作者 steven70101 (老人)
標題 Re: [情報] 3.23 牙膏 (更新一些QA
時間 Tue Dec  5 09:51:10 2023

QA 新增
Announcements - Path of Exile 2 and Path of Exile: Affliction Recently Asked Questions - Forum - Path of Exile
Path of Exile is a free online-only action RPG under development by Grinding Gear Games in New Zealand. ...


12/6 新增

Q. 分割野獸配上簡純護身符會發生什麼事? 會出現藍色護身符但是沒辭綴嗎?

A. 會
(他這題就只回答一個 Yes. 沒有更細的說明..)

Q. 瓦爾變異寶石如何運作?

A. Transfigured gems can be corrupted to Vaal versions of the gem, but the Vaal
Skill that gets added to the Transfigured gem will be the normal Vaal Skill
and not a Transfigured version of the Vaal Skill.


Q. 魅影射擊跟閃現射擊的元素打擊會是幾等的?

A. It is not directly comparable to the player version of Elemental Hit. It has
the same base behaviour of picking an element and ignoring damage of other
types, and can be manipulated by Combat Focus jewels, but it does not have an
area of effect component or deal more damage to enemies per ailment on them.
It also only has a 20% chance to freeze, shock and ignite. The description
will be updated to refer to it by a different name to avoid being misleading.

Similarly, the Bombarding Clones variations will be updated to not call out
Rain of Arrows by name, as the clones only fire 11 arrows by default rather
than any of the amounts available to players. The skill is otherwise
mechanically identical.



Q. 變異旋風斬的疊層上限會增加嗎?

A. No, it has 6 maximum stages at all levels.


Q. 紅球版變異奉獻之路(Consecrated Path of Endurance),你消耗掉的那顆紅球

A. 不會

Q. 女神獻禮,女神之贈,女神奉獻 有改動嗎?

A. The Eternal Labyrinths of Fortune and Opportunity are unchanged. The Eternal
Labyrinth of Potential does something a bit different to what it used to, but
you'll have to find out exactly what for yourself!


Q. 瘟疫變異1(Contagion of Subsiding)提到每次傳染只會造成之前四分之三傷害
   那傳染2次後是 56.25% 還是 50%?

A. 56.25% (which also prevents it from running out of damage entirely after 4


Q. 我用混沌石,花園工藝那些去洗簡純護身符,是否都是只有3詞

A. 是

Q. 我拿改造石點簡純護身符是不是就是個沒有詞的藍裝?

A. 是


Q. 專精作戰還在嗎? 他們完全沒被提到

A. No, they're still available from vendor recipes.

Q. 掉落的殭屍復甦傷害如何計算,殭屍上限重要嗎?

A. It deals 2.5x the damage of a regular zombie melee attack. Your zombie limit
doesn't matter unless that limit is zero, since that prevents you from
summoning zombies.


Q. 變異技能能套商城skin(microtransactions)嗎?

A. Yes, as long as the base gem has a compatible microtransaction, it should
work with the Transfigured version of the skill.


Q. 如果敵人在贖罪烙印還沒爆炸前就死了會發生什麼事?

A. Nothing will happen if the target dies before reaching 20 energy. The brand
would detach and deal no damage. The energy is stored on the target and not
the brand, so if the brand re-attaches it will have to start from scratch

基傷170 - 254 -> 2541 - 3811
附加570%,20層0.1秒集一次,範圍 0.8 -> 2.8,元素使點燃應該很開心)

Q. 我該如何退掉荒林昇華的點數

A. Unlike normal Ascendancy Classes, respeccing points in a Wildwood Ascendancy
Class only costs one refund point per passive. Also, you do not have to fully
refund your Wildwood Ascendancy to switch to a different one. To change your
Wildwood Ascendancy, you'll just need to find the associated Azmeri Wanderer
in the Viridian Wildwood.


