作者 Napoleon313 (十四行詩)
標題 [方吉] NEO菇菇栽培研究室 微更新:帝王蟹
時間 Thu Mar 30 13:04:47 2023

[NEO Mushroom Garden] It's Crab Season! New Order+ Added!|菇菇Paradise 菇菇官方網站
菇菇官方網站。最新消息、App、周邊商品等、我們會通知你菇菇的情報。 ...


[NEO Mushroom Garden] It's Crab Season! New Order+ Added!


SOS!! SOS!!!
There's a distress call coming from the theme "Fung-Sea Castle"!
Help them by taking on the new mini update "King Crab March"!

*King Crab March*

Help! The Fung-Sea Castle has been overrun by King Crabby!
Harvest as many King Crabby as you can to save the Funghi!



Next Month is NEO's 9th Anniversary!

On April 11th, NEO welcomes it's 9th anniversary!

To celebrate, we're preparing a new theme for next month's update!

Almost a decade has passed since the release of NEO, but we'll keep working
to provide you with new and exciting content every month.

Please look forward to an exciting 9th year of NEO Mushroom Garden!

九週年紀念 四月有新主題

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: Napoleon313 2023-03-30 13:04:47
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1a9HXn0t (C_Chat)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1680152689.A.037.html
CAtJason: 食腦….1F 03/30 13:08
PanaS0Nic: 原來還活著...2F 03/30 13:08
※ 編輯: Napoleon313 ( 臺灣), 03/30/2023 13:09:35
some61321: 好醜3F 03/30 13:14
Ohiyo543: 這是惡靈古堡出來的吧?4F 03/30 13:31
Rothax: 冬蟹夏草?5F 03/30 13:34
j022015: 異形…6F 03/30 15:18
aaa1234136: 只有我覺得 新作 菇菇同樂有點農嗎7F 03/30 16:12

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