作者 kevinwei223 (Let's Go Warriors)
標題 [花邊] Curry/Messi晚安慶祝卡 有1/1簽名版
時間 Wed Sep 18 15:26:27 2024


JUST IN: There is now a 1/1 dual autograph card of Lionel Messi & Steph Curry both hitting the "Night Night" celebration.

Anyone who buys the Topps Now base card will have a chance to receive the 1/1 dual on-card autograph card of these two icons.This "crossover" card is truly the first of its kind, and it will be finding a new home SOON!

Will you be buying any of the Topps Now base cards to have a chance at this piece of history?

世界唯一的球員卡:Curry和Messi同時做出Night Night慶祝動作的雙方簽名卡。






※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: kevinwei223 2024-09-18 15:26:27
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1cwe2dRw (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1726644391.A.6FA.html
ARCHER2234: 100萬美金?1F 09/18 15:27
※ 編輯: kevinwei223 ( 臺灣), 09/18/2024 15:32:12
EmoniBates: fanatics找到財富密碼了2F 09/18 15:38
andy78714: 中了真的財富自由!3F 09/18 15:43
UD305: 背景金色這什麼復古設計啊4F 09/18 15:54
SungKyungMW: 這種都高層內定的,一般人才買不到,別想了5F 09/18 15:58
rayes: 超想要的6F 09/18 15:58
KC90: 協尋姆斯7F 09/18 16:01
benboy: 中了可以直接連絡蘇富比了? XDD8F 09/18 16:01
moose01: 老實說,普卡也才12鎂,作為收藏完全可以啊9F 09/18 16:10
justice0926: 看起來 正常都知道誰才是流量密碼10F 09/18 16:16

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