m biased, but I think Raleigh is the best place in the country for a
 new MLB team,” Dundon said. “And when I say that, I think we have the facts t
o back that up.”

Tom Dundon: 羅里這地區很適合有一支MLB隊伍呢

The new clubs are poised to bring at least several billion dollars in new money
into MLB, and Dundon didn’t flinch when asked about a potential $2.2 billion pr
ice tag for an expansion franchise. “Sounds reasonable,” he said.


Tom Dundon:聽起來是個合理的價格呢




※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2023-10-04 16:59:55
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1b7IcD2d (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1696409997.A.0A7.html
zxc906383:轉錄至看板 MLB                                        10/04 17:00
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 10/04/2023 17:00:55
JoeGibsonJr: 北卡創天使1F 10/04 17:03
mschien8295: 狠角色,22億鎂合理價格2F 10/04 17:04
amgdaaaa: 擴編要怎麼分區?3F 10/04 17:10
ringtweety: 會改成一聯盟兩區嗎? 一區8隊(假設擴編成32隊的話)4F 10/04 17:14
CrossroadMEI: 一區8隊回歸東西區是夢回60年代嗎5F 10/04 17:29
ThomasWei919: 回歸東西區的話中部的球隊會哭吧6F 10/04 17:36
tony900735: 北卡,會需要問過隔壁州雙城嗎?
有人知道北卡哪隊球迷比較多嗎?7F 10/04 17:48
nsk: 1993國聯西區 勇士104勝 vs 巨人103勝淘汰9F 10/04 17:54
airmonkey: 北卡不是北達科他,差很遠10F 10/04 18:23
fishhy: 應該還是會維持現有的分區吧,過去國中曾經有6隊11F 10/04 18:30
AhCheng: Curry:開心12F 10/04 19:42
stilu: 綠帽搬家的事搞定了,佛地魔可以專心搞擴隊了13F 10/04 19:45
ruffryders: 卡羅萊納黑豹:「我NFLㄟ14F 10/04 20:28
ddkkz2003: raleigh撐得起來嗎 感覺charlotte比較可能15F 10/04 21:36
JonaGoGo: 北卡附近比較大市場的是勇士 夏洛特其實就在討論裡面16F 10/04 21:54

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