※ 引述《XXXaBg (對的事情做一千次)》之銘言: : https://twitter.com/thenbacentral/status/1638316180833284096?s=46 : Kevin Garnett says he no longer has beef with Ray Allen : “The passing of Kobe and all of us getting older helped me understand that li : fe is not given to none of us. It would have f*cked with me if something were : to happen to Ray and I didn't get a chance to amend this.” : https://i.imgur.com/6SaZueE.jpg : KG說他不再對雷槍有任何不滿 : 「Kobe的逝世和我們所有人年紀漸長讓我明白,生命對於任何人來說都不是理所當然的。 : 如果Ray遭遇了什麼不幸,而我沒有機會彌補這一切,那將讓我非常難過。」 : 終於放下了