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作者 o07608 (無良記者)
標題 [翻譯] Fallout Vault系列:15,17,19,21號避難所
時間 Thu Nov 16 18:43:53 2017







正史:Fallout 1/2/3/New Vegas/4,以及所有衍生漫畫

半正史:Fallout Tactics、Fallout Warfare、Official Fallout Game Guides



《Vault 15 15號避難所》(Fallout/Fallout 2)
Vault 15 | Fallout Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia
"Underground Troubles" (Fallout) "City of the Dead" Vault 15 is a location in New California in... ...


Vault 15 is a location in New California in 2241.


Background 背景

Like many of the vaults, it was part of Vault-Tec's grand social experiment.
The Fallout Bible (by Fallout 2/Van Buren) says the experiment in this vault
entailed that it was to stay closed for fifty years, populated by vault
dwellers of extremely diverse ideologies and cultures. The situation caused
by the experiment led to a great schism, during which four groups ultimately
left the vault to brave the wastes during the spring of 2141. Three of these
groups became roving gangs of raiders: the Jackals, the Vipers, and the Khans
in the winter of the same year. The fourth group settled down a few miles
west of the vault and founded the village of Shady Sands in the spring of

15號避難所跟其他很多避難所一樣都是社會實驗的一部分。Fallout Bible/Fallout
2/Van Buren說這間避難所被設定封鎖50年,而且居民的思想和文化差異都極大。最後避

While the three gangs harassed the village and each other over the years,
Vault 15 itself gradually fell into disrepair. By the time the Vault Dweller
came across it in his search for a replacement water chip for Vault 13, it
was already ransacked and had also undergone complete power failure, several
cave-ins, water damage, and other catastrophes. The intervening years has not
done anything to improve the vault, but they have brought new occupants. When
the Vault Dweller massacred the Khans in 2161, a sole survivor named Darion
was overcome with guilt because he alone had survived when the rest of the
gang died. Darion then spent the next 8 decades of his life rebuilding his
petty tribe to the once great gang that scoured the wastes, also out of
revenge against Tandi and the Vault Dweller. The result was the New Khans. A
small settlement of squatters has made its home at the entrance to Vault 15.
The squatters forge a precarious existence there by the sufferance of the


Shortly after, the squatters allowed Darion and the rest of the New Khans to
move into the vault itself on the condition that they repair the vault's
systems in order to help provide the squatters with food, water, and other
amenities. At first, this setup was advantageous enough that the squatters
rejected all efforts by the NCR to annex them or even gain simple access to
the vault.


Then, the Chosen One came along. President Tandi hired them to infiltrate
Vault 15 - or at least get the squatters to allow NCR access - to retrieve
computer parts and other equipment vital to the NCR's continued expansion.
While accomplishing this quest, he discovered the truth behind Darion's
operation; he and his men were actually a band of raiders calling themselves
the New Khans, using the vault as a base of operations towards Darion's goal
of revenge against Tandi and everything the Vault Dweller stood for. Also,
the food and water that he had been providing the squatters with didn't come
from the vault's systems after all, but the spoils from raids the New Khans
had been running along the wastes between NCR and Vault City.


After Darion was killed by the descendant of the man he had sworn vengeance
against nearly eighty years earlier, that very same man brokered a deal with
the squatters, who accepted the NCR's assistance. With the support the Chosen
One secured from the New California Republic, the Vault 15 squatters soon
became self-sufficient and productive members of society. The Chosen One's
help with Vault 15 launched the New California Republic's push to civilize
its neighbors. Though there were many more obstacles to overcome, the NCR now
had a foothold into the northern wastes.


Pre-War advertising 戰前廣告

Due east from Vault 13, construction on this Vault has gone extremely
smoothly. Much work was done to reinforce the walls of the third level of
this Vault, to make all the future Vault Dwellers more secure in the
knowledge that in the event of even a major earthquake, the regulatory
computers of the Vault would continue to function. Recent tours of the newly
constructed Vault, have had many a potential Vault Dweller walking away with
a new found awe of the improvements done to this already impressive Vault.


Source: Vault locations v34.129 holodisk


《Vault 17 17號避難所》(Fallout: New Vegas) (mentioned-only)
Vault 17 | Fallout Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia
Vault 17 is one of the Vault-Tec vaults. The vault's original purpose in the vault experiment is... ...


Vault 17 is one of the Vault-Tec vaults. The vault's original purpose in the
vault experiment is unknown. The vault is located somewhere in New
California, however, the exact location is also unknown.


Background 背景

The vault was raided in 2154 by the Master's Army, and its inhabitants were
taken prisoner and subsequently turned into super mutants.


