
RTX shares tumble on Pratt & Whitney airliner engine problem | Reuters
Pratt & Whitney on Tuesday hit fresh turbulence over a problem-plagued engine model, prompting a 10% drop in shares of parent RTX as it said more than ...


發布時間:July 25, 202311:24 PM GMT+8

記者署名:Mike Stone, Valerie Insinna and Pratyush Thakur


RTX Corp (RTX.N), formerly Raytheon, said that a "significant portion" of its
Pratt & Whitney GTF engines that power Airbus A320neo jets will need "accelera
ted removals and inspections," sending shares down 14%.

"Pratt & Whitney has determined that a rare condition in powder metal used to
manufacture certain engine parts will require accelerated fleet inspection," f
orcing an inspection of 1,200 out of more than 3,000 engines over the next nin
e to 12 months, RTX said on Tuesday. There was no impact on engines that are i
n production, the company said.

A source familiar with the issue said the problem is not an immediate safety i
ssue. RTX began notifying customers about the problem last week, the person sa
id. In June, defense contractor Raytheon Technologies Corporation officially c
hanged its name to RTX Corporation.

The engine issue caused RTX to reduce its 2023 cash flow forecast by $500 mill
ion to $4.3 billion as inspections occur, while the company increased its 2023
 sales expectation from $73 billion to $74 billion, compared with its prior fo
recast of $72 billion to $73 billion.

Major customers that bought Airbus (AIR.PA) A320neo jets with PW1100G-JM engin
es during the timeframe - also known as the geared turbofan or GTF engine - in
clude Spirit Airlines Inc <SAVE.N>, JetBlue Airways (JBLU.O), and Wizz Air (WI
ZZ.L), according to Cirium data.

Airbus stock was down about 0.5% during trading in Paris. Spirit shares were d
own 2.8% in morning trading, and JetBlue shares were down 5.3%. Wizz Air share
s were down about 3.2% in London.

Airbus said there was no impact expected to A320neo deliveries and it would co
ntinue to work with airlines to minimize the disruption to their fleets.

Spirit, Wizz Air and JetBlue did not immediately respond to a request for comm
ent. JetBlue and Spirit are due to report their earnings next week.

"The powder issue highlights the extreme engineering developed into next-gener
ation engines which has come with unexpected maintenance," Benchmark analysts
said in a note on Tuesday.

About 200 "accelerated removals" from the jet fleet containing PW1100G-JM engi
nes will be needed by mid-September this year, RTX said. An additional 1,000 e
ngines will be inspected over the following nine to 12 months.

Microscopic contaminants in the proprietary metal used in the engine's high-pr
essure turbine discs were present from 2015 through 2021, RTX management told
Wall Street analysts on a post-earnings conference call.

Replacing the disks involves removing the engine and disassembling it, inspect
ing and potentially replacing the disk, and then reassembling the engine, Rayt
heon Chief Operating Officer Chris Calio said.

"The business is working to minimize operational impacts and support its custo
mers," RTX added. Following a service bulletin, RTX said it expects the FAA to
 publish an airworthiness directive. It can take months for the FAA to issue a
n airworthiness directive in non-emergency circumstances.

The FAA said it was aware of the issue and "will ensure appropriate steps are

RTX executives said it was too early to say how the issue would impact cash fl
ow in 2024. CEO Greg Hayes said its 2025 financial goals, which include reachi
ng $9 billion in free cash flow, should not be impacted by the problem, but th
ere could be "potential margin impact."

Pratt & Whitney has also been facing issues related to the GTF engines in hot
and dusty climates. Low-cost Indian carrier Go First, which plunged into finan
cial crisis this year, blamed "faulty" Pratt & Whitney engines for the groundi
ng of about half its 54 Airbus A320neos.

RTX Corp (RTX.N)(原雷神公司)表示,為空客 A320neo 噴氣式飛機提供動力的普惠 GT
F 發動機的“很大一部分”需要“加速拆除和檢查”,導致股價下跌 14%。

RTX 週二表示,“普拉特毀f特尼公司已確定,用於製造某些發動機零件的粉末金屬出現
罕見狀況,需要加速車隊檢查”,迫使在未來 9 至 12 個月內對 3,000 多台發動機中的
 1,200 台進行檢查。該公司表示,這對正在生產的發動機沒有影響。

