作者 e1472584 (冰淇淋武士)
標題 [閒聊] 併排的定義
時間 Sun Nov 19 22:46:12 2023


根據FIA提供的FIA F1 Driving Standard Guidelines

1. Guidelines for overtaking on the inside of a corner:
“In order for a car being overtaken to be required to give sufficient room
to an overtaking car, the
overtaking car needs to have a significant portion of the car alongside the
car being overtaken and
the overtaking manoeuvre must be done in a safe and controlled manner, while
enabling the car to
clearly remain within the limits of the track.
When considering what is a ‘significant portion’ for an overtaking on the
inside of a corner, among
the various factors that will be looked at by the stewards when exercising
their discretion, the
stewards will consider if the overtaking car’s front tires are alongside the
other car by no later than
the apex of the corner.”




2. Guidelines for overtaking on the outside of a corner:
“In order for a car being overtaken to be required to give sufficient room
to an overtaking car, the
overtaking car needs to have a significant portion of the car alongside the
car being overtaken and
the overtaking manoeuvre must be done in a safe and controlled manner, while
enabling the car to
clearly remain within the limits of the track.
When considering what is a ‘significant portion’, for an overtaking on the
outside of a corner, among
the various factors that will be looked at by the stewards when exercising
their discretion, the
stewards will consider if the overtaking car is ahead of the other car from
the apex of the corner.
The car being overtaken must be capable of making the corner while remaining
within the limits of
the track.”









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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: e1472584 2023-11-19 22:46:12
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1bMX_0x9 (FORMULA1)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/FORMULA1/M.1700405184.A.EC9.html
karkkunt: 這個討論最大的爭議是難以判斷彎頂點在哪1F 11/19 22:49
ziq: 今天的狀況也沒啥爭議點 就很多人為了黑而黑罷了
第一圈那個都罰五秒了還會有人叫只罰五秒而已是親兒子2F 11/19 23:27
Duke200: Max第一彎那個粗爆一點解釋就是白線外超車 必須還位置4F 11/20 00:25
ken780713: 明明當下就一堆人質疑要強迫還位子...也不是黑Max耶 是判罰一致性還有對比賽的公平性的問題好嗎5F 11/20 01:05
m522019: Ver Rus事故完全沒爭議吧 硬要嘴的要麼菜 要麼就是硬黑7F 11/20 01:14
enjoyvenlong: 賽會可以強制換位子嗎?我以為只能罰秒8F 11/20 01:20
gully: 換位置沒有強制,車隊不換就罰秒9F 11/20 01:45
jason0132: 所才罰秒啊….
還在吵什麼一致性…10F 11/20 02:14
ken780713: 官方主播群當下就是這樣討論...12F 11/20 03:03
mathtsai: 第一彎是因為Max出去了13F 11/20 06:38
ShaNe1993: 第一彎FIA看這麼慢不就是因為Max出去以後,Alonso
也蠻合理14F 11/20 07:28
hjfreaks: 還位置or罰秒,沒有賽會能強制換位置這種事吧?18F 11/20 07:32
thermo409: 有些黑就是無視規則 你不要白費力氣19F 11/20 07:42
s955120: 賽會沒有辦法強制還位置,所以沒有主動還就是判罰秒,然後罰秒就是一律+5,至於+5影響太少這問題也是早就有了,不是只有紅牛,幾個其他車隊也都有過寧願吃罰秒也不要還位置的決策。而且這場紅牛選擇吃+5其實還真的有影響到
今年就已經有幾個例子是賽道外超車後馬上又超了另一個人變成如果要還位置會一次掉兩位,所以車隊選擇不還直接拉距離20F 11/20 08:26
Phoebe702: 我相信車手與車隊絕對清楚這規則,規則這樣訂定,那使用者要怎麼使用就是自由了。27F 11/20 09:00
jason0132: lec跟法拉利都沒意見了 也沒吵。那就沒問題29F 11/20 09:02
Phoebe702: 我倒覺得是法拉利知道就算換回來也可能再被超過 所以接受罰秒這決定30F 11/20 09:09
hjfreaks: 罰5秒太多還太少不知道,但這場VER罰完是直接掉到RUS後面的32F 11/20 09:21
ak470511: 還不還位子一直都是車隊決定,不還如果被調查就有罰秒的風險,賽會一直都沒有權利叫車隊還位子...34F 11/20 09:32
enjoyvenlong: 補充一下,當下英文主播就有說五秒太少應該要換位,但印象中應該沒提到賽會能不能強制換位36F 11/20 12:13
teletubby: 我記得英文主播有講還說是2021後改的38F 11/20 12:19
shingatter: 領跑的胎耗比較小,5秒對RB19來說不是問題,而且他二換/Lec一換,對Lec很傷;但規則就是這樣39F 11/20 12:25
realion: +秒提升觀賞性,用心良苦41F 11/20 12:29
s955120: 如果沒有第二個安全車,MAX +5秒其實很傷,他換胎後直接被卡在交通後面,而且胎壽命還比Lec老好幾圈,等一路追回去時胎都不知道耗掉多少了,是安全車給他二停機會才削減掉那次判罰的傷害42F 11/20 12:35
terasono: 後來在CD車上樂樂就一臉震驚說欸你們安全車都有換胎喔,大概又在想法拉利策略誤我46F 11/20 13:07
gully: 樂樂沒進去確實有嚇到我48F 11/20 13:12
taxlaw1991: 樂沒進去真的搞笑 以這站小紅馬的競爭力 進去很有可能就PTW了......49F 11/20 13:17
Duke200: 第二個安全車讓佩大師大賺 出安全車前他領先樂15秒
他一定要再一停 預計進去出來會在5-7名51F 11/20 13:54
mvpea: 樂樂脾氣真好,換成其他車手,可能都要中風了xd53F 11/20 13:58
fishotw: 根據上面幾篇文裡的自由大師,潘氏過彎、親兒子,推這兩句也是自由吧,是哪邊黑了,也有不爽不要看的自由阿54F 11/20 14:03
shingatter: 就事後諸葛了,畢竟領先又只有一台車,策略上比較被動;這場安全車又太慢才出,好像跑一圈了才出安全車?記得elta轉播有嫌太慢。Sai被罰真的太傷了…56F 11/20 14:50
karkkunt: 第二個SC,樂白胎也才用4圈吧,沒進去我覺得還好,就衰59F 11/20 15:34

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