作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [情報] 光芒老闆願意出超過六億鎂蓋新球場
時間 Mon Sep 11 11:03:50 2023


Perhaps most importantly, Sternberg noted that the Rays are willing to cover the
 costs of more than half of a proposed domed stadium in St. Petersburg, with the
 project estimated to cost $1.2 billion in total. The comments give fans a windo
w into what the Rays’ total commitment might look like if a deal is worked out
for the first time while providing an update on the negotiations, which Sternber
g says he is “highly optimistic” about. Topkin notes that a deal could get don
e before the end of the year.

光芒老闆Stu Sternberg願意出超過一半的錢來蓋新的巨蛋球場(預計要12億鎂)



Such a deal would seemingly leave the Rays owing over $600MM for the stadium, wh
ich Topkin notes would open in 2028, the year following the expiration of Tampa
’s lease at Tropicana Field. Sternberg says that the club has been seeking inve
stors to raise the necessary funds in exchange for a stake in the team. Topkin a
dds that those discussions have been the catalyst for inquiries regarding the po
ssibility of a sale of th entire team, and Sternberg has not shut those offers d
own entirely.



Regarding the possibility of selling the team, Sternberg told Topkin that he doe
sn’t intend on selling and expects to remain the club’s principal owner. That
said, Sternberg expressed a willingness to listen to offers, saying that “when
you’re talking about people raising potentially hundreds of millions of dollars
, they’re going, ‘Well, maybe we can buy the whole damn thing.’ So they take
a run at you.” Sternberg likened his approach to inquiries regarding the team t
o that of his front office regarding the club’s players, saying that “if you w
ant to make an offer, I always listen” but adding that no deal is in the works
despite the club receiving plenty of offers over the years.

Stu Sternberg本人目前仍沒有把球隊賣掉的意願


Sternberg added that he has no intentions of moving the team, though he did simu
ltaneously indicate that without a new stadium agreement the Rays would likely b
e on the move, explaining that he would sell the team if the club fails to reach
 a new stadium agreement in the Tampa Bay area and that he would expect a hypoth
etical new owner to explore relocation for the team following the expiration of
the club’s current lease in 2027. Fortunately for Rays fans, that eventuality s
eems unlikely to come to fruition as things stand. Sternberg describes the negot
iations with St. Petersburg as “moving along at a very nice pace” and says tha
t he “feel[s] pretty good” about where the talks are at with just under four m
onths left in the year.






※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2023-09-11 11:03:50
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1a_eEOvX (MLB)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1694401432.A.E61.html
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 09/11/2023 11:04:46
Sechslee: 要蓋在哪啊?1F 09/11 11:05
zxc906383: St. Petersburg2F 09/11 11:06
a2156700: 12億的球場3F 09/11 11:21
FantasyTure: 光芒新家等好久了,希望這次成真4F 09/11 11:39
Nemophila: 真是好老闆 對球隊不離不棄5F 09/11 11:42
IVIVI: 一樣留St. Petersburg蓋新球場就會有人?6F 09/11 13:15
Langerhans: 不如搬去Orlando7F 09/11 13:34
jardon: 美國要花12億美金來蓋大聯盟等級的球場,新竹也要求用12億台幣蓋出大聯盟等級球場,世界怎麼跟得上台灣8F 09/11 13:38
jarrodqq896: 如果可以的話 看要不要在Lakeland 找一塊地來蓋新球場 反正從坦帕市區過去距離也差不多 還能吃到奧蘭多的市場10F 09/11 14:05
Anakin: 照之前的新聞,是在現地附近蓋新球場,重點這是包括周邊一共大約35公頃地的土地開發案13F 09/11 14:19
a0913: 12億球場 美金!15F 09/11 15:01
Sechslee: 現地附近的話 票房會改善嗎? 問題不是交通?16F 09/11 15:23
Anakin: 土地開發可以賺錢就好17F 09/11 16:24
Sechslee: 也是 這賺一次可以抵很久票房18F 09/11 16:40
Asucks: 光芒需要一兩個招牌球星來吸引球迷進場19F 09/11 17:53
Mikufans: 本來有一個未來之星只是進監獄了20F 09/11 17:56
Tmk: 完全搞錯因果關係了吧,很多在大市場球隊被捧的 要是待在窮芒早變雜魚
反過來講 現在窮芒的一幫雜魚 要是是待在大市場球隊 沒準被當球星 不過大市場球隊還是有很多hype與實力兼具的新星
比方說Mantle二世火星人 年輕人手斷不是啥大問題 況且手會斷還能尻三轟 真的強啊21F 09/11 18:19
Jmayu: 用12億台幣蓋廁所門裝反的台灣標準球場27F 09/11 18:27
nnn820328: 台灣用十二億蓋出廁所門都能裝反的球場28F 09/11 18:29
basketone: 怎麼蓋球場一定要問小智29F 09/11 19:17
AHEAD099: 光芒的問題不是球場位置太尷尬嗎30F 09/11 19:48
sakraypopo: 重點不是球場本身 而是週邊的開發31F 09/11 20:07
nuclearbomb: 反觀台灣用一倍的錢來換球場椅子32F 09/11 22:02
laking: 真的是反觀33F 09/11 22:45
ylrafale: 麻煩討論請著重在文章主旨上,謝謝配合34F 09/11 22:55
catsondbs: 學教士曬大錢簽球星才能吸引球迷35F 09/12 01:00

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