看板 C_Chat作者 LABOYS (洛城浪子)標題 [閒聊] FF7ReBirth 野村:失去是一種突如其來的事情時間 Wed Dec 20 12:28:49 2023
※ [本文轉錄自 PlayStation 看板 #1bWch3H- ]
Reborn Only to Die?
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth may feature side content and minigames galore, but
the main story will un-doubtedly leave its mark. Since Rebirth brings the
story up to the point where the party reaches the Forgotten Capital, players
will need to reckon with Aerith's story arc after playing a game built around
deepening the connections between the party mem-bers.
FF7 Rebirth 可能將提供玩家豐富的支線內容和大量小遊戲,
在 Rebirth 將故事推進到隊伍到達遺忘之都之後,
When I asked the development team about this scene, the previously jovial mood dropped into a
somber state. While the team is tight-lipped about how the events will play
out, it insists it has achieved something that will shock even the players who
have played through the scene in question multiple times.
"Beginning with the original Final Fantasy VII,when we had started working on
it, it was already decided from the get-go that 'life' would be the central
theme surrounding Final Fantasy VII," Nomura says. "I knew that we had to
depict life and death within this title. Prior to Final Fantasy VII,there have
been other titles where characters have experienced tragedy, but many of them
have come back or been revived in some way. But I believe that loss is
something that happens unexpectedly,and it's not something so dramatic or
drawn out,but is something in which a person that you have to come back. I
believe that the person who dies should not return in this title, and that is
what we did with the original."
Those familiar with the scene know all too well the emotional impact the
events could have with deep-ened relationships and much better technological
capabilities to express the full scope of the events.
The way the developers tease how it plays out, I can't help but be curious and
speculate about how it might differ from the original. After all, the
Whispers that helped control the fate of Remake are gone; maybe things can
play out differently this time. Or perhaps I'm just setting myself up to be
hurt again.
Much like the characters in the Final Fantasy VII Remake series, who are no
longer governed by pre-determined fate, the developers talk as though the
possibilities in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth are endless.And after what Square
Enix accomplished through Final Fantasy VII Remake and how the team ex-plains
its approach to Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, I'm inclined to believe them.
就像FF7 Remake系列中的角色一樣,他們不再受到既定命運的支配,
開發人員談論起 Rebirth 的口吻,似乎都在認為其中的可能性是無窮的。
在 Square Enix 透過 Remake呈現出的結果,以及開發團隊對 Rebirth 的闡述之後,
這結語標題太粗暴了 XDD
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: LABOYS 2023-12-20 12:28:49
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1bWch3H- (PlayStation)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PlayStation/M.1703045827.A.47E.html
※ 同主題文章:
[閒聊] FF7ReBirth 野村:失去是突如其來的事情
12-20 12:28 LABOYS
※ 編輯: LABOYS ( 臺灣), 12/20/2023 12:29:33
推 npc776: 你不插下去乾脆就不要叫FF7好了1F 12/20 12:30
推 CrazyLord: 這次肯定是艾莉絲拿鐵椅爆打薩菲羅斯 穩4F 12/20 12:30
推 Yanrei: 上次看很多老玩家都說艾莉絲不能活下來XD6F 12/20 12:31
→ Yanrei: 原本以為會很多人期待讓她活下來的...8F 12/20 12:31
推 siddor: 說不定札克斯出來就是給愛麗絲去另一個平行時空相遇用的9F 12/20 12:32
→ eva05s: 悲劇還是比較深入人心
當然不排除也有單純的樂子人10F 12/20 12:32
→ npc776: 老人當然希望她活回來 但這刀不插你乾脆改名字叫FF17好了13F 12/20 12:33
推 bobby4755: 愛麗絲不死變最終魔王 賽菲洗白變成克勞德正宮15F 12/20 12:34
推 Yanrei: 我第一次玩,都希望能活下來的越多越好XD16F 12/20 12:34
噓 u7451519: 繞著這個話題一直繞一直繞,又從來不說到核心的重點,製作人擦邊球打的很爽嘛18F 12/20 12:35
推 realion: 還是得插下去才能叫FF722F 12/20 12:35
→ realion: 不然劇情張力真的沒法比25F 12/20 12:36
推 polas: Remake搞一堆花招結果最後還是插死才沒張力吧...27F 12/20 12:37
推 fetoyeh: 不會尷尬啊 別忘記有個沒死的大哥29F 12/20 12:38
推 feartis: 請巴雷特再被插一次31F 12/20 12:38
推 Landius: 不是啊,讓大嫂回來的意義在...?38F 12/20 12:40
→ louis0724: 但這次大哥也沒死成阿 只死愛麗絲大哥太苦了吧==39F 12/20 12:41
推 realion: se也沒能力寫出不領便當又比原版更佳的劇情40F 12/20 12:41
推 gox1117: 大哥跟大哥女人一起做串燒41F 12/20 12:41
→ jonh0805: 也不是什麼愛打擦邊球吧,不都媒體問的嗎
製作組這東西不能明講不就變這樣了42F 12/20 12:42
推 a760981: 扎克斯那邊世界除了克勞德和畢格斯 其他全掛了44F 12/20 12:43
推 efkfkp: 各位觀眾,豪華串燒pro max!!45F 12/20 12:44
推 bladesinger: 換蒂法被捅死會比較好嗎?
