作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [情報] 老查超越Billy Wagner成為最多三振左RP
時間 Sun Jun 30 22:29:49 2024


Pirates' Aroldis Chapman sets lefty reliever strikeouts record - ESPN
Aroldis Chapman made Major League Baseball history on Saturday by passing Billy Wagner for the most career strikeouts by a left-handed reliever. Chapm ...


ATLANTA -- Pittsburgh Pirates veteran Aroldis Chapman earned a place in Major Le
ague Baseball history on Saturday by passing Billy Wagner for the most career st
rikeouts by a left-handed reliever.

古巴36歲左投Aroldis Chapman今天正式超越Billy Wagner


Chapman, 36, struck out Travis d'Arnaud and pinch-hitter Sean Murphy in the nint
h inning of the Pirates' 2-1 loss to the Atlanta Braves in 10 innings.

Chapman tied Wagner's record of 1,196 strikeouts by retiring d'Arnaud and then c
laimed the record by striking out Murphy. Chapman stared down Murphy as he walke
d away from the plate.

以1197次超越Billy Wagner的1196次


今年老查四縫均速156.4  & 伸卡均速159.3

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2024-06-30 22:29:49
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1cWMlVQO (MLB)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1719757791.A.698.html
kenkuo1688: 史上最強左投Closer 還是進不去HOF QQ
明年最後一次了1F 06/30 23:55
zx246800tw: 怎麼伸卡均速比四縫還快啊?3F 07/01 02:19
yaes111: 就...比較會投2縫線速球吧4F 07/01 03:27
t340081231: 伸卡均速159也太扯 而且他已經不是巔峰了還這麼快5F 07/01 12:17
Alan1597: 呃 2縫線比4縫線快是正常的嗎6F 07/01 13:42

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