作者 BNYMellon (BNYMellon)
標題 [新聞] 滙豐計畫注入20億英鎊的流動資金到SVB UK
時間 Tue Mar 14 04:39:06 2023



發布時間:2023年3月14日 GMT+8 上午12:59

記者署名:ByMark Bergen and Harry Wilson


HSBC Holdings Plc, the new owner of Silicon Valley Bank’s UK unit, is planning
to inject £2 billion ($2.4 billion) of liquidity into the division.

Chief Executive Officer Noel Quinn and Ian Stuart, the head of HSBC UK, told Lon
don tech investors on a call Monday that the bank would commit billions of pound
s to ensure that business-as-usual continued at SVB UK.

A spokesperson for the bank confirmed the amount.

HSBC’s UK-based ring-fenced subsidiary bought the unit for £1 on Monday, accor
ding to a statement. It said the deal will be funded from existing resources.

Quinn described the acquisition as making “strategic sense” and would improve
the bank’s standing in the technology and life-sciences sectors.

Read More: HSBC Granted Ring-Fencing Waiver to Help Smooth SVB Deal

SBV was a critical lender and service provider to a range of tech companies in b
oth the US and UK.

Quinn and Stuart indicated on the call that there wouldn’t be major changes to
how SVB UK is run, according to Suzanne Ashman, general partner at LocalGlobe, a
 London-based venture investment firm. “We were hugely reassured,” she said.
“They don’t want to lose the DNA of what they bought.”

The bank didn’t clarify whether it would run its new acquisition as a standalon
e division or keep the SVB brand. The unit had loans of around £5.5 billion ($6
.7 billion) and deposits of around £6.7 billion as of March 10, according to HS
BC’s statement.


滙豐預計注入20億英鎊流動資產到以SVB UK,這家以象徵性1英鎊收購的銀行


而目前滙豐也尚未決定是否繼續保留SVB UK的實體來成為其子公司。



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: BNYMellon 2023-03-14 04:39:06
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1a3udipf (Stock)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1678739948.A.CE9.html
※ 編輯: BNYMellon ( 臺灣), 03/14/2023 04:39:44
x221x221: 20英鎊我也有1F 03/14 04:39
BNYMellon: 打錯了啦,已修正2F 03/14 04:40
aresa: 美債流動性應該還是可靠的,就只怕MBS了3F 03/14 04:42
cityport: MBS如果是兩房發的..那可是列入美國國債計算歐
20億英鎊@@? 洞有那麼大?? 英國資行規模有那麼大??4F 03/14 04:45
alouis: 匯豐爸爸50收6F 03/14 04:57
cityport: 原來是用政策收買匯豐吃下SVB UK..英國政府不出手救這個豁免是永久的..那匯豐賺翻了
其他銀行本來也能拿到豁免..但匯豐不要求政府出錢果然還是撐死膽大的7F 03/14 04:58
peter98: 好爽喔  ptt要不要也集資開個銀行  好多優惠政策XD在美國  只要有300萬鎂就可以開小銀行了
大概 = 10瑪儂一年薪水  集資一下感覺不成問題11F 03/14 05:11
※ 編輯: BNYMellon ( 臺灣), 03/14/2023 05:20:20
yoshilin: 港股的hsbc會跌到40嗎14F 03/14 05:28
cityport: 匯豐有可能去吃其他地區的SVB..尤其是亞洲區的15F 03/14 05:40
abyssa1: 好像說SVB英國分行有很多ARM的錢?
應該是我看錯了…@@16F 03/14 05:52
neak: SVB 最大問題在於客戶都是新創公司,大部份貸款都是其他銀行拒絕的18F 03/14 06:27
qa1122z: 樓下你說說你有20億英鎊嗎?20F 03/14 06:31
HenryLin123: PTT碼農農會21F 03/14 06:36
ntnusleep: SVB UK是SVB的子公司,匯豐買下後變成匯豐的子公司這樣算「豁免」圍欄政策的限制嗎?
文中講的是不是說,不確定會不會繼續用SVB UK品牌作生意,還是改掛其他的招牌?22F 03/14 06:50
inoce: 空蛙:這只剛開始(溺水26F 03/14 07:05
a9564208: 碼農可以集資開農會27F 03/14 07:12
MIT5566: 這次爆掉是拿錢去買長債吧 跟借誰錢有啥關係 提走的就是天使投資人的錢啊28F 03/14 07:20
cityport: 豁免什麼..請看英語新聞網站..寫得很詳細30F 03/14 08:22
ntnusleep: 樓上能給個連結嗎?31F 03/14 08:25
doranako: 買下就空降管理層,裡面政策都會重新洗牌,加密業務不知道會不會收攤32F 03/14 08:28
ntnusleep: SVB UK現在是匯豐的子公司,不就有適當的隔離?
這樣不就有符合圍欄政策? 到底是豁免了什麼?34F 03/14 08:33
pwseki206: 20億英鎊買PE/VC business作為business arm擴張計畫的一環好像也不是壞事?只是對股東來說就另一種故事了...36F 03/14 08:39
fantasyscure: 趁英鎊還低趕快入手囉39F 03/14 09:53
YJM1106: love注入40F 03/14 10:41

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