作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [情報] WBSC:日本這次12強轉播權分配
時間 Tue Nov  5 23:24:54 2024

Unprecedented TV and radio coverage for WBSC Premier12 in Japan - World Baseball Softball Confederation - wbsc.org
Tokyo Broadcasting System (TBS), TV Asahi, Prime Video and J SPORTS are confirmed as Premier12 broadcast partners in Japan. ...


The World Baseball Softball Confederation (WBSC) announced the TV broadcast part
ners and streaming services in Japan for the WBSC Premier12 2024, presented by R


Japanese broadcasters Tokyo Broadcasting System (TBS) and TV Asahi have acquired
 the TV rights to show Japan games at this year’s Premier12 international baseb
all tournament; while Prime Video and J SPORTS landed the rights to stream the e
vent. J SPORTS also acquired the rights to broadcast on BS/CS satellite channels


TBS電視台    小組賽 vs 韓國
             小組賽 vs 台灣

朝日電視台   小組賽 vs 澳洲
             小組賽 vs 古巴
             小組賽 vs 多明尼加

J SPORTS     A/B組所有賽事

Prime Video:串流轉播所有日本隊的賽事

During the Opening Round, TV Asahi will broadcast Group B's inaugural game betwe
en Japan and Australia in Nagoya, on November 13; as well as Japan's games again
st Cuba and Dominican Republic, on November 17 and 18 respectively. TBS acquired
 the rights to air Japan's contests against Korea on November 15 and Chinese Tai
pei on November 16.

The first Super Round game and the medal game (if Japan qualifies) will be broad
cast by TV Asahi, while the games on November 22 and 23 will be aired by TBS.

J SPORTS will provide live broadcasts and streaming of 25 games of the Opening R
ound, including all Group A matches and Group B matches where Japan is not playi

They will also broadcast and stream the three day games of the Super Round. Addi

Japan's games in the Opening Round, the three Super Round night games, the bronz
e medal match, and the Final will be broadcasted and streamed on-demand on J SPO
RTS in December.

All Japan's games, both in the Opening Round and Super Round, will be streamed l
ive by Prime Video.

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2024-11-05 23:24:54
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1dAZZ8fn (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1730820296.A.A71.html
cobras638: 分配的不錯1F 11/06 00:24
rocky9137: 日本那邊早就公佈了2F 11/06 00:27
YuiiAnitima: 侍JAPAN官網就有寫了  https://is.gd/aCl419
這時JSports會變成錄播3F 11/06 00:29
TONY7: 感覺Prime Video在日本的市場佔有率比D+跟N+還要大6F 11/06 18:53

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