作者 love1500274 (CoWuCoWu)
標題 [花邊] 馬刺獲得ESPY 年度最佳人道主義球隊獎
時間 Thu Jul 13 10:04:13 2023


This year, the @Spurs have been named ESPN’s #SportsHumanitarian Team of the
Year Award winner for rallying around the Uvalde, Texas community to help
them on their complex path to healing following the tragedy at Robb
Elementary one year ago. #SportsHumanitarian



We’re honored to be named the #SportsHumanitarian Team of the Year for our
ongoing work in uplifting and supporting the Uvalde community since the
tragedy at Robb Elementary.



2022 NFL Denver Broncos
2021 WNBA Atlanta Dream
2020 MLB Los Angeles Dodgers
2019 MLS Chicago Fire Soccer Club
2018 The U.S. Women's National Ice Hockey Team

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: love1500274 2023-07-13 10:04:13
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1ahrkW0B (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1689213856.A.00B.html
wasiyyy: 有幫助有推1F 07/13 10:05
grtfor: 推2F 07/13 10:06
Eijidate: 我還以為是給球星輪休最人道~3F 07/13 10:07
AbukumaKai: 我也以為是輪休最人道==4F 07/13 10:14
pttyeon: 那應該是開罰吧5F 07/13 10:16
Y1999: 對球員最人道6F 07/13 10:17
LatteCat5566: 這真的對社區貢獻影響很大7F 07/13 10:38
RamenOwl: 輪休最人道XD8F 07/13 10:40
edwei: 推9F 07/13 10:50
yeeeefan: 推10F 07/13 11:06
yourpenisbad: 蛤?11F 07/13 11:07
RUD: = = 現在怎麼一堆怪獎項12F 07/13 11:28
IokUdiefirst: 路邊幫助老太太獎勒13F 07/13 11:56
kalarotia: 表示有盡到社會責任,某方面來說是用來堵某些人的嘴14F 07/13 12:11
ki523898: 居然不是加州球隊得這個獎 SJW大本營誒15F 07/13 12:15
ac147963: 推16F 07/13 12:21
Childishan: 最佳坦隊?
那JA會有最佳風波獎嗎17F 07/13 12:29
ksk0516: Primo19F 07/13 12:35
ajfever: 推20F 07/13 14:42
linus: 還以為是對球員而言最人道XD21F 07/13 15:15
wanderchang: 竟然不是因為排班人道XD22F 07/13 15:34
Yulion: 有Primo露鳥還能得獎23F 07/13 17:24
answermangtr: 資本主義之恥24F 07/13 22:49
Trulli: 推馬刺25F 07/14 00:19
saschui: 勇士:我來人道主義一下26F 07/14 12:47

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