作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [情報] 太陽新地方轉播合約遭宣布無效
時間 Thu May 11 09:43:25 2023

前陣子太陽宣布離開正在破產重組的Bally Sports Arizona

和Gray Television簽下新的地方轉播合約
#1aI-w80g (NBA)
[外絮] 太陽成為NBA第1支不在地方電視獨佔轉播的隊伍 - NBA板 - Disp BBS
EZ78 消息來源: Brian Windhorst(對 我知道他不太好 但他同事都有轉發應該OK) In a move that is perhaps both game-changer and tippi


Bankruptcy Judge Blocks Suns, Mercury New Rights Deal
Bankruptcy Judge Blocks Suns, Mercury New Rights Deal
The Suns and Mercury had a deal in place with Gray Television and the streaming firm Kiswe. Diamond Sports filed for bankruptcy in March. ...


A bankruptcy judge blocked the rollout of a new broadcast pact the Phoenix Suns
and Mercury announced two weeks ago.

Judge Christopher Lopez on Wednesday voided the TV and streaming pact the Suns a
nd Mercury entered into to replace their current Diamond Sports Group’s deal. I
n a written ruling after a Wednesday hearing, Lopez wrote the deal “violated th
e automatic stay” in Diamond Sports’ bankruptcy case.

The Suns shall continue to perform and comply with their obligations under the
 agreement [with Diamond Sports] in all respects,” Lopez wrote.

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2023-05-11 09:43:25
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1aN4W_SF (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1683769407.A.70F.html
LABOYS: 轉播無效之訴1F 05/11 09:44
IBIZA: 這本來就太陽反應過度  人家破產是沒給其他球隊轉播費 但並沒有拖欠太陽費用2F 05/11 09:45
他們宣布破產時NBA季賽也快結束了 應該是真的沒拖欠款項
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 05/11/2023 09:47:21
s880036: 所以這樣是回去原本的轉播單位?
還是說看太陽休賽季時要和哪間公司重談嗎4F 05/11 09:47
U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Christopher Lopez ruled the deal had violated Diamond's co
ntractually protected right to negotiate a contract extension with the Suns, and
 thus blocked it from moving ahead.

看來是必須和Bally Sports Arizona先談

hunt5566: 事事不順6F 05/11 09:49
wuklean: 太陽這樣搞有得賠囉7F 05/11 09:49
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 05/11/2023 09:54:30
SCLPAL: 之前舊文是說還有先預付了(季後賽?)?那被判重談判不意外吧??8F 05/11 09:58
sexygnome: 看合約有沒有類似一方經營不善、破產就解約的條款10F 05/11 10:05
hwlxxx: 法院會這樣判應該是沒這條吧?11F 05/11 10:07
sexygnome: 我猜當初是約定協商的吧,歪果仁都不喜歡說死12F 05/11 10:08
pierce880321: 沒人推沒人噓好好笑
咦沒辦法耶13F 05/11 10:42
castle1011: 看起來只是太陽單方面解約 而轉播權代理公司沒欠太陽沒用過15F 05/11 10:50

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