看板 PokemonGO
作者 shlinho (chris.ho)
標題 [情報] 迷你收藏家挑戰:虛吾伊德
時間 Sun Nov 27 16:59:35 2022

Collection Challenge: Nihilego - ON THE GO NEWS - Leek Duck | Pokémon GO News and Resources
Keep your eyes peeled—Ultra Beasts are arriving at Ovation Hollywood in Los Angeles! Stay up-to-date on the action and support your fellow Trainers on ...


Current Code: 9Y77F2DDLT2C4
This last code was shared on Twitter. It will expire on November 30, 2022, at
11:59 p.m. local time. If you already redeemed a code, you will not receive
anything. Codes were originally shared on Pokémon GO’s Twitch channel
during a broadcast titled “ON THE GO NEWS”.

輸入兌換碼 9Y77F2DDLT2C4,會多出一個迷你收藏家挑戰:虛吾伊德

限時挑戰於 11 月 30 日 23:59 分結束。

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1ZWoRwj3 (PokemonGO)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PokemonGO/M.1669539578.A.B43.html
whitywhitytw: 乾蝦1F 11/27 17:07
kunyi: 謝謝2F 11/27 17:08
AppleApe: 推好心人3F 11/27 17:11
※ 編輯: shlinho ( 臺灣), 11/27/2022 17:15:42
choosin: 推4F 11/27 17:33
steven0100: 弱弱的問…請問兌換碼在哪裡輸入啊5F 11/27 17:44
ALEGG: 商店頁面滑到底
獎勵糖果給7/9/3 有什麼含義嗎?6F 11/27 17:48
xxdkcckxxd: 商店滑到底沒看到耶@@8F 11/27 17:54
atumyoung: 圖鑑編號7939F 11/27 17:54
qqaazz: 推感謝您10F 11/27 17:58
ThunderLord: https://rewards.nianticlabs.com
此網站可以輸入兌換碼11F 11/27 18:00
sorrylove510: 感謝您 好心人13F 11/27 18:04
hy0106: 沒啥興趣14F 11/27 18:18
hotpeach: 感謝15F 11/27 18:26
sherrylin9: 謝謝分享16F 11/27 19:16
lucybelle: 謝謝您17F 11/27 19:21
steven0100: 感謝18F 11/27 20:12
mustafa: 感謝,這兩天來搞19F 11/27 20:14
mmmpkxabc36: 笑死 真的有夠客家 怎麼不乾脆給793顆糖20F 11/27 20:20
enc06: 感謝分享21F 11/27 21:12
SchoolDeath: 有領有推 感謝22F 11/27 22:20
aber: 感謝分享23F 11/27 22:55
ysyang21: 感謝分享,好人一生平安24F 11/27 23:05
monday10079: 有現成的 那幹嘛看直播等代碼25F 11/28 00:23
fddk: 什麼隔15分鐘又停止又突然直接到晚上、騙騙直播時的流量吧XD26F 11/28 03:00

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