作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 Fw: [情報] 山本由伸爭奪戰開價最高的是費城
時間 Tue Feb 20 21:18:32 2024

※ [本文轉錄自 Baseball 看板 #1brAQX6k ]

作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [情報] 山本由伸爭奪戰開價最高的是費城
時間 Tue Feb 20 21:18:23 2024

Phillies' John Middleton on their huge offer to Yoshinobu Yamamoto, Zack Wheeler extension
Sources say the Phillies offered more money than any team to the star Japanese pitcher, the latest example of Middleton’s willingness “to push the env ...


“We pushed hard with Yamamoto,” Middleton said.

How hard? Team officials don’t disclose specifics of contract talks as a matter
 of course.

But after meeting for three hours Dec. 14 with Yamamoto and his agents, and maki
ng a presentation that featured a video appearance by Bryce Harper, the Phillies
 offered more money than any team, according to multiple industry sources.

That includes the Dodgers, who won the Yamamoto auction with a 12-year, $325 mil
lion bid that stands as the largest guarantee for any pitcher ever.





※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1brAQX6k (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1708435105.A.1AE.html

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 轉錄者: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 02/20/2024 21:18:32
laking: 哇好意外原來費城是認真的
我還以為他們開不到三億1F 02/20 21:25
EEERRIICC: 抱團 唉3F 02/20 21:43
borriss:  就之前說的再度確認而已4F 02/20 21:55
ashilol: 留著給wheeler實在5F 02/20 22:09
Fukudome: 超過325M都快要可以同時續約Wheeler+簽Snell6F 02/20 22:14
TameFoxx: 費城真的很積極 期待他們續強在季後賽幹掉道奇7F 02/20 22:42
ashilol: 但費的牛都在簽福袋8F 02/20 22:43
laking: 費城去年本可以幹掉響尾蛇結果神奇調度葬送好局==9F 02/20 22:52
scatman: 山本對費城沒興趣嗎 QQ 本來可以組超漂亮的輪值餒10F 02/20 22:59
tyrone0923: 也要看高多少吧11F 02/20 23:04
Sechslee: 跟大谷差不多吧 原本就想去道奇 其他就看看12F 02/20 23:07
borriss:  12月那篇就說後面發現他只想去LA或紐約啊13F 02/20 23:16
laking: 他不是說要是躲人沒有意追山本,(大谷要是沒提出延遲支付)舊金山的風景讓他想到大阪
他有可能去巨人14F 02/21 00:07
sunnyyoung: 謝 謝 大 谷17F 02/21 01:03
faelone: 美西對日本人太有吸引力惹18F 02/21 02:02
abc12812: 費城殭屍街比舊金山還可怕19F 02/21 02:56
duo131: 舊金山像大阪??20F 02/21 03:34
yaes111: 還是不敵翔平的引誘21F 02/21 08:43
Derp: 我不信 山本這麼愛錢22F 02/21 09:01
laking: 你去看之前山本經紀人的訪問吧==他是這麼說的23F 02/21 09:06

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