Lillian Marie Bowen, Becky and Jimmy are the only known inhabitants of Vault
17. They lived in the Vault until Lily was 75 years old, at which time she
was captured by the Master's Army and turned into a nightkin.

Lillian “Lily” Marie Bowen、Becky和Jimmy是目前已知的17號避難所居民,他們住在
避難所直到Lily 75歲,然後她被主宰的軍隊抓去轉變成夜行者。


《Vault 19 19號避難所》(Fallout: New Vegas)


Vault 19 is one of the Vault-Tec vaults in the Mojave Wasteland. By 2281 the
vault has been abandoned by its original inhabitants, and is currently
occupied by Powder Gangers founder Samuel Cooke and his escaped convict

Cooke和他領導的逃脫罪犯組成的Powder Ganger佔領。

Background 背景

The inhabitants of Vault 19 were segregated into two different colored
sectors, red and blue, with limited contact between them. Vault 19 was unique
in that it had two overseers, one for the Red Sector, one for the Blue


The main purpose of the vault's experiment was to induce paranoia through
non-chemical and non-violent means. Subliminal messaging may have been a
factor, as a child states on his terminal that he was hearing high-pitched
noises, and so were his friends. Many journal entries indicate levels of
paranoia, blaming the other faction for vault malfunctions, and the doctor
for drugging them. There were also notes hearing noises, feeling unusual
drafts of air from vents, and seeing the lights blinking patterns like some
sort of code. Both factions blamed this on the other, unaware that the true
culprits were the overseers, at the direction of Vault-Tec. Some inhabitants
suspected that the doctor may also have been involved. Patient notes in the
clinic indicated that many patients experiencing psychosis or aggression, but
the notes give no indication that the doctor is aware of the cause.


The vault inhabitants' fate is unknown. In all likelihood, the paranoia
caused them to turn on each other, the water filtration malfunction poisoned
them, and/or fire geckos breaking through from the sulfur caves may have
destroyed them all. In any case, when the convicts who escaped from the NCR
Correctional Facility led by Samuel Cooke discovered the vault, it was
completely abandoned.

犯人被Samuel Cooke領導前來找到19號避難所時,此處已經被廢棄了。


《Vault 21 21號避難所》(Fallout: New Vegas)
Vault 21 | Fallout Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia
"Serenity/ Dream Town" Vault 21 is a Vault-Tec vault that was once hidden under Las Vegas... ...


Vault 21 is a Vault-Tec vault that was once hidden under Las Vegas, Nevada.
It has since been converted into a hotel/casino and acts as one of many
sources of income for Mr. House and his young New Vegas empire.

(New Vwgas)帝國中,作為旅館和賭場替他賺錢。

Background 背景

Located in downtown Las Vegas, Nevada, Vault 21 was a unique Vault
experiment: everyone in the vault was equal, it was created with a perfectly
symmetrical layout, and the dwellers settled their differences via games of
chance. Reliance on luck to solve problems created what might be considered
the perfect realization of anarchy: a society in which everyone is equal and
no one has an advantage over the others. Vault-Tec ensured that every person
admitted to the vault when it first sealed was a compulsive gambler and were
unable to decline when Vault-Tec personnel running the vault informed them
that this was how the vault was to be run. The original dwellers then passed
on their lifestyle to their children and so on.



However, as with all utopias, the peace was not lasting. Sometime between
2271 and 2281, Robert House planned an occupation of Vault 21. Resisting
attempts to be assimilated into his empire, the inhabitants agreed on
gambling to settle the issue. The game they played to settle the deal was
blackjack and almost the entire vault was in attendance. In a risky bet, the
supporters of House won against the opposition, and Vault 21's interior was
stripped of its useful electronics and equipment and partially filled in with
concrete, forcing the dwellers to resettle in the wasteland and on the Strip.
At Sarah Weintraub's and Michael Angelo's (a.k.a. Sheldon Weintraub)
insistence, House left the topmost level intact and allowed the Weintraubs to
establish a hotel there, which became another source of income for his
fledgling empire.

