作者 polanco (polanco)
標題 [情報] David Fletcher和Max Stassi去勇士
時間 Sat Dec  9 08:02:36 2023

The Atlanta Braves are acquiring infielder David Fletcher and catcher Max Stassi
 in a trade with the Los Angeles Angels for first baseman Evan White and right-h
anded reliever Tyler Thomas, sources tell ESPN.


勇士獲得David Fletcher和Max Stassi

天使獲得Evan White和Tyler Thomas



The Braves already have a pair of catchers in Sean Murphy and Travis d'Arnaud, s
o they'll likely look to move Stassi, who is slated to make $7 million this seas
on. It's a similar situation to what they did with Marco Gonzales, and with a pa
ucity of FA catchers, it should happen.



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: polanco 2023-12-09 08:02:36
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1bSwwUFw (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1702080158.A.3FA.html
※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 12/09/2023 08:03:37
※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 12/09/2023 08:06:19
xyf290: 天使來的這兩個沒很強啊1F 12/09 08:06
ZaneTrout: 不痛不癢的交易2F 12/09 08:12
Q00863: 沒空3F 12/09 08:13
MIYAVIneko: 哇fletcher4F 12/09 08:14
hdotistyle: 捕手被d'Arnaud跟murphy卡死了吧5F 12/09 08:14
bj451123: 比大谷更早搭上奪冠列車….6F 12/09 08:16
chanti112: 樓下沒空7F 12/09 08:17
yoyo99931: 這兩個雖然不強 但是也算可以用得了…天使清倉8F 12/09 08:19
laking: 清掉薪資空間吧9F 12/09 08:20
eee60109: 勇士是在玩fantasy嗎 一直搞交易10F 12/09 08:22
mayzn: 省錢吧 Jeff Fletcher算一算大概2024可以省7M11F 12/09 08:22
Himiko9975: 沒空12F 12/09 08:23
jason930502: 捕手要練哈皮嗎13F 12/09 08:27
bj451123: https://i.imgur.com/14k0aUd.jpg
天使交易來的新投手14F 12/09 08:46
s860382: 這新投手看起來好和藹(誤16F 12/09 08:47
zhickun: 現在大家有空了17F 12/09 08:55
turkeyma: 前兩天勇士GM不是信誓旦旦說他整個off season 唯一要追的野手已經搞定了嗎?
這兩個弄來又是要轉手送出去嗎?是說明明就沒薪資空間了卻一直幫忙別人吃耶18F 12/09 08:55
bear6789: Fletcher和White互換又沒省到錢
等於拿Stassi換一隻大齡小聯盟投手 有點虧吧22F 12/09 09:05
heavens: 勇士GM玩交易玩上癮了24F 12/09 09:09
shigurew: 天使養不動吧25F 12/09 09:15
chen2021: 沒空26F 12/09 09:45
Yuko300: 天使放推幾年等轉運27F 12/09 10:25
x24627785: 簽了軟洞後就沒救了,佔薪資空間打得像屎一樣28F 12/09 11:04
herisson: Fletch, 大谷(或可以說一平)的好麻吉29F 12/09 13:06

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