作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [情報] 山本由伸預計會在首爾海外賽先發
時間 Tue Feb 13 14:09:31 2024


Dodgers' Yoshinobu Yamamoto looks for quick adjustment to majors - Los Angeles Times
Japanese ace Yoshinobu Yamamoto is only 5-foot-10, but he's been a big presence in the Dodgers' spring workouts as he prepares for a grueling MLB seas ...


The Dodgers plan for Yamamoto to start a game in their season-opening, two-game
series against the San Diego Padres in South Korea, according to people familiar
 with the situation who spoke under the condition of anonymity.




※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2024-02-13 14:09:31
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1bomUTfU (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1707804573.A.A5E.html
huangjyuan: 大谷應該會去吧1F 02/13 14:11
pythonbetter: 去首爾結果日本人比韓國人多2F 02/13 14:14
Chanlin01: 驗貨3F 02/13 14:30
hansvonboltz: 山本 vs. 達爾4F 02/13 14:33
shaon: 我好興奮啊啊啊5F 02/13 14:45
huang0685: 日韓大戰6F 02/13 14:54
kintaro1219: 潮爽的7F 02/13 15:46
Derp: 爽到泡菜 日本人氣暈在廁所8F 02/13 16:14
hexokinase: 韓國觀眾好賺9F 02/13 16:15
afa1919: 韓國會不會管黃牛票啊 這場票搶翻了吧10F 02/13 16:24
james0530: 這場實名制啊,黃牛大概也沒那麼多11F 02/13 18:18
heshe: 愛爾達應該會播吧XD12F 02/13 19:44
flowerabby01: 記得這場實名制,還綁會員13F 02/13 22:52

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