Q. 爆炸陷阱怎多了一條[較小爆炸的基礎半徑隨機減少 30% 到增加 30%]

A. Explosive Trap has always worked this way. This is purely an update to the


Q. 變異技能不是按照字母排序公布喔?

A. Not all the Transfigured Gems are quite ready yet. We'll post them when
they're ready though!


patch note 更新

品質除了給 +0-1 裂縫外還會給 +0-3 最大尖刺

品質現在給 0-15% 物理額外冰傷

每個暴擊球增加暴擊率 20 -> 10
每顆暴擊球暴擊加成 10 -> 20

品質效果改成 +0-0.2 半徑,以及 +0-0.3 奉獻地面半徑

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: steven70101 2023-12-05 09:51:10
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1bRe8Hm0 (PathofExile)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PathofExile/M.1701741073.A.C00.html
※ 同主題文章:
Re: [情報] 3.23 牙膏 (更新一些QA
12-05 09:51 steven70101
james3510: 寶石還在想==1F 12/05 09:56
※ 編輯: steven70101 ( 臺灣), 12/05/2023 10:02:23
bollseven: 靠北開季前三天還在趕XD2F 12/05 10:21
MoneyBlue: 碎地重擊is back3F 12/05 10:23
steven70101: 這季更恐怖的是他們要趕在聖誕假期前全都到位XD4F 12/05 10:28
scott414: 所以不是不公佈 是還沒做好 難道換季還會有寶石沒變異5F 12/05 10:33
(奧術烙印,焚木 : )

kill466: 對照之前爆炸圖騰,感覺多重圖騰陷阱地雷好像可行?6F 12/05 10:42
wtocactus: 居然在趕工…那開季應該會有bug7F 12/05 10:48
st264201: 幹拎老 寶石還沒公佈完真的很鳥==8F 12/05 10:52
howisknight: 荒野昇華更換好便宜好爽,拓荒頭腳不插寶石根本神9F 12/05 11:05
robin2691: 這樣碎地的尖刺上限有沒有buff啊......10F 12/05 11:09
hdes937119: 平衡一定是一團亂,這季要各種神仙打架了11F 12/05 11:10
simon0529: 這次拓荒應該可以舒服點12F 12/05 11:17
※ 編輯: steven70101 ( 臺灣), 12/05/2023 11:22:48
hh123yaya: 寶石還沒做完就上 有夠敢==13F 12/05 11:27
sm3bp078: 太強了  剩沒幾天欸14F 12/05 11:42
wedman: 還有四天那麼久 不急15F 12/05 11:44
haveastar: 碎地其他配套戰吼跟拳霸輔助都nerf過欸,真的有救嗎?16F 12/05 11:47
scott414: 感覺會有不少有文字說明 但是沒效果的bug17F 12/05 11:57
lightKevin: 碎地要綁定戰吼頭啊18F 12/05 12:37
p200404: 戰吼more少了100多% 你覺得有沒有救
還沒算拳霸少的19F 12/05 12:37
gustavvv: 這遊戲神仙又不跟神仙打==
碎地之前砍太多了啦 給死人急救他還是死人21F 12/05 12:42
jackysuyu: ggg應該也不敢拖啦會做完,不然他們自己聖誕假期要開天窗了23F 12/05 12:45
robin2691: 3.15那波輔助大砍碎地死到底,只是有改還是會好奇一下我目洨了,碎地品質給的就是最大尖刺......25F 12/05 13:30
MoWilliams: 碎地以前很強啊,只是被砍成智障27F 12/05 14:45
Regition: 配將軍還行吧28F 12/05 15:11
Puye: 真的 那時候練了一隻碎地勇士 又坦又痛 後來砍成智障29F 12/05 16:41
edwin96017: 還是來季中更新? 留一些到第二第三周才更新30F 12/05 21:37
breakingmilk: 碎地重擊!31F 12/05 23:55
su4vu6: 季中跟新有機會阿 像這次 季中新增刺青32F 12/06 00:15
Sinful: 季中更新真的太神了,讓你一季有兩季的感受!33F 12/06 00:17
hh123yaya: 被暴雪的季中更新搞到PTSD 忘了上季中還新增抽獎刺青34F 12/06 10:56
hdes937119: 別說了,為了刺EB花了我50D35F 12/06 11:10
MoneyBlue: 刺青大點我也噴20D然後還沒點到==36F 12/06 13:51
※ 編輯: steven70101 ( 臺灣), 12/06/2023 14:46:03
wedman: https://i.imgur.com/JaUGRyz.jpg 可以改名了37F 12/06 15:24

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