Robert House打算佔據21號避難所。居民為了抵抗不被他的帝國吸收,同意用賭博的方式

House拆走,部分還被混凝土填滿,使的居民被迫到廢土上定居。在Sarah Weintraub和
Michael Angelo(也就是Sheldon Weintraub)的堅持之下,House保留了最上層的部份,並

Vault 21 is one of the extremely rare experimental vaults which successfully
protected its inhabitants while fulfilling the parameters of its experiment.
The experiments in most other Vault-Tec vaults ended up killing or
permanently altering their inhabitants or forced the dwellers to abandon.
Although Vault 3 was a control vault, intended to recolonize the surface
after an extended period of time, when its door was opened the Fiends
slaughtered its residents and took over.







gcobc12632:一樓帥哥11/04 22:52
maple0935:二樓帥哥11/04 22:52
..11/04 22:52
幹 可以不要當簽名檔嗎...11/04 22:53

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o07608: 對了,二代主角英文"The Chosen One"我翻譯為「天選者」1F 11/16 18:45
Xinlong: 不考慮翻個中式的名字像"邱森萬"嗎?(誤2F 11/16 18:54
o07608: 是有想過,但覺得還是正式一點好XD3F 11/16 18:57
SeijyaKijin: 推推推4F 11/16 18:58
u155247: 感謝翻譯,很多遊戲中的場景過太久都忘了5F 11/16 19:05
mickey286288: 推6F 11/16 19:07
clubee: 推7F 11/16 19:08
chewie: 推8F 11/16 19:46
efreet: 其實羊毛記三部曲不是123,是012,最後一本是前傳9F 11/16 19:48
o07608: 我只記得有瞄過第二部結尾,男主角好像掛了10F 11/16 19:49
efreet: 等下可能會有人說被雷到XD11F 11/16 19:51
o07608: (轉頭)12F 11/16 19:51
efreet: 台灣的代理版有改過發行順序,羊毛記看完建議先看星移記了解前因,最後再去看塵土記13F 11/16 19:55
info2000: 有看有推15F 11/16 19:58
nobc22: 推一個16F 11/16 20:04
twodahsk: 二代的V15那些難民之所以會是麻煩,是因為Tandi的政策並不是像NV裡面那個志得意滿的NCR一樣具有強烈擴張性的,所以她沒辦法用強硬手腕出兵直接進入V15,但是NCR又需要裡面的電子零件之類
另外V21的那對是姐弟而不是夫妻吧XD17F 11/16 20:13
o07608: 喔原來是姊弟,我只因為救人任務去過幾次V21所以不熟
還想說居然看到冠婦姓的丈夫23F 11/16 20:22
※ 編輯: o07608 (, 11/16/2017 20:23:20
twodahsk: 因為Sarah送給她夠多jumpsuit後可以和她睡,所以我對這親屬關係記比較熟XD25F 11/16 20:31
o07608: !!!!!我待會要開console了!!!!!27F 11/16 20:34
playerlin: 開console會拿不到成就要注意喔:P
下台喔,記得NV如果NCR沒贏(只要不是走NCR線),就有人28F 11/16 20:36
o07608: 靠北......30F 11/16 20:36
playerlin: 也要下台了lol
去跟O社靠北吧,誰叫它們要搞開console就擋成就的設定31F 11/16 20:36
o07608: 30件衣服很難找欸= = 我不想回那些避難所了啦
空軍基地那裏夠多件嗎33F 11/16 20:37
playerlin: V21被House擋住的避難所區域就是藏他的秘密軍隊吧~35F 11/16 20:38
twodahsk: 你口才夠高可以說服她用便宜的衣服,好像是boomber的36F 11/16 20:38
o07608: 這我有說服了37F 11/16 20:39
twodahsk: 我不記得夠不夠耶,太久了,不好意思XD38F 11/16 20:39
o07608: 其實我覺得NV的NCR和凱撒兩陣營設計挺失敗的
之後再發一篇文來討論好了39F 11/16 20:39
twodahsk: 開console基本上我都是tcr穿牆一下(碰到bug),然後關
不像FO4的生存(笑)模式,碰到bug不能開console解一下,但是你官方又不修...搞屁阿41F 11/16 20:40
playerlin: FO4的生存可以靠mod解,NV的好像無任何解,只能重開。45F 11/16 20:41
o07608: 是只要開過一次console,所有成就都不能解?
還是關掉重開就好?46F 11/16 20:41
twodahsk: 關掉重開就好~48F 11/16 20:42
playerlin: NV的話只要當次遊戲啟動後有執行console的指令,就鎖住成就,直到下次重新進入遊戲。49F 11/16 20:42
o07608: 那我可以先弄30件衣服,再關掉重開吧51F 11/16 20:42
twodahsk: 可以,解任務那瞬間才立flag52F 11/16 20:43
playerlin: 我記得只要通過Barter 65,靠Bomber的jumpsuit就一定夠只是說,有些jumpsuit有owned flag,要用偷的。53F 11/16 20:43
twodahsk: NV偷一點點東西也算必要之惡,有些技能書...XD55F 11/16 20:44
playerlin: 用console大絕是比較省事沒錯...
偷東西除非被看到,不然也沒甚麼後果...難怪後來善惡值砍掉了。 *茶*56F 11/16 20:44
twodahsk: karma和rep就不一樣阿XD 一個是心理層面,一個是聲望59F 11/16 20:47
playerlin: 主要是沒甚麼效果,聲望之後也轉換成另一種-1~+4的東西60F 11/16 20:48
o07608: karma最有效的時候是50等61F 11/16 20:48
playerlin: (關係值)
是說最後一段那邊,你V21不是這篇翻了,接下來還有V21?62F 11/16 20:48
※ 編輯: o07608 (, 11/16/2017 20:51:14
o07608: 是V2265F 11/16 20:51
playerlin: V29...*瞄了一下leaked文件*...確實是大坑w66F 11/16 21:05
o07608: 我是不打算翻那份文件啦,翻下去我會升天67F 11/16 21:06
playerlin: XDXDXD68F 11/16 21:06
o07608: 而且又完全是Van Buren的東西69F 11/16 21:06
playerlin: 不過leaked跟demo之間設定也有些衝突就是...
只能當參考用,畢竟沒完成。70F 11/16 21:06
damnedfish: 可汗幫,印象巴哈精華區有人翻了
https://goo.gl/JL4KGD   這篇72F 11/16 21:30
NCR的同根兄弟-不死小強『Khan』的歷史 @異塵餘生 系列 精華區 - 巴哈姆特
姆,之前說好要打的,但是因為最近一堆事情 (我絕對不會承認是因為D3和查理EP5的緣故) 所以...嗯...你們知道的... 好了廢話不多說 以下有部份節自WIKI,另有一部份是我自己的補完 此為WIKI原址: Khan是個跟玩家因緣不淺的組織... 就算是初玩NV的玩家,在解Oh My Papa  ...

