作者 polanco (polanco)
標題 [情報] Kershaw左腳拇指長骨刺 可能進傷兵名單
時間 Sat Aug 31 13:56:03 2024

Dave Roberts said Clayton Kershaw has a bone spur on his toe

It’s something he has apparently dealt with on and off for “years,” and start
ed struggling with in the first inning tonight. An IL stint is possible







There could also be further roster moves to help freshen up the bullpen, Roberts

The Dodgers had to use three relievers who were supposed to be down tonight


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: polanco 2024-08-31 13:56:03
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1cqh1tXn (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1725083767.A.871.html
Jaguarsu: 慘啊1F 08/31 13:56
crayon1988: 骨刺...這季應該回不來了吧2F 08/31 13:56
Jaguarsu: 那這樣蘿蔔司機應該要拉上來了3F 08/31 13:57
Yjizz: A........4F 08/31 13:57
※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 08/31/2024 13:57:55
leoz69927: 看要不要開刀不然小手術而已十天左右就可以恢復5F 08/31 13:58
Axy8: 道奇的先發好慘6F 08/31 14:00
lmf770410: …..7F 08/31 14:00
arasheng: 下去換山本上來8F 08/31 14:01
same60710: 道奇好像這幾年都是季賽屯一堆SP 結果季後賽沒人用...9F 08/31 14:05
pinky841118: 道奇的SP真的…傷兵累累10F 08/31 14:06
tarcowang: 去年開刀時怎麼沒想到一起解決11F 08/31 14:09
TokyoHard: 山本上來丟復健好了,吃個幾局控球數當第二先發用啊12F 08/31 14:12
joshtrace: 可以退休了...13F 08/31 14:14
ralfeistein: 這以前休養時沒想過要一起弄好嗎...?14F 08/31 14:16
Yjizz: 已經存在很多年, 難道會是是美X國柯的原因嗎
同推文疑問,這應該不算大手術為啥不一起還是早點處理15F 08/31 14:16
Jager56566: 痛痛人17F 08/31 14:23
riddle1304: 投手快沒人了18F 08/31 14:30
Nikagnef: 還好是小事19F 08/31 14:45
benizaka99: 肩膀手術全身麻醉感覺可以同時處理的啊20F 08/31 14:53
a5687920: 腳指也會長骨刺??21F 08/31 14:56
JKjohnwick: 痛痛人22F 08/31 15:03
TokyoHard: 痛風?骨刺?23F 08/31 15:24
revise: 又…24F 08/31 15:26
its0130: 又25F 08/31 15:37

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