X 上週開始向客戶通報該問題。6 月,國防承包商雷神技術公司正式更名為 RTX 公司。

由於發動機問題,RTX 在進行檢查時將 2023 年現金流預測下調了 5 億美元至 43 億美
元,同時該公司將 2023 年銷售預期從 730 億美元上調至 740 億美元,而此前的預測為
 720 億美元至 730 億美元。

根據 Cirium 的數據,在此期間購買配備 PW1100G-JM 發動機(也稱為齒輪傳動渦輪風扇
或 GTF 發動機)的空客 (AIR.PA) A320neo 噴氣式飛機的主要客戶包括精神航空 (SAVE.
N)、捷藍航空 (JBLU.O) 和威茲航空 (WIZZ.L)。

空中客車公司股票在巴黎交易期間下跌約 0.5%。精神航空股票在早盤交易中下跌 2.8%,
捷藍航空股票下跌 5.3%。維茲航空股票在倫敦交易期間下跌約 3.2%。

空客表示,預計 A320neo 的交付不會受到影響,並將繼續與航空公司合作,盡量減少對


Benchmark 分析師在周二的一份報告中表示:“粉末問題凸顯了下一代發動機所採用的極


RTX 管理層在財報後電話會議上告訴華爾街分析師,從 2015 年到 2021 年,發動機高壓


RTX 補充道:“該公司正在努力最大程度地減少運營影響並為其客戶提供支持。”在發布
服務公告後,RTX 表示預計 FAA 將發布適航指令。在非緊急情況下,FAA 可能需要數月


RTX 高管表示,現在判斷該問題將如何影響 2024 年的現金流還為時過早。首席執行官 G
reg Hayes 表示,其 2025 年財務目標(包括達到 90 億美元的自由現金流)不應受到該

普惠公司在炎熱和多塵的氣候下也面臨著與 GTF 發動機相關的問題。印度低成本航空公
司 Go First 今年陷入金融危機,該公司將其 54 架空客 A320neo 中大約一半的飛機停


※ 編輯: NDlillard ( 臺灣), 07/26/2023 00:17:34
tist: 只有我看到賣鞋?1F 07/26 00:17
suck9527: 好喔2F 07/26 00:17
wohoushy: 愛迪達今天漲滿多的,感謝推薦3F 07/26 00:17
cuteSquirrel: 靠 該不會被盜帳號 好恐怖 = =4F 07/26 00:17
may0723: ??5F 07/26 00:17
Heyer: 我以為我走錯版6F 07/26 00:17
cuteSquirrel: 剛剛還是正常的發動機新聞7F 07/26 00:17
lanevo9: 訊號來了8F 07/26 00:17
asdasd121284: 擦鞋童理論是真的9F 07/26 00:17
kmshy: 這篇三小10F 07/26 00:18
goshnash: 換現金買股票嗎?11F 07/26 00:18
jack168168tw: 先看到惠普 變成賣鞋  又變回惠普12F 07/26 00:18
s1001326: 賣寫?13F 07/26 00:18
※ 編輯: NDlillard ( 臺灣), 07/26/2023 00:19:00
※ 編輯: NDlillard ( 臺灣), 07/26/2023 00:20:20
※ 編輯: NDlillard ( 臺灣), 07/26/2023 00:21:47
suck9527: 機票又要更貴了14F 07/26 00:21
jayppt: 做巧克力也能跌15F 07/26 00:23
sinon17: 雷神的軍用雷達跟導彈很猛阿 台灣應該買不少16F 07/26 00:28
Callus: 雷神是日本巧克力嗎??  還是傭兵公司的雷神??17F 07/26 00:38
abc12812: 專心做筆電就好了 做什麼發動機呢?18F 07/26 00:44
FlynnZhang: RTX便宜就是撿19F 07/26 00:49
KadourZiani: 拜託飛機再漲一大波。還想賺更多20F 07/26 00:49
pony0411: 美股飛機都在跌了21F 07/26 00:51
ggirls: 誰代工惠普筆電?22F 07/26 00:59
k8787713: 軍工跌就是買 穩23F 07/26 05:37
superamd: 請問演到諸神黃昏了嗎24F 07/26 06:14
neksa602: 演到諸神黃昏就好 第四集超難看25F 07/26 07:32
fmp1234: 惠普惠普26F 07/26 08:05
ji3g4zo6: 做巧克力可以做成這樣喔27F 07/26 08:10
vatog: 幹 害我出清PPA28F 07/26 09:53
a112112g: 買個巧克力支持一下29F 07/26 11:33

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