作者 iecq (淡藍色的水)
標題 [限免] DiRT Rally 2.0 的4款DLC
時間 Wed May 17 20:04:35 2023

【  遊  戲  名  稱  】:(1)DiRT Rally 2.0 - Finland (Rally Location)
                        (2)DiRT Rally 2.0 - Germany (Rally Location)
                        (3)DiRT Rally 2.0 - Sweden (Rally Location)
                        (4)DiRT Rally 2.0 - Wales (Rally Location)

Save 100% on DiRT Rally 2.0 - Finland (Rally Location) on Steam
This is one of the fastest and most renowned rally locations in the world, featuring colossal jumps and blisteringly high average speeds. The thick gr ...

Save 100% on DiRT Rally 2.0 - Germany (Rally Location) on Steam
Germany presents a tarmac challenge like no other. Race through the flowing, technical tarmac stages of Baumholder, a returning region from the origin ...

Save 100% on DiRT Rally 2.0 - Sweden (Rally Location) on Steam
Take on the twisting snow banks of Värmland in Sweden Rally. A returning favourite from the original DiRT Rally, prepare to race down winding icy road ...

Save 100% on DiRT Rally 2.0 - Wales (Rally Location) on Steam
Situated in the hilly regions of Wales, this rally pushes drivers to the limit as they navigate the often wet and slippery forest sections and high sp ...

【  介紹/商店連結  】:同上面(1)~(4)網址

【  領  取  條  件  】:Steam 上擁有遊戲主程式 DiRT Rally 2.0

【  附          註  】:5 月 30 日 上午 1:00 前免費取得即可永久保留


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: iecq 2023-05-17 20:04:35
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1aPCBP2K (Steam)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1684325081.A.094.html
myson: no$$1F 05/17 20:11
black80731: 不能領欸2F 05/17 20:40
iecq: ???????   小弟才剛領完而已~3F 05/17 20:54
LUDD: 配合主程式-75% 只要95元 有下有推4F 05/17 21:02
if4: 是啦 這個還要花錢才能領的 我就...不過還是謝謝樓主的分享XD5F 05/17 21:20
Legault: 有領有推6F 05/17 21:48
Thrasher: 這個也不是全部的DLC,還不如直接買年度版包含全部DLC還有送很多錢才161元7F 05/17 22:01
if4: 謝謝樓上建議,請問有連結嗎?謝謝 XD (或是關鍵字也行)9F 05/17 22:07
bolue: 遊戲的商店頁面 往下拉就會看到
DiRT Rally 2.0 的遊戲商店頁面10F 05/17 22:20
huangshinwen: 請問這款是玩爽的,還是擬真的?12F 05/18 00:19
Thrasher: 算擬真的不好上手有方向盤會比較好操控,需要會一些拉力技巧才能駕輕就熟。畫面也很美。13F 05/18 00:38
gwawa0617: 刺激的
擦到小石頭就讓你死的那種15F 05/18 01:11

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