作者 Matthew10244 ()
標題 [Live] BAL @ NYY / NYY @ PHI
時間 Mon Mar 11 23:30:00 2024

2024Spring Training G17

George M. Steinbrenner Field Tampa, FL    1:05PM EDT


                             ERA                                     ERA
      RHP J. Teheran        0.00        P       RHP W. Warren       3.86

                      Let's Go Yankees!Let's Go Warren!

Starting off the week with some Yankees Baseball

2024Spring Training G18

BayCare Ballpark Clearwater, FL    1:05PM EDT


                             ERA                                     ERA
      RHP C. Beeter         3.60        P       RHP Z. Wheeler      4.50

                      Let's Go Yankees!Let's Go Beeter!

The Clearwater Crew


(1) @BryanHoch: Gerrit Cole is having an MRI on his pitching elbow, Aaron Boone
told reporters in Clearwater.

(2) @BryanHoch: The Yankees do not expect to have a prognosis for Gerrit Cole
today, and possibly not tomorrow either, according to Aaron Boone. There will
be multiple opinions given regarding his course of treatment.

(3) @BryanHoch: Boone said that Gerrit Cole has been having trouble with his
recovery between starts. According to Boone, Cole likened it to what he feels
during the season after 100 pitches.

(4) @BryanHoch: Boone said that Aaron Judge is “mid-spring beat up.” He’s not
in his scheduled BP group. Not expected to play again until Wednesday, Boone

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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: Matthew10244 2024-03-11 23:30:00
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1bxoEhTk (NY-Yankees)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NY-Yankees/M.1710171051.A.76E.html
chaolin: 挫賽了...1F 03/11 23:32
tasiki2002: 糟糕啦2F 03/11 23:34
Alexander13: 這輪值深度就是在走鋼絲 不要連最穩的都出事...3F 03/11 23:36
DukeGD666: 出事的話Snell要簽了吧…4F 03/11 23:40
travis915117: ….5F 03/11 23:40
missweet: Boras:$ . $6F 03/11 23:43
PinScanner11: ...7F 03/11 23:43
nomo1616: ...8F 03/11 23:44
QOO9142: 唉9F 03/11 23:49
slyheart: 真的出事也不用簽Snell了,就準備7月把Soto、Torres、Verdugo跟賣相好的牛都賣掉...10F 03/11 23:50
jeffohno: 哭啊,還沒開季我的球季就要結束了嗎12F 03/11 23:50
atmmaxing: .13F 03/11 23:50
cbahsasn7250: ……14F 03/11 23:51
slyheart: 後悔太早續mlbtv15F 03/11 23:51
QOO9142: 簽Snell還要噴2個選秀權+1M國際簽約金,都沒Cole,簽沒啥意義了16F 03/11 23:55
Thebulun: 無言…如果沒有Cole真的不要打了 直接重建吧 簽蝸牛芒果也沒用18F 03/11 23:55
dd1115dd1115: 真的躺了可以直接賣了吧20F 03/11 23:55
Movice: 展望後年……21F 03/11 23:56
Thebulun: 不如好好重新累積資產天賦 反正只要沒冠軍勉強進季後賽也沒用22F 03/11 23:56
dd1115dd1115: 季後順便火掉布瓜 明年重新開始24F 03/11 23:56
Roronoa5566: no~~~~~~~~25F 03/11 23:58
lyk191947: 唉 沒有比這更糟的消息了26F 03/11 23:58
lin512: Cole……27F 03/12 00:02
ntubuta: 怕… 拜託別出事28F 03/12 00:12
※ 編輯: Matthew10244 ( 臺灣), 03/12/2024 00:21:28
iso903306: Bauer 在線等29F 03/12 00:23
Alexander13: 不可能只因為傷了一個人而整隊直接放推啦 至少現階段不會 即使他是最重要的一員30F 03/12 00:27
mirrorlee: 慘32F 03/12 00:28
Alexander13: 但輪值剩下的不是痛痛人就爆爆樂 只能說不是很樂觀...33F 03/12 00:35
bingreen: 直接簽寶兒好了= =35F 03/12 00:36
jojo2147: 拜託寶兒36F 03/12 01:04
Ayamori: QQ37F 03/12 02:18
Mikufans: Bauer原因就不用想了38F 03/12 02:40
thb96300: 完了...
Warren Beeter Gil 抽抽樂39F 03/12 04:54
es9114ian: 乾....
但Warren Beeter Gil今天都投很好,Gil投3.2局就飆8K41F 03/12 06:24

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