作者 zxc906383 (無無)標題 [情報] 光芒新球場談好了,美國時間週二簽約時間 Mon Sep 18 20:45:46 2023
ST. PETERSBURG — The Rays are expected to make a major announcement Tuesday reg
arding completion of a deal to build a new stadium in downtown St. Petersburg.
The stadium would be built near the current Tropicana Field site as part of the
redevelopment of the 86-acre Historic Gas Plant District and open for the 2028 s
Based on preliminary information shared in January, the stadium is expected to h
ave a fixed dome roof and artificial turf field, seat around 30,000 and cost in
excess of $1.2 billion, with contributions from the team, St. Petersburg and Pin
ellas County.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2023-09-18 20:45:46
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1b24PyTU (MLB)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1695041148.A.75E.html
推 IVIVI: 炒房第一 票房隨意2F 09/18 20:54
→ Mikufans: 之前傳出來說只要在附近開發房地產跟養老院7F 09/18 21:18
推 krajicek: 座位好少,比芬威還少
而且還是巨蛋,是為了省錢,不想用開關式的?8F 09/18 21:20
→ Mikufans: 不過光芒那個爛位子場均還有快2萬人覺得真的蠻猛的10F 09/18 21:24
推 hdotistyle: 一樣在St. Petersburg 交通一樣無解吧12F 09/18 21:29
推 saiulbb: 位置沒換還是無解阿14F 09/18 21:42
→ srysry: 最終聖彼得堡願意出比較多的資金 球場小是避免太空...
之前有提過造鎮如果成功也許會有新的公路或捷運開發吧18F 09/18 22:50
推 carlchang092: 無法解決市區的人過來的問題,那就改成直接在當地造鎮增加客源XDDD20F 09/18 22:54
推 JMSDF: 還是巨蛋很合理 佛州雨季很麻煩的25F 09/19 02:35
推 whhw: 容量會不會太少29F 09/19 10:44
推 Kunimoto: 美國12億蓋巨蛋 新竹12億蓋…..31F 09/19 11:48
推 chenghow: 反串噢12億美跟12億台幣能比?33F 09/19 12:38