作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [情報] 威斯康辛州確定補助酒鬼500M翻新球場
時間 Sat Nov 18 15:25:59 2023

Wisconsin Approves $500M Plan To Ensure Brewers Stay Until 2050
The Milwaukee Brewers have solidified their future in their Wisconsin home since 1970 with approval of a $500 million stadium package. ...


Wisconsin lawmakers approved a roughly $500 million funding package to upgrade A
merican Family Field, solidifying the Milwaukee Brewers’ future in Wisconsin —
 their home since 1970.



After months of back-and-forth negotiation — as well as prior suggestions and t
hen retractions of the team’s relocation — the Wisconsin assembly and senate b
oth approved amended legislation on Tuesday keeping the Brewers in Milwaukee unt
il at least 2050.




※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2023-11-18 15:25:59
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1bM6S9Vr (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1700292361.A.7F5.html
pig721: 五億美只翻新會不會太浪費1F 11/18 15:28
salkuo: 這球場不是蠻新的嗎?2F 11/18 15:28
a94037501: 怕3F 11/18 15:28
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sandiegopadr: 奧克蘭:5F 11/18 15:33
newsnew: 會怕吼6F 11/18 15:34
k22015987: 奧克蘭不補助運動家就跑給你看 其他州還敢不補助嗎7F 11/18 15:37
Mulsanne: 威斯康辛州又老又窮…8F 11/18 15:43
a0921830077: 奧克蘭是政府擋附近土地開發案吧9F 11/18 15:53
mtcoat: 翻新藥五億美金喔 在台灣一定被說水很深XD10F 11/18 16:08
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h311013: 溜滑梯要加高嗎XD12F 11/18 19:00

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