作者 pitbull0123 (鬥牛犬)
標題 [情報] 聯盟外傳:狙魔者、聚合之力 史低 -40%
時間 Wed Nov 22 14:57:45 2023


Save 40% on The Mageseeker: A League of Legends Story™  on Steam
From Digital Sun, creators of Moonlighter, The Mageseeker is an action RPG in the League of Legends universe. Play as Sylas, a mage now freed from yea ...



Save 40% on CONVERGENCE: A League of Legends Story™  on Steam
Traverse the sprawling city of Zaun as Ekko, a young inventor with a device to manipulate time, in this story-driven action platformer. Collect parts, ...


兩個定價都是 NT$ 488 這次秋特-40% NT$ 292


海克斯失序 -40% NT$ 150

Save 40% on Hextech Mayhem: A League of Legends Story™  on Steam
In this fast-paced rhythm runner, every action has an explosive reaction and no amount of mayhem is too much. Take on the role of Hexplosives expert Z ...

殞落王者 -40% NT$ 419

Save 40% on Ruined King: A League of Legends Story™  on Steam
Rise Against Ruin - Unite a party of League of Legends Champions, explore Bilgewater and set sail for the Shadow Isles to uncover the secrets of the d ...

努努之歌 尚無特價 NT$ 488

Song of Nunu: A League of Legends Story on Steam
Two best friends, one wild adventure. Join best friends Nunu and Willump on an adventure across the frozen wilds of the Freljord. Song of Nunu: A Leag ...


其他款可能會先買著 等到過年再玩吧

希望有人可以分享 聯盟外傳的遊玩心得


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: pitbull0123 2023-11-22 14:57:45
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1bNQPiuC (LoL)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1700636268.A.E0C.html
asd156824: 可能本身喜歡玩小品,這幾款我覺得都很好玩1F 11/22 15:02
gcobc12632: 狙魔者有必要上豪華版嗎 看DLC一堆負評2F 11/22 15:03
Sponge77: 班德爾奇譚要等多久3F 11/22 15:11
webber7500: 努努外傳好玩嗎?4F 11/22 15:13
comodada: 聚合、海克斯不推 其他都還不錯 我覺得殞落最棒
再來是努努>狙魔者 這樣5F 11/22 15:16
gcobc12632: 聚合不推的原因是?我還滿喜歡2D卷軸遊戲的說7F 11/22 16:07
hsiehhsing: 殞落有買  很棒 有深度也有長度8F 11/22 16:14
baddad: 乾,沒看到這篇我還忘記我有買隕落王者9F 11/22 17:03
comodada: @gcobc 嗯... 個人因素啦  我不太喜歡2D卷軸
所以在我這邊起始分數不是很高 遊戲操作對於鍵鼠玩家不友善也扣了點分 遊戲時長也扣了點
最重要地是它並沒有好好去說一個故事 這扣最多
優點是美術風格跟音樂 如果能接受就還行10F 11/22 18:09
WiLLSTW: 聚合用手把玩挺爽的 以橫向捲軸來說中規中矩15F 11/22 18:19
Dolphtw: 都不錯16F 11/22 18:36

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