要插不插還在那賣關子,有夠無聊46F 12/20 12:44
→ a760981: 還沒上市打擦邊球很正常,不可能直接拿結局塗你滿臉吧?48F 12/20 12:45
推 akway: 改成0.5愛麗絲好了 變成神作50F 12/20 12:46
推 louis0724: 笑死 樓上你是惡魔吧
摩天輪選誰誰就被插XD51F 12/20 12:46
推 polas: 不想吊人胃口可以跟媒體說好不要問這問題 或是一句這我不能講就帶過了 說穿了還是製作組愛這樣搞神祕阿53F 12/20 12:47
推 WLR: 換成好感度最高的被捅55F 12/20 12:48
推 lpsobig: 我大哥到底是來幹嘛的 操 不如一開始就不要有這角色56F 12/20 12:48
推 akles111: 那就大哥跟艾麗絲一起被插死就好了,誰也不尷尬57F 12/20 12:49
→ LABOYS: 笑死,不知道在氣什麼。哪個媒體會不想問這題59F 12/20 12:51
推 akway: 不然改成大哥跟艾莉絲一起殉情好了61F 12/20 12:52
→ realion: 原時間點不發,讓玩家膽戰心驚不知道啥時會發64F 12/20 12:55
推 gintom7835: 繞來繞去就是為了不劇透啊,你直接說照樣插下去,或許有人就不買了吧?66F 12/20 12:58
推 hasroten: 還是這次我們改插tifa(X69F 12/20 12:59
推 ryoma1: 推文破哏啦~正宗一刀插進標題變成《FF17》?70F 12/20 13:00
→ gintom7835: 照你們邏輯,其他遊戲製作組被訪問的時候都別藏,這角色會死、這個會離隊、這個變魔王,這樣很開心嗎?71F 12/20 13:01
推 bobby4755: 這就是重製的包袱 有人希望新變化 有人希望沒大改
新人被雷完原作劇情75F 12/20 13:07
→ fayise: 阿不然是要預告片用一個早就被高爾夫球桿打爆腦袋的來騙人嗎?77F 12/20 13:08
推 s8018572: 要死不死也能那邊製造話題 照原本插死就插死阿81F 12/20 13:22
推 akles111: 阿不然呢,怎樣還是重製阿,要插死就沒什好藏82F 12/20 13:25
推 Victory2: 失去是突如其來的…… 說得好,上次我存檔壞掉就確實感受到了85F 12/20 13:31
推 kducky: 我大CloTi派87F 12/20 13:32
推 qoo60606: 這次會記得先把裝備換下來的89F 12/20 13:36
推 seraph01: 死去的人不應該再回來 可是潔西三人組90F 12/20 13:37
推 signm: 愛麗絲不是看過劇本了?93F 12/20 13:50
推 Shin722: 沒死後面就不是FF7了啊,你可以改FF17,另一個方法變退隊流,但是我覺得這樣很差95F 12/20 13:57
→ npc776: 你才笑死 瑟瑟排行榜第一名那傢伙就他畫出來的100F 12/20 14:20
推 kducky: npc 太粗暴了吧= = 雖然我也是希望原汁原味重製的老害,什麼別的時間線 菲拉都給我7414101F 12/20 14:22
推 npc776: (╮′_>`)<我是覺得可以弄條IF線放二周目 但阿莉不死整個
故事會變成軟趴趴不知道在幹嘛103F 12/20 14:27
推 Rex1009: 改成艾莉絲插死賽菲羅斯105F 12/20 15:10
→ SuM0m0: 算了吧 整個團隊現在再搞事情106F 12/20 15:41
推 dg7158: 難道愛麗絲要反手插死賽菲羅斯然後在一個髮膠手變大魔王了嗎107F 12/20 15:41
推 sakungen: 不會尷尬啊,原作克勞德對艾莉絲有興趣的橋段,上一片都砍光了。113F 12/20 18:05