作者 Matthew10244 ()標題 [Live] NYY @ CLE (ALCS Game 5)時間 Sun Oct 20 06:30:00 2024
AL Championship Series G5
Progressive Field Cleveland, OH 8:08PM EDT
LHP C. Rodon 4.66 P RHP T. Bibee 3.60
Let's Go Yankees!Let's Go Rodon!
Game 5 up next.
(1) @BryanHoch: Nestor Cortes is facing hitters in live BP. Aaron Boone said
that Cortes is very much in play for a potential World Series roster.
(2) @BryanHoch: Giancarlo Stanton has a .667 career slugging percentage in the
postseason. There’s only three players with better ones (min. 100 PA):
Babe Ruth (.744), Lou Gehrig (.731), Randy Arozarena (.690)
(3) @BryanHoch: Giancarlo Stanton, Aaron Judge, and Juan Soto have combined for
7 HR, 14 RBIs, and a 1.097 OPS in the ALCS.
All other Yankees hitters this series: 1 HR, 6 RBIs, .695 OPS.
(4) @BryanHoch: Pitchers to appear in each of their team’s first eight games
of a postseason:
Clay Holmes (2024), Tyler Matzek (2021), Greg Holland (2014), Wade Davis
(2014), Jesse Orosco (1996)
(5) @ktsharp: Giancarlo Stanton is the only player in MLB history with at least
15 HR and 33 RBI in his first 35 career postseason games
https://i.imgur.com/qOlqGzK.jpg G-Unit.
https://i.imgur.com/MIYulEl.jpg Stone Cold Tommy Kahnle
https://i.imgur.com/gK5ittx.jpg Goodnight
https://i.imgur.com/9l84r9P.jpg Start your Saturday with a Soto Photo:
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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: Matthew10244 2024-10-20 06:30:00
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1d53Bg0N (NY-Yankees)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NY-Yankees/M.1729377002.A.017.html
※ 編輯: Matthew10244 ( 臺灣), 10/20/2024 06:31:00
推 frank94: 第三點讓人以為洋基只靠三個棒子(雖然其他六棒OPS0.69不會太爛),但應該分三個Group,Torres, Volpe, Rizzo的OPS分別超過0.8,0.9,1.05F 10/20 07:21
推 deep236: 三連戰真的很硬,好險昨天weaver有休到10F 10/20 07:47
推 Eric1751: 今天神探跟kanhle應該不能上了11F 10/20 07:55
推 cioupeng: 讚讚讚 直接客場晉級 以逸待勞等國聯冠軍出爐13F 10/20 08:02
推 nomo1616: Rodon吃長一點啊
客場晉級,Cole WS G1最好的安排
雖然Jazz還是放五棒...14F 10/20 08:03
推 AYLiu: 第一局天子太強33F 10/20 08:11
→ lin512: HHHHHHHH35F 10/20 08:12
→ dinos: 這主審對bibee不錯,還好torres敲安36F 10/20 08:12
→ lin512: ……………………37F 10/20 08:12
→ AYLiu: 靠 這一二棒太強38F 10/20 08:12
推 O5: Let’s go Yankees Let’s go Yankees39F 10/20 08:12
推 GodYi: 中間放慢還拼哦49F 10/20 08:12
推 wuuman: 又腦衝 太免強了52F 10/20 08:12
→ FunGuy: 才剛開賽 這麼躁進做什麼…55F 10/20 08:12
→ AYLiu: 三壘指的問題56F 10/20 08:13
→ GodYi: 三壘指亂摳57F 10/20 08:13
→ wuuman: 紅綠燈怎麼指示58F 10/20 08:13
推 cole45: 下一棒是隊長 到底是急啥64F 10/20 08:13
推 zz8940: 三壘指到底在幹嘛66F 10/20 08:13
→ GodYi: 剛開賽拼這個沒意義67F 10/20 08:13
推 Thebulun: 太急了有拼的機會 只是沒有人出局好像沒必要這樣拼68F 10/20 08:13
→ wuuman: 後面法官 史坦…太急了69F 10/20 08:13
→ AYLiu: 第一局 一二棒有夠強70F 10/20 08:13
→ wuuman: 氣勢啊….72F 10/20 08:14
→ Thebulun: 就算下一棒是法官但下下棒坦頓其實可以不用這樣拼73F 10/20 08:14
→ GodYi: 死球78F 10/20 08:15
→ AYLiu: 靠 觸身79F 10/20 08:15
→ wuuman: 這局沒分 守護者士氣會大增83F 10/20 08:15
→ AYLiu: 靠 不要受傷阿86F 10/20 08:15
推 frank94: 三壘指是不是太興奮了,手一直亂揮87F 10/20 08:15
推 s711982: 今年幾次了,三壘指搞?91F 10/20 08:15
→ frank836: 肋骨不要出事阿...........92F 10/20 08:15
推 BLUEDX: 痛~~~~93F 10/20 08:15
推 Eric1751: 紅綠燈可以換人嗎 今年雷幾次了94F 10/20 08:15
噓 FunGuy: 天子從二壘到三壘時都降速了 還要他跑本壘 爛壘指96F 10/20 08:16
→ Thebulun: 我們前面兩棒真的超強 尤其第一局98F 10/20 08:16
→ wuuman: 這樣投還能不失分 當然會越來越有信心218F 10/20 08:30
→ nomo1616: 小拉米都能39/41了,速度不會慢的220F 10/20 08:31
→ frank94: 假如雙方交換,你覺得投手會有信心?really?222F 10/20 08:31
→ wuuman: 這樣投還能不失分 當然會越來越有信心218F 10/20 08:30 → nomo1616: 小拉米都能39/41了,速度不會慢的220F 10/20 08:31 → frank94: 假如雙方交換,你覺得投手會有信心?really?222F 10/20 08:31 --