作者 polanco (polanco)
標題 Fw: [情報] Clayton Kershaw新合約:1年約+1年球員
時間 Tue Feb 13 10:02:38 2024

※ [本文轉錄自 Baseball 看板 #1boirxL9 ]

作者 polanco (polanco)
標題 Re: [情報] Clayton Kershaw新合約:1年約+1年球員
時間 Tue Feb 13 10:01:29 2024


Kershaw can earn up to $37.5 million over 2 years under new Dodgers deal that guarantees $10 million | AP News
Clayton Kershaw can make up to $37.5 million over two seasons as part of his new contract with the Los Angeles Dodgers, getting the full amount depend ...


Kershaw gets a $5 million salary this year and can earn $7.5 million in performa
nce bonuses for what his deal defines as starts or relief appearances of three o
r more innings. He would get $1 million for six, $1.5 million each for seven, ei
ght and nine, and $2 million for 10, according to terms obtained by The Associat
ed Press.



Kershaw has a $5 million player option for 2025, which if he is healthy at the e

nd of the 2024 season can escalate by $15 million based on the same criteria of
starts or relief outings of three or more innings: $2 million for six, $3 millio
n each for seven, eight and nine, and $4 million for 10.


He has five levels of 2025 performance bonuses, depending on his 2024 starts or
relief appearances of three or more innings:


— if six or fewer in 2024, Kershaw could earn up to $18 million in 2025: $1 mil
lion each from 8-25;


— if seven in 2024, Kershaw could earn up to $15 million in 2025: $1 million ea
ch from 11-25;


— if eight in 2024, Kershaw could earn up to $12 million in 2025: $1 million ea
ch from 14-25;


— if nine in 2024, Kershaw could earn up to $12 million in 2025: $1 million eac
h from 17-25;


— if 10 in 2024, Kershaw could earn up to $5 million in 2015: $1 million each f
rom 21-25.


His maximum 2025 compensation is $25 million, the agreement says.


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1boirxL9 (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1707789691.A.549.html

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 轉錄者: polanco ( 臺灣), 02/13/2024 10:02:38
Roshiel: 業務員合約1F 02/13 12:23
Anakin: 這標準非常寬鬆2F 02/13 13:03
jerryklu: 他不是季中才能開始投? 也沒那麼鬆吧?3F 02/13 13:07
Anakin: 不看總局數也不只限先發,等於2個月健康出賽就能拿超過7M還加明年年薪的合約還不寬嗎?
這裡的健康標準應該是1場能投大概50球4F 02/13 13:16
godspeed0221: 真的是給尊重,健康就有錢拿7F 02/13 13:26
AHEAD099: 也沒寬吧 他的等級整季健康至少30M8F 02/13 13:57
Anakin: 所以投1/3季不用場場先發投5局就給12.5M不夠寬?9F 02/13 14:43
sam9595: 也沒多寬吧 本來就知道至少8月才能出來了10F 02/13 15:38
ca1123: 養老約呀11F 02/13 15:41

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