o07608: 我個人做翻譯時,不喜歡把翻譯內容和自己的想法混在一起有一個原因是我不太會寫故事030
所以以後我還是會再翻一次吧(等這邊坑填完後)74F 11/16 21:41
playerlin: Khan在NV感覺就是一群很容易被利用的人(我沒玩FO1/2)但也不是什麼多壞的人,只可惜被Legion給利用。
不過Khan的任務線倒是讓我更加深對Legion的不爽就是lol78F 11/16 21:44
o07608: Khan所有的衰小事起源於他們在FO1手賤綁了一個蘿莉......追根究柢起來是他們活該XD81F 11/16 21:47
playerlin: 同意XD83F 11/16 21:48
twodahsk: 出來混的就是要還阿,要是屠殺事件發生在Tandi還在位的時候,大概NCR那群狙擊手根本不會有人得PTSD,趕綁我家女皇,當然要殺你全家84F 11/16 21:49
o07608: 不過Khan真的強,Jackal基本上滅了,Viper只剩零星強盜
居然還能獨當一面87F 11/16 21:54
twodahsk: Jackal還是有啦,NV就這兩家算是主要的雜魚人類敵人90F 11/16 21:56
o07608: 我怎麼只記得有Viper?91F 11/16 21:56
twodahsk: Khan算是滿有生產性的強盜團,他們會作藥也會養家畜XD其他兩家都只會搶東西,一群笨蛋
Jackal就...你記不記得NV有個拾荒者地下洞窟,就是被他們滅的,荒野中也有個Jackal小屋92F 11/16 21:57
o07608: 嗯......沒印象O_O96F 11/16 21:59
twodahsk: 照遊戲指引路線的話,去outpost之前那個加油站是碰Viper,去過Nipton之後走在大路上中間就有一團Jackal(廢屋旁)然後那個廢屋裡面有一點彈葯箱,印象中是手榴彈97F 11/16 21:59
o07608: 等從Big MT出去後再去看看100F 11/16 22:01


playerlin: https://fallout.gamepedia.com/Jackals 這裡有列出NV103F 11/16 22:04

playerlin: 中他們的出沒地(某些地點太長了不好貼連結)104F 11/16 22:05
roy31317: 太神啦105F 11/16 22:12
etetat2: 每天準時來推個106F 11/16 23:02
Loser01: 推翻譯107F 11/16 23:21
Neil000: push108F 11/16 23:36
NovaRain: 二代主角稱號官方中文版是翻"獲選者"109F 11/17 00:11
s1016407: 推!110F 11/17 00:47
sillymon: 原來Khan這麼有來頭111F 11/17 01:28
reader2714: 我只記得Sarah可以%%%112F 11/17 01:32
lecheck: 讚113F 11/17 08:34

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