作者 Jotarun (forever)
標題 [情報] D4 100等巔峰挑戰暫時關閉
時間 Tue Jun  6 13:55:07 2023

Level 100 Pinnacle Challenge Temporarily Disabled - PC General Discussion - Diablo IV Forums
The level 100 pinnacle challenge encounter has been temporarily disabled as we work to resolve a few items related to this encounter. We will update t ...


老樣子 有bug所以先關起來了

Diablo 4 Pinnacle Boss Solo Hardcore Attempt - Icy Veins
The final challenge of Diablo 4 has been faced solo in hardcore. The pinnacle boss was engaged, but did it get defeated? Let's take a look. ...


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國)
※ 作者: Jotarun 2023-06-06 13:55:07
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1aViezyC (DIABLO)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/DIABLO/M.1686030909.A.F0C.html
Bjergsen: 她怎麼不會扣血R?她是不是會吸血R?1F 06/06 13:58
MotoDawn: 好險鼻爾森退的早2F 06/06 13:59
sipa0737: 原來有回捲這東西3F 06/06 14:14
amsmsk: 莉莉絲已經進入我的TEMPO了4F 06/06 14:27
t77133562003: 就說了 就算不是超級捏法雷姆 一樣猛5F 06/06 14:30
berryc: 原來有回卷啊.... 請問是專家模式才有的嗎Y6F 06/06 14:40
windnduck: 早上看他打莉莉絲超緊張..7F 06/06 15:05
ho83leo: 回卷是PVP 區賣的卷軸吧?8F 06/07 08:28

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