作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [情報] V老常抱怨梅子數據分析部門&和薛蛇不合
時間 Sun Aug 13 11:14:36 2023

紐約郵報記者Mike Puma最新的文章
Mets season broken beyond repair, players and staff blindsided
The Mets had a hint in late June that this season was broken beyond repair.  ...


Verlander and Scherzer had a strained relationship as Tigers teammates, and a so
urce said even as the pitchers worked toward harmony with the Mets, there was oc
casional discord. Verlander was a “diva,” according to this Met, causing Scher
zer to grouse about his fellow three-time Cy Young award winner. Verlander often
 complained about the Mets’ analytics department, which he deemed inferior to t
he one that served him in Houston.







Verlander, who was traded back to the Astros on Aug. 1, was largely detached fro
m teammates, according to the Met, and didn’t add to the team’s identity. On t
he other hand, Scherzer (who was traded to the Rangers on July 29) and Bassitt l
ast season helped form the fabric of the clubhouse.




※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2023-08-13 11:14:36
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1as4gUN4 (MLB)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1691896478.A.5C4.html
polanco: 沒想到會變成毒瘤 以前在太空人的時候不是還會教Cole投球的小技巧嗎1F 08/13 11:17
DorkKnight: 戰績好自然不會有怪聲囉,不過還真好奇太空人的分析部門到底多強3F 08/13 11:21
Nikagnef: 推蛇噓V #fakenews5F 08/13 11:22
nuggets0916: V老感覺很786F 08/13 11:24
mirrorlee: 這新聞我覺得看看就好 明明好幾次轉播兩個坐在一起聊天7F 08/13 11:24
tyrone0923: 戰績差,什麼小問題都會被媒體放大8F 08/13 11:25
lowl99: 關係如果不好兩個人幹嘛同隊,雖然錢真的很香9F 08/13 11:28
saiulbb: 其實也沒什麼 公司的同事會不合也很合理 問題是在簽約前大都會有沒有評估到這一塊 不然不合影響到表現就不好了10F 08/13 11:39
jaysuzuki: 重點是分析部門不夠強吧,夠強他老大心情好就比較不會不和12F 08/13 11:49
Aaronko: Alonso也賣一賣吧14F 08/13 11:54
c871111116: 他們倆個不合有差嗎 先發又不會同時上場投15F 08/13 11:56
kenkenken31: 大咖投手傲嬌脾氣16F 08/13 12:03
pujos: 這不是廢話嗎,不是數據部門不行,難不成球員自己承認是他本人不行,才成績差戰績差17F 08/13 12:21
AHEAD099: 不合有程度之分啊
見面就打架是不合 上班同事下班不認識也是不合19F 08/13 12:27
turkeyma: https://tinyurl.com/4bft2u2r
我倒覺得這篇很中肯 球迷本身就是毒瘤就是問題21F 08/13 13:19
sampsonlu919: 紐約球迷不意外XD不過記者會檢討梅粉,某方面也表示不少人原先對梅子的期待還蠻高的23F 08/13 13:22
bdgg: 梅子現在應該金融市場技術分析比較強25F 08/13 13:55
god78314: 薛蛇感覺是怪人 但比這咖好多了26F 08/13 14:22
Antepadleton: #fakenews27F 08/13 14:35
oralboralb: 問一下  V被稱為diva讓薛抱怨的原因是什麼?  看不懂28F 08/13 15:56
asdfzx: 老婆有兩顆籃球,被嫉妒排擠也是合理29F 08/13 17:01
laking: 今天戰績好球隊沒賣他們自然沒怪聲30F 08/13 17:11
polanco: 看中文報導有人翻成王子病……XD 就公主病的性轉版吧31F 08/13 17:22
Adam6613: diva我只服mini diva32F 08/13 18:00
AhCheng: 梅子戰績差,休息室問題一個個爆 記者最愛的時刻33F 08/13 18:07
alpacaHong: 所以當年老虎是因為有老Leyland跟胖卡布壓住嗎34F 08/13 18:40
a2156700: 特難搞的大咖35F 08/13 18:44
mirrorlee: 如果真的要壓大概就老Leyland才有可能 畢竟他們情同父36F 08/13 19:05
LuisSeverino: 洋基今年戰積搞到比梅子還差也是挺厲害的38F 08/13 20:23
mic73528: 梅子科技不夠先進,怪不得戰積不行39F 08/13 20:51
mirrorlee: 樓樓上竟然還敢來這裡出怪聲XDDD40F 08/13 21:12
wjp: #fakenews41F 08/14 10:09

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