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作者 willrise (小王)
標題 [測試] 各種硬體執行 Excel 的測試
時間 Fri May 23 07:58:16 2014

在同一天看到有不同的人問執行 Excel 的硬體問題

http://forums.anandtech.com 上的討論串
AnandTech Forums - Powered by vBulletin
AnandTech computer tech forums ...

Excel speed test comparison against an FX-8350 - AnandTech Forums Excel speed test comparison against an FX-8350 CPUs and Overclocking ...


樓主提供自己寫的 Excel 測試文件

http://www.passmark.com/forum 的討論串
PassMark Support Forums
PassMark software forum support issue ...

What is best processor for complex excel workbook?
Hello - Can you please advise; I am running very complex excel workbooks with thousands of formulas, which may take 60 seconds or more to regenerate when a change is made. Assuming I max out at 8GB ram, what would be the best type and specific CPU chip to use to speed this up? Assume the spreadsheet ...


在 complex excel workbook 時

intel xeon E5-2690, 2.9G , 2 phys processors on dual mobo,
64GB 1033MHz ram,
64 bit system and 64 bit office,
SSD drive for windows

CPU 使用率 100% ( 32個執行緒都 100% )

i7-3770k cpu at 4.8G (超頻) , 2400MHz 16GB ram, SSD drive
表現優於上述的 xeon E5-2690 x 2 那台電腦

http://www.tomshardware.com 論壇的討論串
Tom's Hardware: Hardware News, Tests and Reviews
Tom's Hardware is the Internet's premiere resource for hardware news and reviews ...

CPU for excel 2010 64bit [Solved] - Excel 2010 - CPUs
Hey guys, Which CPU should I get if I'm interested in excel only ? big spreadsheets 500mb+, multiple tabs and thousands of formulas ? I'd appreciate if someone could also refer me to some sourc ...


complex excel workbook 500mb+
看來可參考 http://www.passmark.com/forum 的討論串
PassMark Support Forums
PassMark software forum support issue ...

What is best processor for complex excel workbook?
Hello - Can you please advise; I am running very complex excel workbooks with thousands of formulas, which may take 60 seconds or more to regenerate when a change is made. Assuming I max out at 8GB ram, what would be the best type and specific CPU chip to use to speed this up? Assume the spreadsheet ...

complex excel workbook 800mb
用 xeon E5-2690 x 2 那台電腦開檔案要 12-15 分鐘
用 i7-3770k cpu 超頻 4.8G 那台電腦開檔案要 2.5 分鐘

因為我沒有在使用 Excel
歡迎有使用 Excel 經驗的朋友

我的 blog : http://watchtvforfun.blogspot.com/
上網推薦用 Linux live DVD (USB)
文書處理推薦用 LibreOffice

※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PC_Shopping/M.1400803106.A.18C.html
EGsux:Excel是可以用 只是excel裡的vba沒有支援1F 05/23 08:35
※ 編輯: willrise (, 05/23/2014 11:11:11
N7Nate:good2F 05/23 12:09
dsin:xeon E5-2690 那台記憶體頻寬有比較低?3F 05/23 12:31
SRNOB:我實際經驗 看頻率 VBA多核無法吃滿 比單核的效率
上面貼的結果跟經驗符合4F 05/23 13:10
kfshiang:117.328 39.1136F 05/23 21:00

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