作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 Fw: [情報] 奧克蘭政府報價給綠帽97M球場續約
時間 Wed Apr  3 23:16:01 2024

※ [本文轉錄自 Baseball 看板 #1c3NAevS ]

作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [情報] 奧克蘭政府報價給綠帽97M球場續約
時間 Wed Apr  3 23:15:50 2024

Oakland to present Athletics ownership with lease extension - ESPN
Oakland will present Athletics owners with an offer to extend the team's lease that includes a five-year contract with an opt-out after three, as well ...


The city of Oakland will present Athletics ownership with an offer to extend the
 team's lease that includes a five-year contract with an opt-out after three yea
rs, as well as a requirement the team pays a $97 million "extension fee," accord
ing to



The $97 million extension fee, a number Hanson terms nonnegotiable and will be o
wed by the team even if it opts out after three seasons, figures to be the bigge
st point of contention in the upcoming negotiations.


Sources indicate the A's, who currently pay just $1.5 million in rent to play in
 the Coliseum, offered a two-year deal and payments of $7 million and $10 millio
n over the course of the lease, contending they have options after two seasons.



The city is also asking the team to assume the costs of switching over the Colis
eum playing field for the Oakland Roots SC, which plays in the United Soccer Lea

奧克蘭政府也要求綠帽要承擔當地足球隊Oakland Roots SC的球場改裝費用

The city is also asking the Athletics to sell the 50% share of its ownership in
the Coliseum complex -- an agreement that has been agreed to but not finalized -
- to a local developer to allow the city to move forward with redevelopment of t
he site. Both of those conditions were covered during previous negotiations and
are not expected to be contentious.


Oakland's appeal to owner John Fisher and the A's includes the $67 million annua
l local television revenue and the convenience of not having to uproot the team
and its employees to play in a minor-league stadium in either Sacramento or Salt
 Lake City, two cities attempting to position themselves as viable options for M
LB expansion. West Sacramento is the home of the RiverCats -- the Giants' Triple
-A affiliate owned by Sacramento Kings owner Vivek Ranadive, who is a friend of


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1c3NAevS (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1712157352.A.E5C.html

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 轉錄者: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 04/03/2024 23:16:01
zx246800tw: 無1F 04/03 23:21
uranusjr: 這報價差距還有得吵2F 04/03 23:25
gn00324893: 這個是在貢潘仔是不是3F 04/03 23:40
ashilol: 塊陶4F 04/04 00:01
sezna: 吃人夠夠5F 04/04 00:26
taxlaw1991: 勒索6F 04/04 00:45
GP03D: 貴死了。綠帽應該是不續租7F 04/04 01:31
Sechslee: 也太扯8F 04/04 04:40
duo131: 最近奧克蘭還說要把機場也改叫舊金山機場~~呵呵9F 04/04 06:15

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