作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [情報] 今年MLB聯盟冠軍戰收視創2018後新高
時間 Thu Oct 26 14:46:07 2023

Nearly nine million for D'Backs' Game 7 win; LCS at five-year high - Sports Media Watch
The second Game 7 of the MLB League Championship Series was a far stronger draw than the first, scoring nearly nine million viewers. ...


The full, seven-game Diamondbacks-Phillies series averaged 5.34 million viewers
across TBS and truTV, up 15% from last year’s five-game Phillies-Padres series
on Fox Sports (4.66M) and higher than this year’s seven-game ALCS on Fox (5.05M
). With both series going the distance, the complete LCS averaged 5.19 million v
iewers — up 6% from last year’s nine-game average (4.88M) and the highest LCS
average since 2018 (5.31M).



After declines for the Wild Card round and Division Series, the LCS has boosted
the full postseason average to a four percent increase over the first three roun
ds last year (from 3.64 to 3.77M).


TBS Delivers Network’s Most Watched MLB Postseason Game in Eight Years
TBS Delivers Network’s Most Watched MLB Postseason Game in Eight Years | Pressroom TBS’ exclusive coverage of the 2023 NLCS presented by loanDepot, Game 7 delivered the most-watched MLB Postseason game on the network in eight years,  ...


TBS’ exclusive coverage of the 2023 NLCS presented by loanDepot, Game 7 deliver
ed the most-watched MLB Postseason game on the network in eight years, with 9.1
million total viewers* across TBS, truTV and Max tuning in to watch the Arizona
Diamondbacks capture the National League pennant and punch their ticket to the W
orld Series.




The telecast is also the seventh most-watched baseball program to ever air on TB

The Diamondbacks’ 4-2 victory over the Phillies is the highest rated LCS game i
n the Philadelphia market in 13 years, and the highest rated CS game in the Pho
enix market in 16 years.


Viewership for the seven-game NLCS series finished up 17% vs. the 2022 NLCS (4.7
 million, Philadelphia Phillies vs. San Diego Padres, 5 games) and up 5% over th
e 2022 ALCS on TBS (5.2 million viewers, Houston Astros vs. New York Yankees, 4


Overall, TBS’ coverage of the 2023 MLB Postseason — including National League
Division Series and Championship Series coverage — averaged 4.6 million viewers
, up 8% compared to the network’s 2022 MLB Postseason coverage.



This includes strong year-over-year audience growth among key demos, driven in p
art by simulcast streaming on Max: up 13% in P18-34, up 14% in P18-49, and up 13
% in P25-54.


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2023-10-26 14:46:07
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1bEWinVZ (MLB)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1698302769.A.7E3.html
Scherzer31: 哇 Rob真的有料1F 10/26 14:47
sunyeah: 原來蛇蛇這麼有料2F 10/26 15:13
mirrorlee: 時間短真的有差3F 10/26 17:37
kayuzzo15135: 真的沒想到費城跟蛇蛇那麼多人看 竟然贏德州內戰4F 10/26 18:16
krajicek: 德州內戰只有德州人自己在爽,其他地區不太關心吧
NLCS至少是東岸跟西岸的人都有關注焦點5F 10/26 21:17
tyrone0923: 兩邊都打到第七戰,對收視還是有幫助吧7F 10/26 22:17
Derp: Manfred還有人敢嘴?8F 10/27 11:01
mschien8295: 縮短比賽時間節奏和觀賞性真的比較好9F 10/27 12:55
marty7976: 這主席真的讓大聯盟發大財了,有料10F 10/27 16:28

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